Wednesday 20 May 2015

Modi Govt One Year: ‘मोदी का जादूः ख़त्म या बरक़रार?' ...BJP

Modi Govt One Year: ‘मोदी का जादूः ख़त्म या बरक़रार?' ...BJP

21 MAY 2015
मैं नरेंद्र मोदी का भक्त नहीं हूँ. क्या इसलिए कि वो हिन्दू हैं और मैं मुसलमान?
या इसलिए कि कट्टरवादी हिन्दुओं के खि़लाफ़ हमारे खून में ही अदावत है? या फिर इसलिए कि मैं एक सेक्युलर इंसान हूँ जो हिन्दू-मुस्लिम सभी कट्टरवादियों के खि़लाफ़ है?
मैं एक साल पूरे होने पर मोदी सरकार की उपलब्धियों पर एक ब्लॉग लिखने बैठा हूँ.
अब अगर उनकी अधिक तारीफ़ करूँ तो कुछ लोग कह सकते हैं कि मैं खुद को कट्टरवादी मोदी विरोधी मुस्लिम की श्रेणी में न रखने के प्रयास में उनकी अधिक प्रशंसा कर रहा हूँ.
और अगर मैं उनकी आलोचना अधिक और तारीफ़ कम करूँ तो कुछ लोग ऐसा सोच सकते हैं कि मैं स्व-घोषित मोदी विरोधी हूँ, तो इसमें हैरानी क्यों?
निष्पक्ष होकर देखें तो एक साल में 'मोदीमेनिया' काफ़ी कम हो गया है. उनका कद थोड़ा घटा है और शायद 56 इंच सीना भी अब कुछ कम फूलता है.

'वन मैन शो'

एक साल में उनके खिलाफ़ सबसे बड़ी आलोचना ये है कि वो बोलते बहुत हैं लेकिन करते कम या कुछ नहीं हैं.
उनके कुछ आलोचक ये भी कहते हैं कि वो 'वन मैन शो' हैं. देश के सिपहसालार भी वही हैं, पार्टी के मुखिया भी वही. मंत्रियों के बजाए गिने-चुने अफसरों पर निर्भर रहते हैं. सुनते सब की हैं लेकिन फैसला उनका होता है.
आप ये भी कह सकते हैं कि आदर्श ग्राम योजना, 8 करोड़ ग्रामीण परिवारों को औपचारिक बैंकिंग प्रणाली में शामिल करने की प्रक्रिया, डिजिटल इंडिया और मेक इन इंडिया जैसी योजनाएं यूपीए सरकार की योजनाओं की नक़ल लगती हैं. या कह लें कि ये नई बोतल में पुरानी शराब की तरह है.

किसान विरोधी

सत्ता में आने के 100 दिन के अंदर काला धन देश वापस लाने का नरेंद्र मोदी का वादा भी पूरा नहीं हुआ है. महंगाई बढ़ी नहीं तो कम भी नहीं हुई है. ग़रीबी, ग़रीबों का साथ अब भी नहीं छोड़ रही.
कुछ लोग ये भी कह सकते हैं कि मोदी किसानों से ज़्यादा कॉरपोरेट इंडिया और उद्योगपतियों के हित के बारे में सोचते हैं.
इसकी मिसाल भूमि अधिग्रहण बिल है जिसे किसान विरोधी माना जा रहा है.
और हाँ, पिछले एक साल में वो प्रवासी भारतीयों के सबसे बड़े मसीहा बन कर भी उभरे हैं. उनके खिलाफ आलोचना ये भी है कि वो देश के प्रांतों से अधिक विदेशी यात्राएं करते हैं.

यूपीए सरकार

लेकिन यदि नरेंद्र मोदी के सत्ता में आने से पहले के देश और समाज पर एक निगाह डाली जाए तो आज एक साल बाद उनकी उपलब्धियां सार्थक नज़र आती हैं.
अपने आख़िरी सालों में यूपीए सरकार नीतियों के मामले में पक्षाघात का शिकार रही. महंगाई चरम पर थी. विदेशी निवेश घटता जा रहा था.
आर्थिक विकास की रफ़्तार धीमी पड़ चुकी थी. घोटालों का बाज़ार गर्म था, कोई बड़े फैसले नहीं लिए जा रहे थे.
सामाजिक स्तर पर पिछली सरकार के दौर में बेरोज़गार लोगों की संख्या बढ़ती जा रही थी. शेयर बाजार दम तोड़ रहे थे.
आम लोग परेशान थे, युवा पीढ़ी मायूसी का शिकार हो चुकी थी.

विकास का सपना

बीते साल इसी माहौल में भारत में आम चुनाव हुए. नरेंद्र मोदी ने एक सपना दिखाया. खुशहाली, प्रभावी प्रशासन और विकास का सपना. जनता ने नरेंद्र मोदी को अपना भरपूर समर्थन दिया.
लेकिन क्या एक साल बाद वो सपना टूट गया?
मेरे विचार में उन्होंने पिछले एक साल में जितने भी क़दम उठाए हैं, उनसे युवाओं का मनोबल बढ़ा है, उनकी उमंगें जागी हैं. मायूसी के काले बादल छटे हैं.
डिजिटल इंडिया हो या स्किल्ड इंडिया या फिर मेक इन इंडिया. इनमें एक ऐसे भारत की नींव रखे जाने की क्षमता है जिससे पूरा समाज बदल सकता है.

मोदी की क्षमता

जब राजीव गांधी ने कंप्यूटर और इलेक्ट्रॉनिक रेल टिकट रिज़र्वेशन की योजना शुरू की थी तो किसे मालूम था कि ये आज़ादी के समय से पुराने तर्ज़ पर चले आ रहे समाज को भविष्य की तरफ धकेलने की क्षमता रखती है?
जब नरसिम्हा राव ने वर्ष 1991 में विदेशी निवेश के लिए भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था को खोला तो किसे मालूम था कि कुछ सालों बाद एक रिक्शा वाले से लेकर घरों में झाड़ू लगाने का काम करने वालों के पास भी मोबाइल फोन होंगे. या भारत के कई बड़े शहरों में वातानुकूलित मेट्रो रेल नेटवर्क का जाल फैल जाएगा?
नेहरू ने देश को हैवी इंजीनियरिंग के कारख़ाने दिए, आईआईटी जैसी संस्थाएं दीं.
राजीव गांधी ने भारत को एक इलेक्ट्रॉनिक देश बनाया. नरसिम्हा राव ने अर्थव्यवस्था के उदारीकरण से भारत की ग्लोबल अलहदगी ख़त्म की.
मोदी की योजनाएं भारत को विकसित देशों की श्रेणी में ला खड़ा करने की क्षमता रखती हैं. मोदी को एक साल में नहीं पांच साल के कामकाज के आधार पर परखना चाहिए.

Tiger Ranthambhaur: होटल लॉबी के दबाव में बेघर हुआ एक बाघ!

Tiger Ranthambhaur: होटल लॉबी के दबाव में बेघर हुआ एक बाघ!
टाइगर उस्ताद
कभी रणथंभौर के सूखे पतझड़ी जंगल के इलाक़े में उसकी दहाड़ गूंजती थी, अब वो एक अनजान से जंगली इलाक़े में अपनी खोई हुई बादशाहत तलाश रहा है.
वन्य अधिकारियों ने एक बाघ 'उस्ताद' (टी 24) को उसकी सल्तनत से बेदख़ल कर दिया है.
इस बाघ पर नरभक्षी होने के आरोप के बाद रणथंभौर से दूर उदयपुर के निकट सज्जनगढ़ उद्यान में छोड़ दिया गया है.
वन विभाग अपने इस फ़ैसले को सही बता रहा है, जबकि वन्यजीव प्रेमी इसमें रणथंभौर की प्रभावशाली होटल लॉबी का दबाव देख रहे हैं.
जानकार कहते हैं कि अपने आकर्षक व्यक्तित्व और शिकारी अंदाज़ की पहचान वाले 'उस्ताद' को इंसान और बाघ के हितों के बीच टकराव की क़ीमत चुकानी पड़ी है.
इस पर इंसानों पर लगातार हमले करते रहने का आरोप लगा है. वन विभाग के मुताबिक़, "इस बाघ के हमलों से अब तक चार लोग जान गवां चुके हैं."

नरभक्षी होने का आरोप

विभाग के अनुसार, 'उस्ताद' ने बीती आठ मई को वन रक्षक रामपाल पर हमला कर दिया, इसमें वनरक्षक की मौत हो गई.
रणथंभौर के वन अधिकारी सुदर्शन शर्मा कहते हैं, "यहां उसकी मौजूदगी अब मानव जीवन के लिए खतरा बन गई थी. लिहाजा विशेषज्ञों की कमिटी की राय पर उसे बेदख़ल करना पड़ा है."
उनके मुताबिक़, "इस इलाक़े में कई मंदिर हैं, श्रदालु आते जाते रहते हैं और उस्ताद उनके जीवन को संकट में डाल सकता था, लिहाजा उसे यहाँ से स्थानांतरित कर दिया गया है."
सज्जनगढ़ में भी वन अधिकारी उसपर नज़र रखे हुए हैं. हालांकि अभी तक 'उस्ताद' व्यवहार सामान्य बना हुआ है.
लेकिन वन्यजीव प्रेमियों ने इस पर तीखी प्रतिक्रिया व्यक्त की है.
रणथंभौर क्षेत्र में गैर सरकारी संगठनों के एक समूह 'जन संवाद' के संयोजक हरिप्रसाद योगी कहते हैं, "बाघ को होटल लॉबी के प्रभाव में बेदखल किया गया है."

होटलों का जंगल

उसी इलाक़े के आलनपुर गांव के मूल निवासी योगी कहते हैं, "बाघ और इंसान यहाँ सदियों से संग संग रहते रहे हैं, मगर पर्यटन उद्योग के कारण इंसान की आवाजाही इनकी मांद तक जा पहुंची है. इसीलिए वो अब निशाने पर हैं."
वे कहते हैं, "हर दिन कोई 120 वाहन सैलानियों को लेकर इस बाघों वाले इलाक़े में दाखिल होते हैं और फिर वीवीआईपी लोगों की गाड़ियां अलग से आती हैं. इससे बाघ के रोजमर्रा की ज़िंदगी में खलल पड़ता है."
रणथंभौर में नेचर गाइड एसोसिएशन के प्रमुख यादवेन्द्र सिंह कहते हैं, "रणथंभौर और उसके आस पास क़रीब सौ होटल बन गए हैं और हर साल ढाई लाख सैलानी यहाँ आते हैं."
यादवेंद्र सिंह के मुताबिक़, "बाघ अपने इलाक़े में मस्त घूमता है, न तो वो अन्य इलाक़े में दख़ल देता है और न ही अपने क्षेत्र में किसी का हस्तक्षेप सहन करता है."

