Wednesday 17 January 2018

How To Eran Money : Small Business Ideas in India with Low Investment || Start small to go big: here are 35 profitable businesses you can start in India or Any where of word within Rs 10,000

How To Eran Money : Small Business Ideas in India with Low Investment || Start small to go big: here are 35 profitable businesses you can start in India or Any where of word within Rs 10,000

Start small to go big: here are 35 profitable businesses you can start in India within Rs 10,000

18th Jan 2017  

The hunt for funding has been the bane of an entrepreneur’s existence from times of yore. Many abandon their dream to build, create, and innovate in the face of this difficult struggle without realising that a good business idea will eventually pool in the bounty-full once it has secured a place in the market.
Your idea will bring you your company, your company will bring you the people, and the people will bring you the market. And as we all know, a good idea has no monetary value, just a whole lot of bursting potential. Today, the world’s most successful entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk may hold the possibility of building pyramids out of notes, but none of them started at the top of the ladder. Facebook was created out of a Harvard dorm room at minimal cost and Microsoft was formed two years after Gates decided to drop out of college.


The reason to stress on these remarkable entrepreneurial stories is because they provide an important lesson for all those wishing to embark on a similar journey – that a single great idea is the most important step to creating a game-changing business. And sometimes, if you plan it well, these ideas can build you a company at the lowest initial-costs while getting you the highest possible returns.
Tracing the business history of our country, it has been noted that the market is ripe for the ambitious entrepreneur to dominate it today. Some individuals may have the business acumen to influence the market but have not yet managed to narrow down on a single idea to begin with.
But as Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” On that positive note, here are a few business ideas that we believe can be launched within an initial cost of Rs 10,000:

Travel agency

The travel industry in India has witnessed a boom in the past decade. Keeping to people’s changing habits and their desire for the ultimate ‘wanderlust’, the time is ripe for aspiring entrepreneurs to put their money where the map is. The most cost-effective measure to open up a home-based travel agency is by tying up with a host-agency. By doing so, you will receive the benefits of pace (helping you get your ARC, CLIA, or IATA number faster), convenience (they perform all the ‘back-end functions’), and help you earn higher commissions and keep your costs low. While the rates differ according to the host agencies, your main initial costs that will fall within Rs 10,000.

Mobile recharge shop

Even with online recharge, in India most mobile-users prefer visiting a recharge shop to fill their balance. So those looking to practise this business can start by renting a space in a small local shop. This rent will be the primary (monthly) expenditure. You also need to form ties with the network providers of the area, such as Airtel, Vodafone, Idea etc., and pen down their commission rates, where they will receive a cut of your profits from the sale of the commodities taken from them. Assuming that you aren’t looking to rent out a shop-space in any expensive real-estate property, your overall costs will definitely feature below the Rs. 10,000 scale.

Breakfast joint

You must have noticed how those little breakfast and tea stores across your city are almost always filled with customers. This is because food as a commodity will always do well in a competitive market. To open up your own breakfast joint, you need to invest money in renting a space for it, after having received a permit for it from the respective authorities. If your rent is within Rs 5000 a month, you can dedicate the rest of your budget on buying groceries and other raw materials as well as second-hand tables and chairs.

Tuition centre

This is possibly one of the most cost-effective businesses to launch, due to its near zero starting cost requirement. Most tuition-teachers take classes in their own homes, thus eliminating any expenditure on rent and supplies. The only effort you need to put in as a tuition teacher is to take to advertise yourself on social media or go the old school way with flyers and ‘word-of-mouth’ recommendations.

Fruit juice kiosk

Who doesn’t appreciate fresh fruit-juice on a sweltering day? To tap into this lucrative business, you have to start by requesting for a permit to open a kiosk in a chosen locality, preferably one that is hard to miss. Following this, you will need to pay rent for shop-space. Other than this, the only other investment you need to put your money up for is for the purchase of the raw materials, supplies like machines for making the juice, and the salaries of the employee(s) making the juice.

Garment tailor

In cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi, the demand for good tailors has increased tenfold due to the increasing popularity of self-made designs. Other than a small rented space, you only need to invest in powerful sewing and stitching machines, and of course electricity.