नरभक्षी होने पर सवाल

बाघ के शावक
उनके अनुसार, "मुझे नहीं लगता है कि उस्ताद नरभक्षी हो गया है. 'उस्ताद' ने बड़ी मुश्किल से अपना इलाक़ा बनाया. वो बाघ है, शिकार उसकी फ़ितरत है, लेकिन कभी दूसरे के घर नहीं गया, इंसान ने ही उसके घर में दखल की है."
रणथंभौर के एक वन्य प्रेमी कहते हैं, "वन रक्षक पर हमले की घटना के बाद उस बाघ को सैंकड़ों लोगों ने देखा है, उसने फिर किसी पर हमला नहीं किया."
वन्य प्रेमियों के अनुसार, उस्ताद के दो नर शावक अब भी रणथंभौर में हैं. उसकी गैर मौजूदगी में कोई दूसरा बाघ उनपर हमला कर सकता है.
क़रीब 392 वर्ग किलोमीटर के इलाक़े में फैले रणथंभौर को बाघों की बेहतरीन पनाहगाह माना जाता है.
इस इलाके में नील गाय, चीतल, हिरण, लोमड़ी, बन्दर, जरख और चिंकारा जैसे जानवर पाए जाते हैं.

Modi Govt One Year: ‘भ्रष्टाचार’ पर मोदी का रिपोर्ट कार्ड ...BJP

Modi Govt One Year: ‘भ्रष्टाचार’ पर मोदी का रिपोर्ट कार्ड

21 May 2015
bjp, poster, modi

भारतीय जनता पार्टी ने नरेंद्र मोदी के नेतृत्व में 2014 का लोकसभा चुनाव जिन मुद्दों पर लड़ा उनमें भ्रष्टाचार एक प्रमुख मुद्दा था.
पिछले लगभग 10 वर्षों में पार्टी ने लगातार लालकृष्ण आडवाणी जैसे दिग्गज के नेतृत्व में से कांग्रेस-यूपीए सरकार को कथित काला धन वापस लाने पर घेरने की कोशिश की थी.

ज़ाहिर है पिछले साल चुनावी बिगुल बजते ही पार्टी ने काले धन का मुद्दा उठाया और उससे जुड़े कई मुद्दे प्रचार का हिस्सा रहे:
1. भाजपा ने भ्रष्टाचार को 'राष्ट्रीय संकट' बताते हुए वादा किया था कि इसे जन चेतना के माध्यम से बनाए गए एक सिस्टम के तहत जड़ से मिटाएंगे.

bjp, supporters
2. नागरिकों और सरकार के बीच बढ़ती दूरी और गलत व्यवहार को तकनीक पर आधारित ई-गवर्नेंस के ज़रिए दूर करेंगे.
3. मौजूदा कर प्रणाली, जो ईमानदार करदाताओं के लिए ज़्यादा सख्त है, उसकी प्रक्रिया को सरल और तरीकाबद्ध बनाया जाएगा.

दुनिया की नामचीन भ्रष्टाचार निरोधी संस्था ट्रांसपेरेंसी इंटरनेशनल की भारतीय इकाई के प्रबंध निदेशक आशुतोष कुमार मिश्रा के मुताबिक़ भाजपा सरकार के वादे ज़्यादा थे और उनके पूरे होने के लिए एक वर्ष का समय कम है. उनके अनुसार:

india, black money
1. भारत का दुर्भाग्य है कि चुनाव के दौरान हुए वादों की न तो मॉनिटरिंग होती है और न ही बाद में उत्तरदायित्व लिया जाता है. काले धन की मिसाल भी यही है क्योंकि आज तक कोई ऐसी ठोस स्टडी नहीं हो सकी है जिससे इसकी तह तक पहुंचा जा सके. भाजपा भी जानती थी कि 100 दिन क्या एक वर्ष में भी कथित काले धन की वापसी नामुमकिन है.
2. दूसरी सबसे अहम बात ये है कि देश में हर दिन बढ़ते काले धन को सफेद करने की कोई कोशिश नहीं हुई चाहे वो ज़मीन-जायदाद की खरीद में हो या व्यापार में.
3. तीसरी अहम बात जो भाजपा सरकार को करनी ही पड़ेगी वो है निजी क्षेत्र में भ्रष्टाचार से निपटने वाले कानून या नीतियां लाना. आज तक इससे निपटने की कोई योजना नहीं बनती दिखी है.

modi, energy summit
4. मोदी सरकार को भारत के मुख्य सतर्कता आयुक्त और मुख्य सूचना आयुक्त जैसी बड़ी नियुक्तियों पर अपने कथित 'कड़े' रुख को लेकर सफ़ाई देनी पड़ी ये थोड़ा निराशाजनक ज़रूर रहा है.
5. अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर सालाना जारी होने वाली भ्रष्टाचार की सूची में भारत का स्थान इस वर्ष भले ही बेहतर हुआ है लेकिन अगर भारत 80वें से 100वें स्थान के बीच में भी रहेगा तब भी ये चिंता का ही विषय है.

ये है अल क़ायदा का ऐप्लीकेशन फ़ॉर्म

ये है अल क़ायदा का ऐप्लीकेशन फ़ॉर्म

अमरीका ने ओसामा बिन लादेन के ख़ुफ़िया ठिकाने से ज़ब्त किए गए जिन दस्तावेजों को बुधवार को जारी किया है उनमें मुंबई, पुणे और इस्लामाबाद के मैरियट होटल पर हुए चरमपंथी हमलों का भी ज़िक्र है.
कई चिठ्ठियों में अमरीका, जर्मनी, फ्रांस और ब्रिटेन को और सबक सिखाने की बात भी की गई है.
ओसामा को था 'पोर्नोग्राफ़ी का भी शौक़'

इन्हीं दस्तावेज़ों में अल क़ायदा में शामिल होने के लिए एक आवेदन पत्र या ऐप्लीकेशन फ़ॉर्म भी है जिनमें चरमपंथी उम्मीदवारों से कई तरह के सवाल पूछे गए हैं.

अमरीकी ख़ुफ़िया अधिकारियों ने जो उनका अनुवाद किया है उनके अनुसार:
--आपके शौक क्या है और अपना खाली वक्त आप कैसे गुज़ारते हैं.
--आपकी रूचि साहित्य में है या विज्ञान में
--जेहाद की ज़मीन पर आपके आने की तारीख
--क्या आपको किसी अदालत में दोषी पाया गया है? कब और किस अपराध के लिए.
--क्या आपको किसी तरह की गंभीर या खानदानी बीमारी है?
ये सवाल बेहद आम से हैं लेकिन कुछ ऐसे भी हैं जो सीधे तौर से चरमपंथी कार्रवाई से जुड़े हैं. उनमें पूछा गया है:
--क्या आप किसी आत्मघाती हमले को अंजाम देना चाहते हैं?
--अगर आप शहीद हो जाते हैं तो हम किससे संपर्क करें? उनका पता और फ़ोन नंबर उपलब्ध करवाएं.

मुंबई हमलों की तारीफ़

अल क़ायदा के एक वरिष्ठ नेता की तरफ़ से जारी दस्तावेज़ में मुंबई हमलों को एक “बहादुरी भरा कारनामा” कहा गया है किया है और पुणे में जर्मन बेकरी पर हुए हमले को “ख़ूबसूरत बम धमाका कहा गया है.”
भारत का ज़िक्र एक और दस्तावेज़ में भी है जिसमें कहा गया है कि अमरीका, इसरायल और भारत मिलकर पाकिस्तान को खत्म करना चाहते हैं और परवेज़ मुशर्रफ़ भी उनका साथ दे रहे हैं.
पाकिस्तान के पूर्व राष्ट्रपति आसिफ़ अली ज़रदारी के लिए भी अपशब्द का इस्तेमाल किया गया है.

अमरीकी अधिकारियों के अनुसार ये सभी दस्तावेज़ बिन लादेन के खिलाफ़ 2011 में ऐबटाबाद में हुई फ़ौजी कार्र्वाई के बाद बरामद किए गए थे.
हाल ही में जाने माने ख़ुफिया पत्रकार सीमोर हर्ष ने दावा किया था कि ये कार्रवाई अकेले अमरीका की नहीं बल्कि पाकिस्तानी अधिकारियों के साथ मिलकर की गई थी और वहां जिन दस्तावेज़ों और कंप्यूटर हार्ड डिस्क के मिलने की बात कही जा रही है वो सब मनगढ़ंत हैं

Unemployment: क्या मोदी सरकार में लोगों को नहीं मिल रही नौकरी? :::: Narendra Modi Government Is Providing Job Opportunity To People?

Unemployment: क्या मोदी सरकार में लोगों को नहीं मिल रही नौकरी? :::: Narendra Modi Government Is Providing Job Opportunity To People?

कैसा रहा मोदी सरकार का प्रदर्शन?

पिछले साल 26 मई को प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी के शपथ ग्रहण करने के साथ ही देश में जबरदस्त उत्साह, उम्मीद और आकांक्षाओं की एक नई लहर दिखने लगी थी। लेकिन सरकार के एक साल पूरा होते-होते आर्थिक मोर्चे पर सरकार की उपलब्धियों को लेकर लोगों की राय बंटी हुई दिखने लगी है।

सरकार के खाते में कुछ सफलताएं आई हैं लेकिन कई नाकामियां भी हैं, जो आर्थिक रिकवरी की राह मुश्किल बना सकती हैं। हालांकि देश की अर्थव्यवस्था में रिकवरी काफी हद तक वैश्विक अर्थव्यवस्था के हालात पर निर्भर करेगी मगर देश में साहसिक आर्थिक सुधारों से जुड़े कदमों की जरूरत बनी रहेगी।

देश की जीडीपी पिछली तिमाही में 4.5 से बढ़ कर 6.9 फीसदी पर पहुंच गई है। लेकिन विशेषज्ञों को जीडीपी के नए आंकड़ों और इसकी गणना के नए तरीकों की प्रामाणिकता पर संदेह है। खास कर चीन की विकास दर से ज्यादा भारत की विकास दर का दावा करना सरकार को मजाक का पात्र बना रहा है।

कहां गईं नई नौकरियां?