Online bakery

While names like ‘Ovenfresh’ have taken years of hard-work, recruitment, and funding to reach where they are today, it only goes to show that the market is ripe for online food-based services, especially in the realm of baked foods. Single-handedly run online baking companies are popular, too, like Confectioner’s Touch by 23-year-old Charulata Ghosh from Kolkata, which has been turning heads and raising numbers since its inception in 2013.
“I started off with very little. Like Rs 2,000. But as my business proceeded, I was able to invest in other things like Zomato, custom boxes, and cake boards,” says Charulata, who is up to her elbows in cake considering the non-stop online orders coming her way.


This is possibly one of the most lucrative fields to tap into in the digital age. Professional blogging requires only a minimal start-up cost. You only have to invest in a domain name and hosting space –initially at least – which in its ‘unlimited’ capacity costs a maximum of roughly Rs 3600. As for promoting your blogs through the right channels, the cost-free and limitless expanse of the internet is all you need.

YouTube channel

YouTube is a hotspot for creative and talented individuals looking for great returns with little monetary investment. YouTube allows its users to create independent channels and upload their videos for free. In fact, it even pays some YouTubers whose channels are popular.

Event organizing

Event managers barely spend any time in office. They are best at networking and managing, checking out the hundreds of venues, meeting sponsors, scheduling performances, and basically being on the field 24/7. On that basis, their demand revolves around their brand image and popularity, which can be built with a good online marketing strategy. However, the overall startup cost for building this brand is minimal, if at all priced.

Wedding consultants

The term ‘big fat Indian wedding’ exists for a reason. This is because weddings are taken very seriously by almost all cultures making up our diversified society. Today, even multinational corporations like Uber are tapping into this lucrative industry and centring their campaign on it. The most important investment you need to make to launch a wedding consultancy is in maintaining a popular website for it. The best way to reach out to potential clients in this field is online. Thus, ensure that your website has the requisite base of followers and is detailed, accessible, and colorful.

Online courses

While any form of education is priceless in its ideal, it can still be priced for a good value. Developing and running an online course for students interested in learning a subject is a profitable feat. While some online-course providers may offer the course for free on their own personalised websites, most usually tie up with other digital content companies, which provide them with the tools to carry out their lessons. In this too, the maximum cost you will incurred would be the minimum amount you pay for your domain name and hosting space, or to the digital content company in question for them to feature your course on their platform.


Assuming that you intend to take up professional photography, you may already are in possession of a high-definition camera. Without taking the latter’s cost into consideration, as an aspiring photographer looking to take on independent projects, the only investment you need to make is your time in building your profile online.

Street-side book stall

If you’ve ever crossed by the Flora Fountain area of Mumbai or College Street in Kolkata, you’ve probably encountered scores of little second-hand book stalls thronged by avid readers and flustered students. The first thing to do is set up a stall with a permit, which needs the right local contacts, following which your only investment is purchasing a dozen or so books from other sellers to start the business of second-hand book exchanging.

Ghost writing

Ghost writing may not be recommended as a primary profession, but it definitely ranks as high as any of its counterparts, considering the standard amount that a prospective client is willing to pay for a story to be written anonymously. Here too, the best way to make clients reach out to you is through recommendations, be it online or in person, and your only investment, after accepting the project, is your time. This is extremely lucrative, since clients usually offer exorbitant amounts as compensation for writing their story for them.

Customized jewellery

If jewellery made from real silver, gold, and diamond were all we had as options today, we’d possibly be roaming around empty-pocketed for most of our lives. However, custom jewellery has been part of our ancient tradition and is still one of the most profitable markets today. To look into that business, you should be prepared to get into well-placed bargaining deals with the manufacturers of these customized pieces, either offering them a good cut from your sales or buying their products in a bulk, for a cheaper price. Either way, the trick is to sell it at a higher price than it was bought at, in a shop or stall (in a popular place), for which you need to pay for rented space. Despite this, your overall collective cost will possibly be covered in within Rs 7000-8000.

Advertising campaign developer

A profession that is almost exclusively online, the idea of running this kind of a business stems from the fact that most corporate advertising firms have taken to outsourcing their campaign developments, as an attempt to break the standard patterns and reduce the pressure. As a result, stand-alone advisors on a company’s advertising campaigns are in high demand in the market today. Hence, as someone looking to build a business along these lines, you should be prepared to invest your time and money in running an active website (with a domain name, hosting services, and perhaps SEOs), offering your services to potential clients.

Tea stall

Can you imagine a world without tea? What would we do with our evenings? While the tea-industry as a whole has done exceptionally well over the decades, the smaller tea stall owners have definitely been reaping the benefits of their overall success. Besides a basic budget for renting a small room or stall for space, the only other investment you need to make is on buying tea from the manufacturers and purchasing makeshift benches and tables.