कहां गईं नई नौकरियां?

नई नौकरियों में शायद ही कोई बढ़ोतरी हुई है और न ही आम आदमी को विकास होता दिख रहा है। इंडियन लेबर ब्यूरो के नए आंकड़ों के मुताबिक, वित्त वर्ष 2014-15 की तीसरी तिमाही के दौरान अर्थव्यवस्था के बेहद अहम आठ सेक्टरों में रोजगार सृजन की दर न्यूनतम रही। इसमें कोई शक नहीं कि� मोदी सरकार देश को आर्थिक जड़ता से निकालने में सफल रही है।

सरकार ने अपने इरादों से यह भी जताया है कि वह कारोबार को बढ़ावा देने के प्रति गंभीर है लेकिन कई नीतिगत खामियों की वजह से विदेशी निवेशक अभी दूर ही हैं।

घरेलू निवेशक भी निवेश करने से हिचकिचा रहे हैं और उद्योगपतियों के एक वर्ग ने सुधारों की गति और इसकी कमी पर सवाल भी उठाए हैं। हालांकि पेट्रो उत्पादों की कीमतों को बाजार से जोड़ना और डायरेक्ट बेनिफिट ट्रांसफर स्कीम इसकी बड़ी सफलता मानी जाएगी।

रुपए पर बढ़ रहा दबाव

रुपए पर बढ़ रहा दबाव
कोयला और खनन सेक्टर में रफ्तार पैदा करना मोदी सरकार की सफलता है। बेहतर राजकोषीय प्रबंधन और तेल की गिरती कीमतों की वजह से राकोषीय घाटे का लक्ष्य हासिल करने में भी सफलता मिलती दिख रही है। इसी तरह थोक मूल्य सूचकांक पर आधारित महंगाई दर के नकारात्मक होने की वजह से भी सरकार को सहूलियत हो रही है।

पिछले एक साल में उपभोक्ता मूल्य सूचकांक पर आधारित महंगाई नकारात्मक हो गई है। बहरहाल, मोदी सरकार के सामने बड़ी चुनौतियां खड़ी हैं। मैट (मिनिमम अल्टरनेट टैक्स) पर विवाद की वजह से एफआईआई हाथ खींचने लगे हैं।

रुपये पर दबाव है और शेयर बाजार की मुश्किलें बढ़ गई हैं। जीएसटी और भूमि अधिग्रहण बिल पर सफलता न मिलने से घरेलू और विदेशी निवेशक दोनों निराश हुए हैं। इन्फ्रास्ट्रक्चर समेत कई सेक्टरों में निवेश के लिए घरेलू निवेशकों को धन नहीं मिल रहा है। रेट्रोस्पेक्टिव टैक्स पर सरकार के दृढ़ रवैये ने कई विदेशी कंपनियों को यहां निवेश और कारोबार के प्रति सतर्क कर दिया है।

आर्थिक मोर्चे पर कामयाबी थोड़ी, बाकी है चुनौतियां बड़ी

आर्थिक मोर्चे पर कामयाबी थोड़ी, बाकी है चुनौतियां बड़ी
आर्थिक तरक्की पर सरकार के दावों पर उठ रहे हैं सवाल
जीडीपी दर में बढ़ोतरी का दावा, लेकिन रोजगार सृजन नहीं
बड़े आर्थिक सुधारों की रफ्तार धीमी, निवेशकों में हिचकिचाहट
रेट्रोस्पेक्टिव टैक्स पर सरकार के रुख से विदेशी निवेशक बिदके
मैट पर कड़े रुख की वजह से एफआईआई हाथ खींचने लगे हैं

नीतिगत पहलकदमियों से आर्थिक जड़ता खत्म
पेट्रो उत्पादों को बाजार से जोड़ने में सफलता
बेहतर राजकोषीय प्रबंधन से सहूलियत में सरकार
कोयला और दूसरे खनन सेक्टरों में पारदर्शिता के कदम
समावेशी बैंकिंग और डीबीटी के मोर्चे पर कामयाबी

Tuesday 19 May 2015

#GappuInIndia: 'मोदी जी ..कुछ दिन तो गुज़ारिए भारत में'.....#ModiInsultsIndia

#GappuInIndia: 'मोदी जी ..कुछ दिन तो गुज़ारिए भारत में'.....#ModiInsultsIndia

  • 1 मिनट पहले

शांघाई में मोदी

भारत में सोशल मीडिया पर बुधवार को ट्रेंड कर रहा है हैशटैग #GappuInIndia.
इस हैशटैग का इस्तेमाल कर लोग प्रधानमंत्री मोदी पर ट्वीट कर रहे हैं और उनके विदेश दौरों को पूरा कर भारत लौटने पर ताना कस रहे हैं. कई उनके शांघाई में दिए गए वक्तव्य पर भी टिप्पणी कर रहे हैं.
चीन के शांघाई में प्रवासियों से बात करते हुए मोदी ने कहा था कि पहले लोगों को ख़ुद को भारतीय कहने पर शर्म आती थी, पर अब लोगों को गर्व महसूस होता है.

आइए पढ़ते हैं कुछ चुनिंदा ट्वीट.

आशीष कटारा कहते हैं, “कुछ दिन तो गुजारिए भारत में..!!”

कोरिया में मोदी
नेहा शर्मा ने अपने मन की बात कुछ यूँ लिखी है, “भारत विश्व का पहला ऐसा देश है जिसका विदेश मंत्री देश में रहता है और प्रधानमंत्री विदेश में.”

परेशान भारतीय नाम से ट्वीट कर रहे एक ट्वीटर यूज़र ने लिखा है “आखिरकार देश का प्यार मोदी जी को वापस देश ले ही आया. पधारो म्हारा देश.”

रेहान ज़ैदी ने लिखा है “भारत दौरे पर अपना प्यारा गप्पू.”

निलेश खंडेलवाल ने ट्वीट किया, “मित्रों मैं खुद भारत नहीं आ रहा हूं वो #ModiInsultsIndia वालों के कारण आना पड़ रहा है.”

मंगोलिया में मोदी
निरव ठक्कर ने तो यह ही कह डाला कि “मोदी गर्मियों का छुट्टियां बिताने के लिए भारत आ रहे हैं.

निडर किसान नाम के ट्विटर हैंडल ने मोदी का समर्थन किया है और कहा हैं, “जो व्यक्ति पिछले 1 साल से 24-25 घंटे प्रतिदिन काम करता है उनके लिए परिवारवादियों के चाटुकार ऐसे फ़िजूल के #GappuInIndia का ट्रेंड चलाते हैं.”

भाजपा का चुनावी पोस्टर
नितिन च्वहाण को मोदी से कई उम्मीदें हैं. वे कहते हैं कि “अब मोदी वापस आ गए हैं तो उम्मीद करता हूं कि वे अगली विदेश यात्रा पर जाने से पहले महाराष्ट्र-विदर्भ की विधवाओं से मिलेंगें.”

राघवेंद्र शर्मा ने कहा है, "मोदी जी आ गए हैं, अच्छे दिन नहीं आने वाले हैं."

Economies: Central banks playing with fire in growth push, Says Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan

Economies: Central Banks Playing With Fire In Growth Push, Says 'Reserve Bank Of India Governor Raghuram Rajan'

Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan

The "specter of deflation" is spurring the world's major central banks into a dangerous struggle for stronger domestic growth that imperils financial markets and ignores the needs of developing nations, the head of India's central bank said on Tuesday.
Reserve Bank of India Governor Raghuram Rajan, making a familiar argument for better global coordination on monetary policy, said central bankers in developed economies should bear in mind their international responsibilities.
"The current non-system in international monetary policy is, in my view, a source of substantial risk, both to sustainable growth as well as to the financial sector," Rajan told an audience of economists and investors in New York.
"I fear that in a world with weak aggregate demand, we may be engaged in a risky competition for a greater share of it," he added. "We are thereby also creating financial sector risks for when unconventional policies end."

#ModiInsultsIndia trends on Twitter: Here's why ....#modi #shame #india

#ModiInsultsIndia trends on Twitter: Here's why

READ MORE ModiInsultsIndia|Twitter|Modi trends|Modi in China
#ModiInsultsIndia trends on Twitter: Here's why
Many users lambasted Modi for his comments and #ModiInsultsIndia was one of the top trends on Twitter. 

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's statement during his recent three-nation tour that Indians earlier 'felt ashamed' of being born in the country has not gone down well on Twitter.

"Earlier you felt ashamed of being born Indian," the Prime Minister had said, according to reports. "Now you feel proud to represent the country. Indians abroad had all hoped for a change in government last year," he added.

Many users lambasted Modi for his comments and #ModiInsultsIndia was one of the top trends on Twitter.

@TheTweetOfGod tweeted, "Just talked to Brahma. He's not ashamed to have been born Indian either."

His comments also gave an opportunity to the opposition Congress to target him.

Sanjay Jha of the Congress tweeted, "#ModiInsultsIndia is a worldwide top trend because it has offended the sensibilities of every Indian. A national disgrace beyond description."

Pawan Khera, also of the Congress, tweeted, "India was not ashamed despite your shenanigans in Gujarat. India is more, much more than you can ever understand #ModiInsultsIndia"

Here are some more tweets:

Monday 18 May 2015

@POTUS [Barack Obama(BO)- @BarackObama ] Joins Twitter, Jokes with @billclinton l Welcome to @Twitter, @POTUS! #GOODLUCK

@POTUS [Barack Obama(BO)- @BarackObama ] Joins Twitter, Jokes with @billclinton

Sunday 17 May 2015

AIPMT /AIIMS / AFMC / JIPMER / AIIMS MBBS / BHU PMT / UPCPMT / UPMT / CPMT 2015 / DNT CET - EXAM Best Books l Application formand process l Exam Pattern l Mock Test l Model test papers l Practice Papers l Previous papers (Solved) l Sample Papers l Syllabus l Application process l Best Coaching centres l Fee Payment l Helpline l Important Chapters/Topics l Important dates l Negative Marking Scheme l Options Registration l Photo and Signature l Selection Process l Tips and Tricks l Top AIPMT Colleges for AIPMT 2015 Exam Preparation

Medical Exam - Complete Information about Medical Entrance Exams India : All information in one place

AIPMT /AIIMS / AFMC / JIPMER / AIIMS MBBS / BHU PMT  / UPCPMT / CPMT 2015 / DNT CET - EXAM  Best Books  l Application formand process l Exam Pattern l Mock Test l Model test papers l Practice Papers l Previous papers (Solved) l Sample Papers l Syllabus l     Application process l Best Coaching centres  l Fee Payment  l Helpline  l Important Chapters/Topics  l Important dates  l Negative Marking Scheme  l Options Registration  l Photo and Signature  l Selection Process  l Tips and Tricks  l Top AIPMT Colleges  for AIPMT 2015 Exam Preparation

Best Books for AIPMT 2015 Exam Preparation 

AIPMT 2015 Important Books

Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE is going to conduct AIPMT All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Examination for medical students who want to get admission in different MBBS / BDS medical colleges in the academic session 2015-16 for the 15% seats in Government Medical/Dental Colleges.

Educational Qualification for AIPMT 2015 : Candidate should have passed class 12th in science stream subjects with subjects namely Physics, Chemistry, Biology (Botany & Zoology).

Age Limit: Candidate must have completed 17 years and should not exceed 25 years of age at the time of applying.

AIPMT Exam Pattern: Entrance Test of AIPMT 2015 will consist of one paper with 180 objective type questions from the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology.

SubjectsMax. QuestionsTime Alloted
Physics45 3 Hours

Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for their exams are suggested as below-

1) AIPMT Physics Preparation Book

2) AIPMT Chemistry Preparation Book

3) AIPMT Biology Preparation Book

Candidates can also refer below stated books for practice. These books cover past questions of medical entrance exams which have been incorporated in the exercises of the respective chapters.

Syllabus for AIPMT: View Syllabus for AIPMT 2015 for Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology subjects here.

We wish our candidates All The Best for the Upcoming Exams and wish them great future ahead!!
Leave a comment below for any further queries or suggestions.
: Medical: AIPMT 2014 Exam Preparation Books, AIPMT 2015 Exam Books, AIPMT All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Exam Books, AIPMT Exam Preparation Books, Best Books for AIPMT All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Exam, Books for AIPMT 2014, Eligibility for AIPMT, Eligibility for All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Exam, Exam Pattern of AIPMT 2014, Exam Pattern of CBSE AIPMT 2014, How to Prepare for AIPMT 2014, How to Prepare for AIPMT 2014 exam, Syllabus for AIPMT 2014, Tips to Prepare for AIPMT Exam

Best Books for UPCPMT Exam Preparation


Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre-medical Test commonly called UPCPMT exam is a state level medical entrance exam conducted by King George’s Medical University, Lucknow. UPCPMT is held once every year in the month of June for admission to undergraduate medical courses like Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBBS), Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS), Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS), Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery (BHMS) and Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery (BUMS).
Score card of UPCPMT is accepted for admissions to various other medical colleges including government as well as top private colleges.

Eligibility Required to apply for UPCPMT Exam are as below:

– Age Limit: Candidate must be at least 17 years of age at the time of applying.  

– Educational Qualification:– Candidates must have qualified Class XII examination in the 10+2 pattern with Physics, Chemistry, Biology or the Indian School Certificate Examination which is equivalent to 10+2 higher secondary examination after a period of 12 years study,the last two years of study comprising of Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics or any other elective subject with English at a level not less than the core course for English as prescribed by the National Council of Educational Research & Training

– The intermediate examination in science of an Indian University, Board or other recognized examination body with Physics, Chemistry and Biology which shall include a practical test in these subjects and also English as a compulsory subject.

– The pre‐professional/pre‐medical examination with Physics, Chemistry and Biology,after passing either the higher secondary school examination or the pre‐university of an equivalent examination shall include a practical test is Physics, Chemistry and Biology and also English as a compulsory subject.  

– B.Sc examination of an Indian University, provided that he/she has passed the B.Sc examination with not less than two of the following subjects in Physics, Chemistry,Biology (Botany, Zoology) and further that he/she has passed the earlier qualifying examination with the following subjects ‐ Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English.

– Any other examination which, in scope and standard is found to be equivalent to the intermediate science examination of an Indian University/Board taking Physics,Chemistry and Biology including a practical test in each of these subjects and English.

Exam Pattern for UPCPMT: The examination will be conducted in one paper which will consist of 200 Objective type questions on Physics, Chemistry, Zoology and Botany.

S.No.Subjects Max. QuestionsMax. MarksTime Allotted
1Physics50503 Hours/
180 Minutes

NOTE:– There will be no negative marking in the exam.
– Exam will be conducted in both the languages i.e. Hindi and English.

Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for UPCPMT exam or Uttar Pradesh Combined Premedical Test are suggested as below-

Best Books for UPCPMT Exam:

Syllabus for UPCPMT: UPCPMT syllabus consists of Physics, Chemistry, Zoology, Botany of class 11th and 12th. Candidates can also download UPCPMT syllabus from here.
These books consists of all the related topics at one place.
We wish our candidates All The Best for the Upcoming Exams and wish them great future ahead!!

Leave a comment below for any further queries or suggestions.

Best Books for AIIMS MBBS Exam 2014 Preparation

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) every year conducts the Competitive Medical Entrance Examination in both modes i.e. Online as well as Offline (Pen & Paper) mode for admissions to Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) course. Under the PradhanMantriSwasthyaSurakshaYojana six new All India Institutes of Medical Sciences have been established similar to AIIMS, New Delhi at Bhopal, Patna, Jodhpur, Rishikesh, Raipur and Bhubaneswar this year and the session will will start in August 2014 with 100 students in each of the institutions. Selection for admission will be done through the same entrance examination through which candidates are selected for AIIMS New Delhi. The Admission will be done on the basis of merit-cum-choice of the candidates.  

Duration of Course: The Course of studies leading to the award of degree of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S.) of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences shall last for a minimum of 5½ academic years including one year’s compulsory internship.

Eligibility Required to apply is as below:  

Age Limit: Candidates should have attained or will attain the age of 17 (seventeen) years as on the 31st of December of the year of admission.  

Education Qualifications: Candidates must have passed the 12th Class under the 10+2 Scheme/ Senior School Certificate Examination (CSBE) or Intermediate Science (I.Sc.) or an equivalent examination of a recognized University/ Board of any Indian State with ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY.

– Candidates who have appeared or are appearing at the qualifying examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology as main subject and expect to pass the examination with required percentage of marks are also eligible to apply and appear in the Competitive Entrance Examination.
However, their candidature will be considered only if they provide documentary evidence of having passed the qualifying examination with the required subjects and percentage of marks.

– If the Institute has to consider an examination of an Indian University or of a foreign/university to be equivalent to the 12th class under 10+2 scheme/Intermediate Science examination, the candidates shall have to produce a certificate from the concerned Indian University/Association of
the Indian Universities to the effect that the examination passed by him/her is considered by them to be equivalent to the 12th class under 10+2 scheme/Intermediate.

– The minimum aggregate of the marks in ENGLISH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY and BIOLOGY obtained in the qualifying examination required for appearing in the examination are : General and OBC candidates: 60% and SC/ST/OPH Candidates 50% marks.

AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam Pattern:All candidates are required to appear at the Competitive Entrance Examination, which
will be conducted by the AIIMS, New Delhi. The Competitive Entrance Examination will be of 3.5 hours duration and will have one paper consisting of 200 objective type (multiple choice and reason-assertion type) questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Knowledge. The distribution of questions will be as follows:

Sr No. Subject Max. QuestionsTime Allotted
01Physics60 3.5 Hours
03Biology (Botany and Zoology) 60
04General Knowledge 20


NOTE:– Question paper will be provided either in English or in Hindi according to the choice of candidates.

Negative Marking: Each incorrect response will get a score of -1/3 (minus-one-third).

Minimum Cut off Marks: Candidate belonging to General category will be required to have 50% minimum marks in the entrance examination to qualify. Those belonging to OBC category will be required to have minimum 45% marks and those belonging to SC/ST Categories will be required to have atleast 40% minimum marks in the Entrance Examination. The same rule will apply for the six new AIIMS also.

Syllabus for AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam: The general standard of the Competitive Entrance Examination will be that of 12th class under the 10+2 Scheme/Intermediate Science. No syllabus has been prescribed by the Institute for the examination.
Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) MBBS Entrance Exam and AIIMS UG Exam are suggested as below.

Biology Book for AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam

Physics Book for AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam 

Chemistry Book for AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam

AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam Previous Year Solved Papers which candidates should refer for practice are :

We wish all candidates All The Best for the Upcoming Exams and wish them great future ahead!!

Leave a comment below if you can suggest some other good books for this course. Also, if you have used the above books, please do provide a feedback.


Meet medical Topper and AIIMS student, Lokesh Aggarwal

HIS dream became a passion, and he says he wouldn’t have been anything else but a doctor. Meet Lokesh Aggarwal, this year’s AIPMT topper who will be joining AIIMS, and who is deeply inspired by his father, a paediatric surgeon.

Q. How did you decide on taking up medicine as a career?  
A. After my Class 10 exams, I was confused, whether to go for engineering or medicine. I was apprehensive that my friends in IT would be well placed than me. So I asked my dad, “If I put in hard work in medicine, would it be worth it? He cautioned, “Being successful in this profession is a struggle.
There is no guarantee that you would be a successful doctor even after 10 years, it is a continuous struggle.” However, he insisted that I should let my interests decide my course. I have seen my father get up in the middle of the night to do a surgery and I respect him even more, he is my personal role model. Since I have always idolized him, there was no second option, but to study medicine.

Q. What were some of the other exams you sat for?  
A. I secured fourth rank in AIIMS,  eighth rank in Manipal Medical entrance exam, second rank in Banaras Hindu University and fourth rank in UP combined Premedical Test.