Social media strategist

Social media has become the way of the world. Corporates, startups, and personal channels have all realized this and work to increase their presence on it. While most of the bigger companies (especially in the media) now have a social media team to handle this aspect, the smaller ones reach out to stand-alone social media strategists. The only investment that you, as someone looking to build a brand in this line, should be making is improving your online presence by advertising on platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn and spending a basic amount on maintain your website, to ensure that it ranks higher in the search engine pages.

Fashion designing

Meghna Nayak, Founder of LataSita, a fashion brand that up-cycles old saris into beautiful unique and ethnic pieces, states, “I felt inspired and confident enough to start LataSita in India where we already have a long history of upcycling and jugaad woven into the culture-I wanted to update it and infuse it with some style and snazz!” (As stated by Vagabomb). While most of her fixed budget was spent on material for her designs, the concept of recycling saris helped defeat that splurge. Her primary investment went into maintaining a studio space and paying her two tailors.

Online fitness instructors

The world is looking to get fit. While not everyone has the time or inclination to visit the gym or join any fitness classes, the idea of a fitness instructor visiting their houses and helping them get in shape is definitely more appealing to them. So those looking to launch a business in online fitness should spend their money on maintaining a strong online presence through their website and social media pages, considering that they do not have to rent a studio space or equipment.

Graphic designing

There’s a popular conception that graphic designers often earn more by sitting at home than by being employed full-time. Although this may sound like an oversimplification, the truth is that graphic designers are the highest in demand when they work independently and are ready to take on projects from clients outside their prescribed work. Assuming the fact that they already have the necessary equipment to execute their projects (computers, software, etc.), all they need to do is make sure that their work is goes viral, so that potential clients can come across it and reach out to them for a new project.

Dance/Music school

The only investment that those looking to run dance or music schools have to carry out is in rental space. Besides this, the business runs on their skill as an instructor as well as their active presence in respected circuits. As the business grows, they may need to set aside an amount for the salary of an assistant or associate as well, but in the initial stages, the trick is to make sure that enough people are recommending your school to its potential students.


Cities like Mumbai are famous for independent scriptwriters, who work on a project-basis from anywhere and at any time. While these individuals work on deadlines and are affiliated with a production house through a contract, they do not need to spend on any initial costs to set up their brand, since they can work in the confines of their home and are negating rental space expenses. Their only investment is time allotted to each project, so that they can be recommended to others through the same.

Tiffin service

As mentioned earlier, venturing into the food industry is almost always a profitable move. Scores of working professionals today prefer to ‘eat in’ but do not have the time to make and carry home-cooked food to work. This is where you could come in. Since the cooking will probably be cooked in your own kitchen, there is no need to pay for extra space. Thus, the only big investment you’ll need to make at this stage is in a middle-man to deliver these services.

Handyman services

This includes all the unsung heroes- the electrician, the plumber, the home-staff and others without whom we wouldn’t be able to get through a single day. These handymen and women usually choose not to be affiliated with any organisation and instead take on work at homes independently at a nominal charge. Hence, their only primary initial cost will be spent in purchasing the necessary tools that befits their respective professions.

Pet-daycare/pet-friendly services

Wouldn’t you feel so much better knowing that while you were slaving away at work, there was someone taking proper care of your pet – feeding it on time, playing with it, and making sure that it isn’t lonely? Especially when you have to go for a work-trip or a vacation. This an extremely lucrative and to an extent, still largely unexplored field in our country and holds great promises for those wishing to build a brand around it. The main costs for this would be in creating and maintaining a website.

Research-based business

While most corporate companies have their own research teams, a score of newly launched startups and smaller companies tend to outsource their research work to independent researchers in the same field, on a contractual basis. As a result, you could set up a business around independent research yourself or with another person, where, unless you wish to opt for rental space, your only investment will be your time. If you’re working with another person or with someone junior to you however, then you may have to set aside an amount for their salaries as well.