Did you take any coaching? How does it help?  
A.  Coaching helps us understand new patterns of questions that can be asked in the paper. I took the test series from Aakash Institute during the last three-four months of my preparation.

Q. How did you balance your studies for boards and medical entrance?   
A.  Syllabus for board exams and medical entrance is the same, while the pattern in the exam is more subjective in boards, it is objective in entrance exams. My aim was to get 60 percent in the board exams, I was more focused on cracking the entrance.

Q.How did you study? Did you follow a schedule?  
A.  I used to get up at 6 in the morning. 7-12 in the morning was the peak concentration time for me. I think it is very important to set your biological clock to the time of the exam, usually 10-1 in the morning, so that you are mentally alert while giving the exam. I used to go for a walk to relax and take a break

Q. What are the things that an aspirant has to keep in mind? Any tips?
A.  While preparing I focused more on concepts, less on factual points. Study conceptual mechanics in Physics (Class 11) and don’t skip it, since it builds a strong foundation. Biology and Chemistry require more of integrated learning.  My advice to others would be to keep studying. If you have to mug up things, better leave them.

Q. How confident were you of your preparation?  
A.  I was overconfident of my preparation and my teachers criticised me for that, but I am thankful to them. I believe overconfidence is like a cage that has to be broken. It is through this metamorphosis that learning can happen, else stagnation sets in.

Q. What was you strategy while giving the exam?
A.  In the first 40-50 minutes, I would try and attempt direct questions which usually comprise 60-70 percent of any paper. Follow this with numericals which are usually indirect and attempt the toughest questions last which require application of concepts. That way you are attacking them from a position of confidence.

Q. What would be your advice to other aspirants?
A.  Be yourself. Don’t feel terrorised by your parent’s expectations, instead pursue your interests and be clear about what you are doing. Each one of us is different; hence we have to devise our own method of studying.

Q. What are your future plans?      
A.  My dream is to become a surgeon with specialization in a particular area. I believe that if you are a good human being, you can be a good doctor. 

AIPMT 2015 Important chapters, Topic wise weightage

The candidate who is applying the AIPMT exam, they have to know the information about the exam. They can learn important topics and chapters of the test. This process will help to keep all the information in your mind. So you have remembered the following topics for your exam.

AIPMT 2015 Important Chapters Of Physics

Scope and excitement of physics, physics measurement and world, physical law and technology, physics, society, units and needs of measurement, SI and fundamental units, length measurement, mass measurement, time measurement, measurement errors, accuracy instruments, important of figures, physical dimensional and quantities.

AIPMT 2015 Important Chapters Of Chemistry

Basic information about the chemistry, chemistry scope and important, chemical combination law, abstraction of atoms, molecules and elements, molecules and atom masses, mole description, molar masses, percentage of composition and formula for the molecular, chemical compositions and reactions, stoichiometry and their calculations.

AIPMT 2015 Important Chapters Of Biology

You have to cover both the zoology and biology subject. Diversity and biodiversity, classification needs, three types of domain life, systematic and taxonomy, information about the species, taxonomy, binomial theory, tools and types of taxonomy- zoos, botanical garden, herbaria, Museums, five types of kingdom classification, mineral classification and its features, fungi and Protista.

These are the important chapter and topics of  AIPMT exam, you have to take concentrate only this chapter for getting higher marks. This syllabus is very helpful and useful for you. So keep mind in this chapter and topics. This is not enough for take high marks, you have to prepare model question papers and test for achieving this exam.

AIPMT 2015 Biology, Chemistry, Physics Syllabus free download

Many students get all the official details from the AIPMT; they are the prescribed authority of CBSE. All India pre medical entrance tests and it are otherwise called AIPMT, they follow several rules to select the medical students, and they are conducting medical entrance exams to select the students.

AIPMT 2015 Syllabus

They offer more than fifteen percentages seats to the all the medical colleges. Each year they change exam rules and question paper patterns. Each question carries four marks if the student’s produces an incorrect response, one mark is reduced and they maintain certain criteria and the main aim of this concern is to make the best medical students.

AIPMT conducts tests in Hindi as well as English. Their application is available online if you interested to write this test you can visit their site it provides complete details about their process, additionally the online sites offers exam time table as well as AIPMT 2015 syllabus free so it will help for your preparations.
Before the test they  need your details, so they provide application forms.  To get the best score in this exam you should follow all the guidelines which are available on their site, so make use of it and score more marks.

AIPMT 2015 Helpline numbers, help desk, contact details

Most of the medical and other students are getting interesting to write an AIPMT 2015 entrance exam. In which the registration form is issued in the online also. So the students are very exciting to the exam date and the results of the entrance exam. The CBSE gives the guidelines to the students for the people or students doubts.

AIPMT 2015 Helpline

They give the application form that is those participants have to download the entrance exam of the AIPMT MBBS in 2015. That admit card for the each student can be issued through the online. That form has been taken by the department of AIPMT.
The application form of the student will not apply through the post to the AIPMT MBBS in 2015, the hall ticket of the entrance exam can contain all the details such the student name, roll number, registration number, photo, venue of the exam and the signature of the student.

AIPMT Helpline Numbers and contacts

size: medium;”>Joseph Emmanuel (Joint Secretary (OSD)), AIPMT

Ph: 011-22059683 


I Margaret Catherine (Joint Secretary (IT) )

Ph: 011-22045173

Help Line : 011-22041807, 22041808

Toll Free Number : 1800118002

Central Board Of Secondary Education
Shiksha Kendra, 2 – Community Centre,
Preet Vihar,Delhi-110092

The students are advised to protect the 2015 MBBS admit card before going to the exam hall. If the students want to contact the CBSE organization means, take the number from the AIPMT 2015 website. Then clarify your doubts through the AIPMT 2015 Helpline Number.

AIPMT 2015 fee payment structure, Bank challan details

The AIPMT 2015 fees structure and bank details of this AIPMT exam are given below, We can provide all detail about that entrance test. The debit card and credit card facility is applicable in this examination process. Also, you can deposit the fees in the Canara bank with CBSE bank account or otherwise you have to download the Challan by using the website

AIPMT 2015 Fee Payment

Directly you can pay the amount of AIPMT CBSE bank with the e-post office. If you decided to pay the AIPMT 2015 application fee  amount through the credit or debit card, you have to check the credit card validity. And also kept with all time while applying this exam.

If you want to pay the fee amount at the off-line method, to choose the any one of the bank or you can use the post office for depositing the amount. After completing the part II registration process to download the slip or AIPMT 2015 Bank  Challan for depositing the fee amount if you are paying the fee at offline method.
Once you have been deposited the fees amount, you have to keep with registration no, bank address, bank branch code, bank name, pin code number and transaction ID at any situation. After that you have to submit the part III application form and take AIPMT Fee confirmation slip print out of this.

AIPMT 2015 medical college list, total seats

Now in the AIPMT 2015, entrance exam many of the seats are allocated to the students according to their caste wise and the college wise. The Armed forces medical college is the one of the top most medical colleges. It is placed in the Pune, can be related to the norms suggested  by the director of the armed forces medical services, government of India and the office of defense.

AIPMT 2015 medical colleges

All the filtered listed students are can be moved into the second stage of the test or exam. For other information the AFMC will give the guidelines to the students.
The AIPMT top medical colleges are there such as an
More than 672 seats are available for the MBBS candidate in the AIIMS institute placed in the New delhi, patna, Bhopal, Rishikesh, jodhpur, Bhubaneswar and the Raipur. The 672 seats are allocated to the MBBS in AIIMS and the 72 seats are allocated to the AIIMS in Delhi.
The other remaining seats are available for other branches of the AIIMS. The total number of remaining seats is 600. Every new AIIMS had the seats of 100 for the medical programmes.

AIPMT 2015 list of medical colleges, top colleges

Most of the medical college and dental college students are getting more interested to write the exam of the AIPMT 2015. Here many of the top colleges are participate in the examination.  Many of the medical colleges can merge with the AIPMT and the CBSE can change the rules and regulation for the students.

AIPMT 2015 Top Medical colleges

That all are regarding to the admission of the medical students. The Armed forces medical college is the one of the top most medical colleges. It is placed in the Pune, can be related to the norms suggested  by the director of the armed forces medical services, government of India and the office of defense. All the filtered listed students are can be moved into the second stage of the test or exam. For other information the AFMC will give the guidelines to the students.

The top AIPMT medical colleges are
This is the top most AIPMT medical college and accepts the AIPMT 2015. This is conducted by the CBSE. And it is the national level of the exam. In which each participant fills the application form in the online. And if any did correction, then go to the website guidelines and change the mistake.
The candidates should take the hall ticket before entering in the exam hall. In the exam hall, they have to spend 3 hours to complete the exam. That is totally 720 marks, each section have the separate cut off marks.


Application process

AIPMT 2015 Application form download, Procedure, status check

The AIPMT can be organized the CBSE education process in the month of May, 2015. The India will be determined the exam pattern and syllabus of this education. This is the entrance test in the medical field. Are you going to write this exam and if you are in trouble to download this exam application.
Don’t worry about that, we will provide procedure to download this application form. You have to submit the entire detail on online. There are some steps are available for submitting this application form. Those are following first you have to visit the website

AIPMT 2015 Application procedure

You will have to visit the official webpage of AIPMT Application form 2015 for following steps.
To create an account for registration process.
To enter your email ID, phone number and name.
To fill all the details on the AIPMT 2015 application form.
To upload the all documents at the required page.
After filling all the details you have to take a printout of this AIPMT 2015 application form. To attach the signature, photograph and to press the left side hand on the form. You have to affix the all related documents like 12th and 10th class details, birth certificate and communication certificate. You have to attach this certificate at the form submission time. So you kept all documents with you.
The form filling work will be completed finally to send this form for CBSE AIPMT 2015 office. This is the important AIPMT application form procedure to submit the online application form. So to keep these steps in your mind carefully, this will help for at any situation.

AIPMT 2015 form fill up, filling date, availability

The CBSE can conduct the entrance exam of the AIPMT 2015, in which they are pre allocated the dates and the registration forms. Those registrations forms are available in the online. The participants should not reply to the post. The each and every candidate is having the scanned signature and the photograph.