Food truck

Prem Ganapathy, one of India’s richest entrepreneurs, had begun his business by selling idlis and dosas from a hand-cart opposite Vashi station, which he rented for Rs 150 a month. And while the hand-cart has been replaced by a chain of luxury restaurants across the world, it was the reason for his eminent success today. Food trucks offer the same kind of potential to those looking to get into low-cost-high-returns business, considering their growing appeal among the urban masses today. Bengaluru even had an all-women food-truck company, 7 Sin, which has been doing exceedingly well since. As for the initial costs, the only thing that those looking into this have to wager on, is to rent a sturdy food-truck for a nominal fee and to pay the salary of a driver, who is required to drive it through all the popular hot-spots in the respective cities.

Sports coaching

While we all applauded the efforts of Mahavir Singh Phogat in Dangal, not everyone can receive critical acclaim as a coach by training members of their own families. To this end, people with a history in a particular sport, who have both worked in it, around it, and understand it to the bone, should look to coaching amateurs in the same. Their experience and expertise at a sport will help build their brand value and catch the attention of the various sports academies looking to hire independent coaches for particular seasons. They should even look to cater towards aspiring sportsmen who wish to receive professional training from an independent coach instead of enrolling themselves in an academy.

Translation services

In India, the average salary for a Translator is Rs 416,093 per year. In light of globalisation, the influx of overseas business deals have risen fourfold, and in many cases, it is difficult to orchestrate the meetings, considering the lack of a common language (English isn’t applicable in all cases). Thus, translators are high in demand, and those looking to go into the business would be happy to know that the costs for setting it up are based at a bare minimum. The only real thing they need to spend their money on is to attend classes on the particular foreign language to become fluent enough to practise it.

Consultancy services

Home-based consultancy services have become quite popular in the past few years. While many still run a one-man show, many have recruited to delegate the onslaught of clients that come through for queries around the particular field. While it is important that those heading these services have a background in the field they are adhering to, the minimum cost to start this home-based business is till considerably low.

Tour guide

Are you the control freak when it comes to travel planning? Do you love planning out an itinerary, scouting the internet for hours for the cheapest and most effective ticket combinations and have the history of a heritage site mugged up? If yes, then you should look into opening up a tour-guide business, where groups of travellers (school-trips, college-trips, tourist-travels) can ask you to not only make all the arrangements for the trip but also guide them through it, as the leader of the pack. Since the entire business can be carried through the internet, there is no other starting cost that you need to worry about, other than perhaps maintaining a travel-guide website for your potential clients.

Card makers

There’s a reason we haven’t really been noting the Archies cards making the rounds anymore. It is because card-making businesses have begun to spring up all over the country, with manufacturers taking custom-made orders for nominal prices. For this too, the key factor lies in using the internet and the appropriate software and tools, for which you have to pay a standard price to enjoy unlimited usage. However, the main investment will be in maintaining an attractive website and making it a powerful presence on social media, so that enough people begin to talk it up and recommend it.

Cooking classes

Cooking classes are a hit among the urban masses because food is something that appeals to everyone. As a professional cook, you can conduct cooking classes both online and offline. For the former, you can either use a platform like YouTube and Facebook or launch your own website to serve the same purpose. For either way, the cost is a bare minimum. For the latter, you can book a studio on the days you wish to conduct the classes, which again works out to be fairly cost-effective, taking the selected number of hours and days into account.
While each of these businesses do contain its fair share of risks and surmountable barriers, they also hold the potential to become great success stories. On a closing note, here’s a quote from the legendary Henry Ford who said, “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.”

50 Small Business Ideas in India with Low Investment

Starting your own business is everyone’s dream. However, most budding entrepreneurs see their dreams nipped in the bud due to paucity of funds for investment.
Should you possess some special skills, you can definitely start your own small business with low investment. While some such small business ideas can be operated from your home, in other cases, you may need to lease small premises.

Funding small business
Generally, small businesses begin with whatever little capital you may have. Loans on very soft terms are also offered by community organizations and cooperative credit societies. You may consider procuring a loan to fund your small business idea. 

Plan well for success

Remember, failing to plan is planning to fail. Therefore, plan your business well in advance before launch. Study the market for the product or service you plan to offer.
Further, acquaint yourself well with your prospective competitors and their offerings. Talk to people you trust and seek advise if necessary. Additionally, build a database of your prospective customers before launch.

50 New & Best Small business ideas

small business ideas
Once you have completed the above homework, you are almost set to open your small business with low investment. Here are 50 new & creative small business ideas with low investment that we recommend.

1. Mobile phone repair/ accessories/ recharge

India will have nearly 300 million smart phone users by the end of 2017. Further, this figure will grow exponentially as more brands and cheaper variants enter the market.
Consequently, the demand for outlets and persons who offer repairs of mobile phones is expected to increase manifold. You can also sell accessories and credit recharge.

2. Meal service (Tiffin)

One of the best small business idea for women. Nowadays, the demand for home and workplace delivery of meals has increased vastly.
You can launch your small business with low investment right from your kitchen by preparing fresh, wholesome meals and supplying them to offices and homes.

3. Network marketing

Network marketing, also known as Multi Level Marketing is an excellent small business. However, you need to tie-up with well reputed brands that offer great products.
A search on the Internet will reveal some such major brands, whose products are always in demand.
Thanks to rising medical inflation, people nowadays look for unconventional health and nutritional products and supplements as well as skincare and beauty products.

4. Babysitting/ Childcare

This is a small business for women that can launch from home or small premises. Investment required for opening a babysitting and childcare service is very minimal.
All you need to invest in are a few toys, cribs and mattresses.
Add a few packets of disposable diapers, antiseptic lotions and a first aid box as well. Nowadays, babysitting and childcare facilities are in very high demand due to the rise in number of working couples.

5. Small Online Business Ideas

small onlie business ideas
There are various small business ideas that can be done online from home or office. You can start many of such ideas without investment.
We have already covered such business ideas here. You can check which is best suitable for you from the list of 160 business ideas.

6. Small business idea to start an Ethnic food store

Should you be well acquainted with the palates of various communities of India, you can open a small ethnic food store with low investment.
All you need to do is procure products that have a long shelf life, from suppliers located in those particular regions and sell them to your target communities.

7. Mobile garage-(Small business for men)

Everyone has seen cars, scooters and motorbikes breakdown in the middle of busy roads. The unfortunate owner of these vehicles usually faces a dilemma about where to get repairs. For such eventualities, you can offer a mobile garage.
For this business with low investment, you will require a car, mobile phone and all the tools required to repair a stalled vehicle. All you need to do is, rush to the place where the vehicle is parked to perform repairs.

8. Aquariums & fish

This is a small business idea you can enter with low investment and also from your home. For this trade, you need to buy a few aquariums of various sizes and different kinds of fish that are popular as pets.
You can also breed fish by keeping special tanks.
Additionally, selling air pumps, fish food and decorative stuff for aquariums will net you more profits. Aquariums are also popular as gift items. However, you need to be well versed in handling various species of fish.

9. Nursery & garden requirements

Once again, this is a great small business idea with low investment. Due to increased awareness about environment, many people now maintain small plants and shrubs at their apartments and offices.
You can open this business from your home. Additionally, you can sell packets of fertilizers, seeds and other garden requirements.

10. Jams, pickles & sauces

As people become increasingly conscious about their health, the demand for healthier, non-commercial jams, pickles, sauces and ketchups is on the rise.
Moreover, consumers nowadays are wary of consuming foodstuff that contains chemicals of any sort. Given this scenario, you can manufacture jams, pickles, sauces and ketchups with traditional recipes that are chemical free.

11. Stamps & Coins

stamp coin business
Surprisingly, this lucrative business is almost non-existent in India. Stamp and coin collectors look for the latest issues from around the world.
A few simple steps are all you need to enter this low investment high returns small business.
Register yourself with postal departments of various countries by paying them a small advance for buying the latest stamps. For coins, there are special government run bureaus abroad.
They will send you the latest stamps and coins which are sold at a good premium to collectors.

12. Pet care

Understandably, people love their pets. However, while travelling for holiday or business, they are unable to take their pets along. Hence, people look for services that will care for their pets while they are away.
If you are well versed in handling pets, this is a great business you may consider. Again, this is a small business that requires low investment.

13. Fragrant candles- (Creative business idea)

Let you creativity and sense of fragrances run wild. Making candles is fairly easy. Fragrant oils are readily available. With some training and experience, you can make fragrant candles of all shapes, sizes and colors.
Nowadays, such candles are becoming increasingly popular for meditation and relaxation purposes.

14. Cakes & bakes

Armed with a good oven, you can open a low investment business making cakes, muffins, cookies and other bakery items
This small business has huge potential since consumers are always looking for new, better tastes at economical rates. You will however require great skills in preparing these baked delicacies.