AIPMT 2015 form fill up

That is only in the JPG from. This is the online submission. The payment amount of the entrance exam is also given in the online. The participants have to visit the corresponding website to know all the details of the entrance exam. The fees can be paid by using the credit card and the debit card.
They have an account in the CBSE bank or the Canera bank only. If the student has the account of the CBSE means, then they can directly take the money by using the website address. That is given by the organization of the CBSE. They can check the strength of the credit card and the debit card.
They also give the last date of the submission. The date for AIPMT 2015 entrance exam form filling date which  is December in 2015 is announced by the website of CBSE.

AIPMT 2015 instruction for application form filling

To fill the online application of the AIPMT 2015 the CBSE give some instruction to follow by the candidates. The participants should upload their photos and scanned signature. The scanned photographs and the signature of the students should be in a JPG format.

AIPMT 2015 instruction

The image of the students should be in the 10 to 100kb only. Otherwise the candidate will not to be considered. And the signature should be in 3 to 20 KB format. After that, the candidate should take the printout and make the copy from the original of the application.
That is used in the confirmation page of the student. The sign of the student should place in the corresponding place that is on the left side. The parents and guardian also put the sign in the regarding place in the AIPMT 2015 application form. That form should be authenticated from the higher officer in that organization.
That color of the paper should be in white and use a black pen to sign on the application. The background color of the photo should be in white. Pay the fee by using the credit card and the debit card. Take print out the computer generating page of the confirmation.

Exam Pattern

AIPMT 2015 exam pattern, New pattern and changes

Almost all the students are getting ready to write the entrance exam of the AIPMT 2015. This is especially for the medical and dental college students. Around the 15% of quota can be allocated to the medical student in the India, in which there are 180 objectives are placed in the exam.

AIPMT 2015 exam pattern

The exam will be conducted in three hours. All the questions are taken from the three types are subject. That is biology, chemistry and the physics. Each subject section has the 45 questions. The student has to finish that question within the 3 hours. Here every single question takes the four marks.

That is, every correct answer will get the 4 marks. And for the wrong answer each one mark will be reduced from overall mark. The guidelines of the CBSE will give the instruction and advice to the each student. More than a single answer of the student indicates a query can be deemed as wrong reply and will be unhelpfully patent.
To the point of assessment, the examination Booklet system as written in the reply Sheet on elevation will be established as an ending section of the paper evaluation. The question paper of the entrance exam is Hindi or English. This is AIPMT 2015 exam pattern.

AIPMT 2015 Syllabus and Pattern in Hindi

The AIPMT 2015 is the medical and dental college entrance exam, in which the exam is conducted by the CBSE. Here the AIPMT 2015  pattern may be changed depends upon the AIPMT 2015 syllabus and the language. Here they follow the two kinds of language. That is English and the Hindi.

AIPMT 2015 Syllabus and Pattern

It also has the similar pattern of the English. In the question paper there are three different levels of the subjects are placed, that is physics, biology and the chemistry. In which the chemistry part has the 45 question and the physics has the 45 questions. Biology has the 90 marks.
Because in the biology it has the two parts that are botany and the zoology. The part of the botany has the 45 marks and the zoology has the 45 marks. All the questions are framed only the Hindi language. In which the total mark of the entrance exam is 720. The CBSE also allocate the cut off marks to the student as per the cast wise.
The most backward class students have to get the 40% of the marks. And other kind of the cost of the students has to get the 50% of the mark on the entrance exam.

AIPMT Previous year question papers pdf, free download

The AIPMT provides entrance examination from all over state in India. The AIMPT entrance exam was regulated by the CBSE (central Board Of secondary Education). This exam is mainly taken place for admission to BDS as well as MBBS. Based on cut off mark you can get several colleges dents on your ranking.

AIPMT Previous Year  Question papers free download

Currently, more the fifteen percentage of seats are allocated through this entrance exam where the seats are allocated from the dental and medical colleges which are run by the state government, union of India, local authorities as well as municipalities. For your guidelines several question papers are available in online.

If you watch out this question paper, then you can learn more details also you can improve your skills. The main aim of AIMPT exam is to take all the regions of students from several countries and so it will foster the exchange of inter regional.
AIPMT 2007 Solved Question Paper
AIPMT 2008 Solved Question Paper
AIPMT 2009 Solved Question Paper
AIPMT 2010 Solved Question Paper
AIPMT 2011 Solved Question Paper
AIPMT (Pr) 2012 Question Paper (English)
AIPMT (Pr) 2012 Question Paper (Hindi)
AIPMT (Pr) 2013 Question Paper (English)
AIPMT (Pr) 2013 Question Paper (Hindi)

The AIMPT is really used for all students because by using this exam, you can get your favorite college where it really used to save your money and time. Also in online several study material is also available so don’t use this wonderful opportunity to gain more welfare.

AIPMT 2015 practice papers, online practice

AIPMT 2015 practice papers through online is very useful for the students who are all want to join in the medical field. It will help you to make you as better. You can practice any time, there is no time allotted for your practice. You can try as per your wish. It does matter how long you are taking practice for  your preparation.

AIPMT 2015 practice papers

You can take too much of time for your practice. So make you as much better during your practice. Then you will get success in your AIPMT entrance exam. AIPMT 2015 practice paper syllabus also depends on the AIPMT entrance exam paper.

AIPMT practice papers will give you some idea about the type of questions asked and you can also know the exam pattern. AIPMT practice papers are very important for all the students who are all want to attend AIPMT entrance exam. During practice, you can take a long time for your preparation. But during main entrance examination, you have to keep time.
You should complete all the questions in the given allotted time. So better try to complete in the given time during your practice. It will keep you as good.

AIPMT 2015 Sample papers PDF file download

The AIPMT 2015 sample papers will help you for your AIPMT entrance examination. Central Board of Secondary Education conducted AIPMT entrance exam. AIPMT sample papers will give you some idea about the number of questions asked and about the type of questions asked.

AIPMT 2015 Sample papers

The AIPMT sample papers have 180 questions. Each question is in English and Hindi. Sample papers are very important for all the students who are all want to attend AIPMT entrance exam. AIPMT 2015 sample papers have 4 sets. Each set has 180 questions. ALL the questions are asked from physics, chemistry, Botany and Zoology.

Forty questions from physics and chemistry. Ninety questions from Biology. Each question will be of 4 marks and 1 mark will be deducted for a wrong answer. Most important thing is that you have to complete the exam in the given allotted time. If you cannot able to complete, try again. It will help to keep time in your AIPMT entrance exam.
It will give more idea for all the students. AIPMT is a national level UG medical entrance exam which is conducted by CBSE. It is only for students who want to take admissions into BDS and MBBS in several medical colleges across the country.

AIPMT 2015 mock test papers online free

AIPMT 2015 is commonly known as All India Pre Medical Entrance Test. It is a national level UG medical entrance exam which is conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). You can download free online for the AIPMT Mock test paper.

AIPMT 2015 mock test papers

If you want to know about AIPMT 2015 Mock test paper online free, just come to website. This will help you everything. These AIPMT Mock test question papers are based on the syllabus. But in online, Some of the questions may come with out of syllabus.
It is just for your exam preparation to get better knowledge. If you want mock question paper with the answer, then you can just post a comment to us and get a free download. And you can also check AIMPT reference books for your better preparation. This will help for all the students for their better preparation.
You can download it in on free online, if the AIMPT Mock question paper is in the pdf format. This will help you to make your performance as much better. So, come to our website, get more knowledge and improve your performance. Finally get good results for your future.

AIPMT 2015 sample Papers, Model test papers free download

The AIPMT is one of the entrance exam conducted by the CBSE education system. This entrance exam is fully based on the dental filed and medical field. This test will be conducted on the month May, 2015. All the eligible candidate is using this opportunity for changing your life.

AIPMT 2015 Model test Papers

This exam qualification is X and XII, and the candidates very strong in maths and science. There are three subjects most important in this exam process such as Chemistry, biology and physics. If you can get more marks in this exam, you can take practice in daily. To refer all kinds of books and read all related information about this book.

To give equally important for all the three subjects. The AIPMT Model question paper will lead to get more marks in this entrance exam. Do you want AIPMT 2015 model question paper to visit the following links it is very helpful for you.
Take mock test daily, it will help to score high marks in exam. If you an have internet connection to write the test daily based on this test. The model test paper is very useful for all candidates, also you can able to know the information about the question pattern, time duration and number of questions.

AIPMT 2015 Model Question papers, Model papers

AIPMT Model Question papers are very important and helpful for AIPMT main entrance exam. The model question papers will help you for your AIPMT entrance examination. Central Board of Secondary Education conducted AIPMT entrance exam.

AIPMT 2015 Model Question papers

AIPMT sample papers will give you some idea about the number of questions asked and about the type of questions asked. The AIPMT sample papers have 180 questions. Each question is in English and Hindi. Questions are asked from the physics, chemistry and Biology.

The answer is given at the end of the paper. It is very helpful for each student to get better knowledge. If you want to write model exams through the online, then you have to follow some conditions, which mean time allotment, this much of questions only have to attend, what are the ways to attend the questions.
These are all allotted in online. Not only online, direct exams also having these conditions. So AIPMT 2015 model question paper will help you how to keep time, how to attend some type of questions, which type of questions asked. These are all much more important for your AIPMT entrance exam. Therefore, keep you as best by attending AIPMT model question papers.

AIPMT 2015 selection procedure, Selection criteria details

The AIPMT 2015 entrance exam will be organized by the CBSE education system, this test conducted in the years of 2015, may 3. The both medical field and dental field are present in this examination process. So the eligible candidates are applying this exam by using the website

AIPMT 2015 Selection Procedure

This website will provide all the detail about the test and application form submitting process. This site is very useful for you for knowing the information about the test. The AIPMT selection procedure of this test fully depends on the exam. The Indian government was allocated the seats for this examination is 15% both BDS and MBBS.
AIPMT 2015 selection procedure will be handled based on the candidates who getting the marks. The marks will be varied based on the category. The target mark of the UR category is 682 to 438, OBC category is 438 to 434 and then SC category, mark is 438 to 295 finally the ST category is 436 to 288. Based on these marks they will start a selection process.
This AIPMT 2015 selection procedure will be announced on the June first week, 2015. This selection is completely based on the applicants total, seats availability and exam level.