15. Ice cubes

ice cubes making
Understandably, this is a complex business. Especially, since ice cubes sold in the market nowadays have to conform to specifications prescribed by Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI).
However, with proper equipment, clean water and proper packaging, you can enter this lucrative market of selling ice cubes in bulk to restaurants and bars and retail to consumers.
You will require FSSAI certification for your ice cubes.

16. Travel services

Offering travel and related services can see you make instant profits. Tie-up with long distance bus services, offer online reservation of rail tickets and reserve hotels at various destinations for clients.
You can also add local sight-seeing and other requirements for your customers. You can either collaborate with a major travel agent or enter into deals with service providers and get commissions for every reservation you make.

17. Imported products

Indians returning home after a foreign tour tend to buy stuff they can sell locally. They do so to defray costs of their foreign trip
Products they sell include fragrances, cosmetics, cigarettes, liquor, chocolates, food items and T-shirts among others. The craze for foreign goods in India ensures you have a good market for your wares.

18. Medical sample collection

medical sample collection business
This is yet another rapidly growing, low investment small business idea in India. It simply means you collect blood, stool, urine and sputum samples from patients, from their homes.
These samples are for delivery to pathological labs that will test them and issue medical reports.
The reports have to be home delivered to the customer. You will require a vehicle, equipment to store the bio-hazardous material and skills in extracting blood samples.
You will need agreements with pathological labs before entering into this business.

19. Antique furniture restoration

Nobody wants to part with antique furniture. Simply because they have sentimental values attached. Restoring or repairing damaged antique furniture is one business you can look at, if you have a sense of aesthetics and the required skills.
You can also hire craftsmen to do the restoration at the premises of your customer. Restoring antique furniture is very intricate and you will require excellent workers.

20. CCTV & surveillance

Increasingly, people are becoming security conscious. They want to protect their families and themselves against theft, rape and other crime.
Consequently, more and more people are installing CCTV and surveillance cameras at their homes and offices. This is a low investment and high returns small business idea.

21. Party services

party services
People hold parties for various reasons. They are held round the year to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries and other special occasions. With this low investment business, you can offer various services.
These include decoration of the venue, conducting games, mascot appearance, buying and packing return gifts, among others.

22. Address verification service

Banks, credit card issuers and mobile phone companies often require physical verification of addresses provided by customers. They do so to prevent frauds and defaults.
This is a low investment business that is again in demand nowadays. However, you will require a vehicle and might require manpower to visit the customer addresses provided by bank and other service providers.

23. Business idea to make Religious items

India has a huge market for items required by followers of various faiths. These include pictures of deities, incense sticks, cotton wicks for lamps, candles, prayer beads and other minor paraphernalia.
Making these at home or at a small premise requires low investment. There is no dearth of customers for such stuff.

24. Postal labeling and sorting

India Post requires all bulk mail to be labeled with addresses and sorted according to the Postal Index Number (PIN) code. Banks, companies listed on the stock market, bulk mailers look for small businesses that can provide this service.
Especially, since they do not need to employ staff for the purpose. You will require a vehicle and some manpower to enter this low investment small business.

25. Walking tours

walking tours
For those who reside in cities and towns with several tourist attractions, walking tours is a great low investment business.
Foreigners and domestic visitors want to get a first hand feel of the city by walking on the streets, mingling with locals and experiencing sights and sounds of the place.
You will have to hire buses to take your tourists to a particular area where they will walk and visit attractions.

26. Caregiver service

Indisposed senior citizens and people in hospitals require caregivers. Especially, since their kin are busy at work or unable to attend to their needs. Caregiver services are fast gaining momentum in India.
Understandably, you will require some manpower to provide such a service. Several unemployed women and men are interested in working as caregivers for businesses that offer the service.

27. Soya products

Nowadays, an increasing number of people are going vegan. Soya products such as soya milk, tofu (soya curds), soya flour and soya chunks are provide a great alternative to meat.
Manufacturing Soya products is fairly easy, provided you have the required equipment. It is also a low investment small business. You can get a small loan to start this micro industry.

28. Unique ice creams

Some years ago, people would have balked at the idea of ice cream made with tomato or capsicum. However, such unique ice creams are trending nowadays.
Unfortunately, manufacturers of such rare ice creams are few despite the huge market. If you are daring enough, enter this low investment business of unique ice creams.

29. Used laptops

Considered a luxury some years ago, laptops are ubiquitous now. Shopping trends indicate, people sell their used laptops and buy those with the latest features and higher configuration.
Despite, there exists a huge market for used laptops. Buying, refurbishing and selling such used laptop is a low investment, high returns business you can consider.