AIPMT 2015 number of seats, attempts, questions

AIPMT 2015 is commonly known as All India Pre Medical Entrance Test. It is a national level Undergraduate medical entrance exam which is conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). It is only for the students who want to take admissions into BDS and MBBS in several medical colleges across the country.

AIPMT 2015 number of seats

CBSE allotted a seat like 2200 seats for MBBS and 200 seats for BDS. AIPMT entrance exam will be conducted on May 3, 2015. The AIPMT question papers consist 4 sets. Each set has 180 questions. Every question is in English and Hindi.

ALL the questions are asked from physics, chemistry, Botany and Zoology. Forty questions are asked from physics and chemistry. Ninety questions are asked from Biology. Each question will be of 4 marks for a right answer and 1mark will be deducted for a wrong answer.
Students have to choose only one answer from the given choice that is out of four options. Every year a lot of candidates attending AIPMT exam. But few members only get pass.. So try to improve your knowledge and make confident with you as a MBBS students before attending the AIPMT entrance exam.

AIPMT 2015 Option registration process

If you want to apply for AIPMT 2015, then should fill the AIPMT 2015 application form. These application forms should be released in the month of December 2014 and the candidate can also complete the process on the official website of CBSE for given

AIPMT 2015 Option registration

These application forms does not based on sales of physical application forms. It would be exclusively released online. You have to fill the AIPMT application form very carefully. So read all the instructions completely before filling the application. If you did any mistake on the AIPMT application form, then it will be in rejecting list.

So you should fill the AIPMT application form with correct and proper information. Otherwise the application form will be rejected. Every candidate must pay the fees to complete the  application form. These fees can be allotted based on different community, which means Rs.550 for SC/ST/PH candidates and Rs. 1000 for other candidates like OBC and general.
After these processes, your confirmation page will be sent to the AIPMT office. Write all the details on the confirmation page which is generated at the completion of the AIPMT 2015 application form. On the confirmation page, you have to sign it.

AIPMT – 2015

With the order of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India, AIPMT 2015 examination will be commenced by & under Central Board of Secondary education. AIPMT is being conducted for 15% merit positions in various medical and dental colleges which are listed nu High Court of India.
There are various colleges and universities which are participating in the examination and you can check a complete list of these colleges from this web portal.
CBSE is responsible for conducting the AIPMT Entrance exam and list of these colleges can be checked along with the best coaching centres in India.
The counselling for successful candidates under 15% All India Quota seats is conducted by the DGHS and the Counselling for admission in seats under the control of other participating States/Universities/Institutions shall be conducted by their respective Authorities.
03-05-2014 (Sunday)
Official Website:

Best AIPMT coaching classes/ Centres in India

The Central Board of Secondary Education announced AIPMT (All India Pre-Medical Examination) 2015. It is a national level UG medical entrance exam which is conducted by CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education). It is run by the Union of India, state government, Institutions and Universities are also considered in the AIPMT entrance exam by using its merit list for admission in the medical colleges and Dental Colleges.

Best AIPMT Coaching in India

Every year a number of candidates are attending AIPMT entrance exam, but few numbers of candidates only get a pass or clear the AIPMT entrance exam. A number of Best coaching classes are available in India.
These are the best AIPMT coaching center in India. If the candidates can interest to get government medical colleges, then they can fill the application form which means AIPMT 2014 online entrance form. CBSE invited the candidates for online applications for AIPMT that is All India Premedical or Pre Dental Entrance test.

These will be only for eligible students. These exams also consider the age. All the candidates must fill carefully. Otherwise, your application form will be rejected.

Best AIPMT coaching classes/ Centres in Delhi

AIPMT is a national medical college.  There will be conduct an entrance exam for the medical as well as the dental course. In addition, they also provide the coaching for the medical entrance. It is the most popular medical exam in all over the world.

AIPMT coaching in Delhi

Most of the medical colleges are selecting the students based on their entrance mark. So, this institute helps you to get, the more marks in the entrance. They also give the additional support to the students in the way of studies. Best AIPMT coaching centers in Delhi are listed below.
Contained  by, they provide the list of top coaching institute of AIPMT in Delhi. You can apply this coaching center through the website also. In this education center has the well trained coacher to support for your education.  15% of the seat were filled by this college. For that, they produce the extra coaching.

There is a multiplicity of cause present over there to  select this Best AIPMT coaching centers in Delhi, which is, trained in a variety of areas,  makes available online preparation also, make available only test itinerary,  appropriate training for respective areas. So in every viewpoint, it will be the best option for all. Everyone necessitates to come and join this center for your better future

All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)

How to Prepare for AIPMT 2015 



How to Prepare for AIPMT 2015

How to Prepare for AIPMT 2015

With AIPMT 2015 scheduled for May 3, you may be preparing for the most sought after medical entrance exam. You need a preparation strategy and better planning for hitting the mark that will guarantee you a seat in top medical colleges across India under 15% All India Quota seats in Government Medical/Dental Colleges except the States of Andhra Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir.

Know the success strategy of 2014 Medical Exam Toppers that rewarded them grand success and paved their way toward medical profession. Careers360 brings here the preparation insights from AIPMT and AIIMS toppers.

Read here, what toppers studied, how they prepared, which books they followed and more.

Talk to our expert counsellors for any doubts and queries related to the exam pattern, and preparation on AIPMT 2015 Exam Helpline at 011-40360360 

All UG Medical 2015 Exam alerts like news and updates related to sample papers, application forms, admit card, exam results, counselling and much more.

Books for AIPMT 2015 Preparation:  Right Materials for Groundwork

Selecting right preparation material is the most crucial part for cracking an exam. Tejaswin Jha who topped AIPMT 2014 with 682 marks out of 720 says that studying NCERT books rather than heavy weight expensive study materials was the mantra for his success. He said, “NCERT is the best way to clear your base and concepts in all the three subjects-Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Once your base is clear, scoring in AIPMT becomes easier to crack.”

Arun Ashokan scored a brilliant 950 out of 960 in KEAM Medical 2014. The topper who got a perfect score in Physics also preferred NCERT books to prepare for medical entrance exams. He says, “Basically, referred to NCERT textbooks. In fact, I finished NCERT books on Biology at least 10 times.”
Apart from the NCERT books, toppers also suggest to consult other reference books and study materials provided by your mentors or experts for better understating of concepts in Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Experts suggest following books for the AIPMT and medical entrance exam preparation.

AIPMT 2015 Books for Preparation:

The following table brings to you the list of top reference books for Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

PhysicsChemistry Biology
  • Concepts of Physics by H.C.Verma
  • NCERT Physics: CBSE PMT set of 3 Volumes by Anil Aggarwal
  • Concept of Competition Physics for CBSE PMT by Aggarwals
  • NCERT- Physics Part 1 and Part 2
  • Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon
  • Dinesh Chemistry
  • Peter Atkins and Julio de Paula for Physical Chemistry
  • Morrision Boyd for Organic Chemistry
  • ABC chemistry
  • Objective biology by Dinesh    SC Verma (Part-1 and 2)
  • NCERT- Biology Part 1 and Part 2
  • GRB Bathla's Publication's for Biology (For theory and objective)
  • Pradeep Publication's Biology
  • Trueman's Biology (Theory)

enroll for Expert guidance for UG 2015 medical Entrance Preparation, Counseling and college selection.

AIPMT 2015 Study Plan: Consistency and Routine Study
Consistency is one of the most pivotal elements of success. The toppers of AIPMT say that the main factor behind their success is their consistent and routine study plan. Thus, AIPMT 2015 aspirants must focus equally on the three sections - Chemistry, Physics and Biology.

However, depending on your strengths for different sections, you can accordingly plan your timing. Shreyasi Manish Shah who scored AIR 4 in AIPMT 2014 says that her preparation schedule was not time specific. She says, “I devoted a minimum of 7 hours daily for my exam preparation. It was subject and topic specific, rather than time specific. I invested my time depending on the subjects and number of important topics in it.”

Toppers reveal that only a disciplined study plan leads to success. “I used to wake up early morning at 6:30 am and take an hour to plan meticulously for the entire day. I believe that planning is necessary to reach a perfect goal. I studied the entire day with short breaks in between and, generally tried to finish it all by evening 6:30 pm. If it was needed, I would put some extra hours after 6:30 pm so that I was able to finish whatever I had planned for the day” said Akshay Ganesh Kumar, who held AIR 7 in AIPMT 2014
Importance of AIPMT 2015 Mock Test – Barometer of Performance

Mock tests are simulated papers based on exam pattern. They help you to revise the syllabus well before the real examinations. With these tests, you can evaluate your weakness and strengths.
“I used to revise at least 1-2 chapters in a week and make important notes of it. To improve my speed of solving questions, I take regular mock test,” says Shreyasi Manish Shah, AIPMT 2014 AIR 4.
Toppers suggest that mock tests serve as good indicators to gauge your preparation level. They present you an opportunity to perfect your D-day plan.

Solving sample papers and mock test papers may help you in outlining an overview of the actual paper. Lovedeep Singh Dhingra scored perfect 180 marks in Physics and fetched an overall score of 680 out of 720 says, “Solving sample papers and mock tests helped me mentally prepare for actual AIPMT exam day. On the Exam day, I could control my nervousness during the exam duration as I was already accustomed to exam time pressure during my mock tests.”

All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Examination (AIPMT)

AIPMT topper's advice: “Don’t just cram”

HAILING from a family of doctors, cracking the medical entrance exams seems like a natural career choice for Siddharth, who is currently studying at the All India Institute of Medical sciences (AIIMS) in New Delhi. He offers some good advice to aspiring medical students.
Siddharth Jain, Rank: Frist, Year: 2009
Apart from the AIPMT, he also gave the entrance test for AIIMS (ranked 3), the Delhi Pre-medical Test (DPMT - ranked 1) and Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE - ranked 1).
Today, he is pursuing his MBBS at AIIMS. But according to Siddharth, though getting into medicine was a well-thought out decision, he has seen both the perks and the challenges of the profession and was also aware that admission to the profession was not a cakewalk.
A consistently good student, Siddharth scored 95.2 percent in Class 12. He attended Delhi Public School, Rohini, located a stone’s throw away from his house. Recounting his entrance exam preparation days, he says, “I would wake up in the morning and study Biology, and when I got bored I would solve Chemistry and Physics numericals.”
Note that Siddharth was an ace when it came to Physics, but struggled with Biology. But he studied harder in the subject during the last two months of preparation. “Students should capitalise on their strengths and work on weaker areas,” he says.
He joined the Narayana IIT Academy in Rohini in Class 11 as it has a good faculty and was located close to his house. He would learn what was taught in the institute the very same day. He stresses on being regular at school, too.
“Joining a coaching institute most importantly instils a competitive spirit in you, since there are also other students there aiming for the same,” he says. “There were many brilliant students around me who could not make it in the first attempt. I was determined to give my best,” he adds.