30. Signboards

Generally, there are two types of signboards used by businesses and shops: Painted and Neon. Every small business and commercial establishment requires signboards.
The demand is for creative yet low cost signboards that aptly advertises the business. Making and supplying signboards of all types, according to specifications of the business owner, is a business in demand round the year.

31. Manpower supply

Every business requires more manpower almost on daily basis. This is especially true with restaurants where staff attrition rates are rather high.
Waiters and cooks leave at short notice or merely abandon work. This puts the business owner to great inconvenience.
Occasionally, households also require manpower for cleaning the home. With some ingenuity and low investment, you can help restaurants overcome their manpower problems and earn a handsome income almost daily.

32. Stationery supply

Schools, colleges and other educational institutions as well as businesses require bulk stationery. These includes customized letterheads, business cards, envelopes, invoice books, receipt books and motley others.
With little investment and some contacts, you can enter into this evergreen business. You will need agreements with printing presses and a few samples to enter this profitable venture.

33. Digitizing audio and video

Millions of people across India possess audio and video tapes of their favorite music and movies, recordings of special occasions and other stuff. However, audio and video cassette players are now rare.
Nowadays, DVDs and digital forms of music storage are popular. If you possess the older type record players, audio and video cassette players, you can enter into this business of digitizing old recordings.
You will need to invest in equipment that allows you to copy audio and video in the older formats to the latest ones.

34. Gardening services

Individuals and housing societies owning gardens generally are unable to attend to their favorite and sometimes expensive plants, trees and lawns.
Therefore, they look for small businesses that can perform the required task.
You will need to invest in some gardening equipment and hire manpower to enter into this small business, which is also round-the-year in demand.

35. Glamour photography

glamour photography
Undoubtedly, every male and female wants to appear glamorous. Glamorous pictures are used for several purposes: To apply for jobs as models, actors and actresses, cabin crew with airlines or matrimony.
For those with an eye for photography, taking glamorous pictures is a great business to open with small investment.
You will have to buy a professional camera and related equipment. Taking pictures can be done at the residence of the customer or at public places. Alternatively, you can hire a studio by the hour, if needed.

36. Broken glass

Strange as it may sound, there exists a huge market for broken glass. Millions of glass bottles that cannot be recycled, as discarded daily in India.
Shards of broken glass are used in building compound walls of bungalows. They deter robbers from scaling the compound wall to gain access to the bungalow.
Glass shards also prevent reptiles like snakes from slithering over the compound wall. A word of caution: Dealing in broken glass can be hazardous and has to be done with extreme care.

37. Computerized horoscopes

Understandably, this is one of the most common low investment businesses in India. All it requires is a computer with the required software, a printer and fancy paper to print the horoscope.
However, in a land of superstitions, computerized horoscopes continue to remain in high demand. The reason is simple: People do not rely on results from only one computer.
They want multiple horoscopes from different sources.

38. Corporate gifts

India has a rich culture of corporate gifting. It continues round the year. Corporate gifts include pens, wallets, mugs and a wide range of stuff given to staff and business associates.
Usually, these items are printed with the company’s name and logo. With adequate samples and contacts, you too can open this business with low investment.
You will need a wide range of products and their samples to display to clients.

39. Packing services

packing services
Small and medium businesses generally do not have a separate department for packing their products. They hire individuals- who can often be unreliable.
Or, they outsource the job to small businesses who can pack their stuff with care while adhering to deadlines.
To enter this business, you will require adequate packing material such as cartons, strapping machines and cutters and of course, manpower.

40. Homemade chocolates

With some chocolate making skills and little investment, you can enter into this highly profitable small business idea. Homemade chocolates are sold by almost every major pastry shop and gift store.
They are in high demand since their taste is much different from bulk manufactured varieties commonly available in the market.
Several companies order homemade chocolates to send as gifts to their business associates. Such chocolates are in great demand during festive and wedding seasons too.

41. Name plates

A common system worldwide is to affix one’s name plate outside the door of a house or apartment. Moreover, people also install large names outside buildings, villas and bungalows.
They prefer artistically designed name plates or simple ones. Making these name plates is a low investment small business that anyone can begin with ease. The demand for these name plates is round-the-year and you can make decent profits from your venture.

42. Wedding gowns

Earlier, wedding gowns were the mainstay of the Christian community. However, over the years, the concept of wedding gowns has become popular among people of other faiths too.
Bollywood movies have also contributed immensely to popularizing the wedding gown.
For men and women who are adept at fashion designing, making wedding gowns is a great, low investment and high returns small business idea.
Additionally, you can also offer other fashion wear to ensure income round the year.

43. Chips and wafers

Chips and wafers are consumed almost everywhere: cinema halls, schools, home, bars, in buses and on trains. The list is endless. Manufacturing chips and wafers with potato, raw banana, jackfruit, tapioca and other starchy roots is fairly easy.
Equipment required is not expensive.
However, you need to ensure proper supply of raw material and have good packaging. Generally, shops and bars order such chips and wafers in bulk.

44. Idli and dosa batter-(Best small business idea in India)

The mainstay of south Indian communities, Idli and Dosa are now popular across India. However, not everyone can prepare the batter required for making these dishes.
It requires a proper blend of rice and cereals.
The batter has also to be fermented to the right degree to ensure it gives great tasting Idli and Dosa.
Packaged Idli and Dosa batter is fast becoming popular, with most stores stocking several packets for their customers. Setting up a batter manufacturing unit from home or a small premise is fairly inexpensive.

45. Air conditioner maintenance

Nowadays, air conditioners are an essential component of several households and most offices. Hence, there is an ever increasing demand for small businesses who can offer excellent maintenance of these expensive appliances.
Trends nowadays indicate, people are willing to sign annual contracts for maintenance of their air conditioners.
All you need is some basic equipment required to service air conditioners and skilled manpower who can perform the tasks. Acquiring skills in maintenance and repair of air conditioners- especially window and split types- is fairly easy.

46. Renting scooters and motorcycles

Tourists, salesmen and small business owners look for hiring scooters and motorcycles while visiting a town or city.
Renting such two-wheeler saves them precious time and offers the ease of commuting. With a small investment, you can open a scooter and motorcycle rental business.
You need not rush into buying a fleet of vehicles. A couple of two wheelers will suffice to begin with. However, you will need to get proper licensing, insurance and permits before renting out these vehicles on short term basis.

47. Employee background checks

With most places in India witnessing high migration of labor, several companies now resort to employee background checks. This means, they verify information provided by a jobseeker through an external agency.
Checks include verification of work experience and educational qualifications. This is a rather simple and low investment business to open.
You will need a database of companies who require employee background checks, computers and landline telephone to open this small business idea.

48. Handicrafts-(Creative small business idea in India)

handicrafts small business
An excellent low investment small business anyone can start is buying and selling handicrafts. Generally, handicrafts are made in rural areas.
However, glitzy showrooms charge exorbitant rates for the stuff, which they usually procure fairly cheap.
You too can enter this huge market by buying handicrafts from different regions near you and selling them at reasonable rates.
Once again, the market for handicrafts is always high because they are also given away as gifts or used for home and office d├йcor.

49. Skin and beauty treatment-(Small business idea for men and women)

Increasingly men are becoming beauty conscious. For men and women skilled in providing skin and beauty treatment, opening a small business offering the service is an excellent small investment option.
You can design your own therapies for glowing skin, anti-aging and facelifts.
This business can also be opened from home, provided you have ample space and privacy for clients. Offering herbal and natural therapies will help you stay ahead of competition.

50. Mushroom harvesting

mshroom harvesting business
Mushrooms are considered a delicacy and fetch fairly high prices in the market. They are very nutritious as food.
Hence, governments of various Indian states provide subsidies and facilities to people who can harvest mushrooms. This is a great low investment small business idea.
You will need to set up a green-house with controlled temperature for getting the right crop. Mushroom spores are readily available from state-run cooperatives and agricultural shops. Bulk customers for mushrooms are easy to find.

Extra: Apiary & honey

Here is one great small business idea with low investment, provided you have a garden or open plot of land. Setting up an apiary to breed honeybees is inexpensive.
You will also require some basic equipment to extract honey from honeycombs. Homemade honey fetches a great price.
Royal Jelly, produced for the queen bee, commands a high price in the market from individuals and medical companies.

Before investing

Remember, having ample capital to invest in a small business of your choice is not enough. You also require the necessary skills to ensure its proper functioning.
Before entering into any venture, it is advisable to know licensing procedures and other legalities concerned.
It is better to legitimize your business since it can help you get loans and subsidies in future. It will also protect you against any lawsuits.

Tags business ideas small business


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