He, however, does not deny the fact that students do clear the exams sans any coaching. He stresses that they could enrol for the mock test series offered by a coaching class, if not a regular course. 
The AIPMT is conducted in two stages: Prelims and Finals, which are both three-hour exams. The Prelims is conducted in the first week of April and comprises 200 objective-type questions, 50 each in Physics, Chemistry, Botany and Zoology. A correct answer fetches 4 marks and a wrong answer, a negative marking of 1. Those who clear the Prelims, will give the final exam in May, which comprises 120 objective-type questions. While half the questions in the AIPMT prelims are from Biology, the AIIMS exam focuses more on Modern Physics and Human Physiology.
When quizzed about the future, Siddarth says he wants to conduct research alongside being a practicing doctor.
Siddharth’s study mantras
  • Instead of cramming Physics formulae, try to understand concepts, as questions may be framed in multiple ways.
  • Time management is a must. Try to solve as many papers as you can.
  • Tackle easier, less time-consuming questions, first. Skip tough ones and come back to them with a fresh mind. Don’t get stuck.
  • Don’t try anything new a day before the exam. Relax and stay focused.
Reference Books
  • Concepts of Physics by HC Verma
  • Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
  • Objective Biology by Dinesh

AIIMS MBBS 2015: An overview and Preparation tips by Toppers

AIIMS MBBS 2015 is one of the most coveted medical entrance exam. Among the 7 All India Institute of Medical Sciences, AIIMS New Delhi is the most favored medical college of India. To provide all information about AIIMS MBBS 2015 exam, Careers360 presents an overall guide on the exam including the exam pattern, seat reservations and toppers tips and preparation guidelines.

AIIMS MBBS 2015 is scheduled to be conducted on June 1, 2015 in an online mode only. Untill last year, the exam was conducted in both offline and online mode, but from 2015, it has been officially notified that the exam will be a Computer based test only for the admissions to undergraduate MBBS progarmme.
 Enroll For AIIMS Knockout Test Series to Crack AIIMS 2015 exam or call Exam Helpline at 011- 40 360 360 to talk Expert counsellors

Highlights of AIIMS MBBS 2015

Exam mode: Online
Duration: 3.5 hours (Three and a half hours)

Number of Shifts: 2

Allocation of shifts: Random

Exam timing: First shift: 09:00 AM- 12:30 PM, Second shift: 03:00 PM – 06:30 PM

Type of Examination: Objective Type
AIIMS MBBS 2015 Exam Pattern: The exam pattern is prescruibed by the official exam conducting body. The exam will have 200 multiple choices and Reason Assertion Questions from Physics, Chemistry, Biology and General Knowledge. Let’s have a look at the section wise division of the exam in the table below.

 Subjects Questions Duration
 Physics 60    3.5 Hours
 Chemistry 60
 Biology (Zoology a& Botany) 60
 General Knowledge 20

As per the AIIMS MBBS 2015 Marking Scheme, a correct answer will let the candidate score 1 mark, and an incorrect answer will have a deduction of one third marks. After the exam will be over a All India Rank will be published, declaring the names of the shortlisted students for the counseling procedures.

The AIIMS MBBS 2015 Cut off marks will be based on percentile. Percentile corresponding category wise percentages are provided in the table. In case percentiles of both shifts are unequal the lower percentile of both shifts shall be the cut off.

Non-Creamy Layer45%
SC /ST40%

AIIMS MBBS Seats and Reservation
AIIMS MBBS 2015 Result will be on the basis for admission to 672 MBBS seats to 7 AIIMS Institutions. Among these 672 seats, 72 seats are in AIIMS New Delhi and the remaining 600 seats are in 6 new AIIMS. Each new AIIMS have 100 MBBS seats for MBBS programme.
Out of 72 seats in AIIMS New Delhi, 37 seats are for General Category, 11 seats are reserved for Schedule Caste, 5 for Schedule Tribes and 19 seats for Other Backward classes. A 3% reservation for Orthopaedic Physically Handicaped (OPH) is provided on the horizontal basis.

Serial .No.Location of AIIMSUnreserved
Other Backward Class (OBC)Scheduled Caste (SC)Scheduled Caste (ST)OPH (Orthopedic physically Handicapped)
1.New Delhi37191105

3% Horizontal


Toppers Tips and Tricks to crack AIIMS MBBS 2015 :

PattisapuPattispaduSrividya AIR 1, AIIMS 2014
PattispaduSrividya from Vishakhapatnam topped AIIMS MBBS 2014 exam. She secured All India Rank 1. In her interview with Careers360, Pattispadu said, “I started working for AIIMS MBBS entrance exam right after my class VIII”. She also said, ‘’My preparation strategy was to work hard, adopt a systematic study approach and have clarity on whatever was being taught to me in school and coaching classes’’.
Read below about her preparation tips

Enjoyed studies: Pattispadu said, ‘’I was not particularly preparing for AIIMS MBBS entrance exam but was studying regularly for other medical entrances such as AIPMT, JIPMER etc’’. She adds, “I attribute my success to love towards my studies. I love studies. I never got bored of them rather I enjoy each and every new concept I learn’’.

Stay self disciplined: Pattispadu says, ‘’Self discipline, hard work and faith in myself have helped me in reaching such great heights in my career.’’ She adds, “This strategy will always help everyone in long run. I used to study for 12 to 14 hours a day during the preparation period”. “In the last six months of AIIMS MBBS 2014, I worked the most on my weak areas and had tried to convert my weaknesses into my strengths” says, Pattispadu.

Freshen-up your mind: It is very important to freshen up your mind during prolonged study hours”, says Pattispadu. She said, “Whenever I felt stressful, I do painting and it also allows me to enhance my creativity”. She adds, “I have never comprised on my eight hours sleep during AIIMS MBBS preparation time”.
‘’In order to study with fresh mind and more concentration, it is very important to take short and recreational breaks in between,”adds, Pattiuspadu.

Advice to aspirants: “I would like to suggest them that do not take stress about AIIMS MBBS exam and the real success mantra is NCERT Books,” says Pattispadu. She further said, ‘’NCERT Books are the best way to clear your basics and concepts in all the three subjects, Physics, Chemistry and Biology’’.
“Apart from studying PCB, make it a habit to study newspaper daily as General knowledge sections also plays a big role in scoring high in AIIMS MBBS’’, says Pattiuspadu.
Set your goals high and your priorities higher!

 topper interview.

Interview Excerpts:
Careers360: Congratulations Pattisapu Srividya for Rank 1 in AIIMS 2014 Entrance Exam!
Pattisapu Srividya: Thank you so much sir. I am very happy and I can’t believe that I am rank 1 holder of the AIIMS Entrance Exam 2014. I did never imagine that I would top the AIIMS entrance. This came as a pleasant surprise for me.

Careers360: Please tell us about your family background.
Pattisapu Srividya: My father P.V.S. Prasad works with State Bank of India and my mother J. Rajyalakshmi works with Canara Bank. I thank my parents for letting me choose to do what I wanted in my careers. I thank them for giving me freedom and space.

Careers360: How did you prepare for AIIMS 2014? How much time did you devote for AIIMS?
Pattisapu Srividya: Actually, I haven’t particularly prepared for the AIIMS because I was not confident that I could make through it. But I was studying regularly for the other medical exam like JIPMER, EAMCET and AIPMT. I attribute my success to my love towards my studies. I really enjoy my studies but along with that I never compromise on my eight hours of sleep.

Careers360: What is your rank in other medical exams this year?
Pattisapu Srividya: I secured 9th rank in JIPMER, 7th in EAMCET, AIR 8th in Manipal Medical Entrance exam and 59th AIR in AIPMT.

Careers360: Which subjects did you find easiest and toughest during preparation?
Pattisapu Srividya: For me, easiest was the Chemistry and I didn’t find much difficulty in any other subject in the entrance exam.

Careers360: Besides studies, what do you do? Do you like sports?
Pattisapu Srividya: I love painting. It allows me to enhance my creative thought process. I also love to read J.K. Rowling’s novels and love the Harry Potter character.

Careers360: Which is your favourite Hollywood movie? Which movie did you watch last time?
Pattisapu Srividya: I watch movies regularly. I didn’t see any movie just before the exam.

Careers360: What is your dream in Medical studies.
Pattisapu Srividya: I wish to study more on molecular biology and I am extremely fond of this domain.

Arvind Subramanian AIR 4, AIIMS 2014

Arvind Subramanian secured All India Rank 4 in AIIMS MBBS 2014 exam. Topper who attributed his successful to the guidance he received from his teachers and to the hard work he put in to achieve this remarkable success.
Also, AIR 17 in JIPMER 2014, Arvind says, he was sure of being among the topper’s but did not expected a single digit rank.  In his interview with Careers360, Arvind says,”I began preparing for medical entrance exams right after my class X boards”. He says his preparation strategy was to work hard and have clarity on basic concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Read below about Arvind’s preparation strategy.
Hard work is the key to success- “I truly believe in this English proverb that hard work is the only key to success’’, says Arvind. ‘’The basic strategy I adopted was to have clarity on all the concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Biology’’ says Arvind. He also adds, ‘’ I invested a lot of time to strength Zoology and botany subject because these two subjects have vast theory’’. ‘’I have tried to solve at least 20 numerical on daily basis within a set deadline to boost my problem solving speed’’ says, Arvind.
Revision plays an important role:  “A month before the AIIMS 2014 exam, I was busy in revising notes which I made during school and coaching classes,” says Arvind. He further said that," I used to solve previous year sample papers and take 4 to 5 mock tests a week". “Revision exercise has helped me in analyzing my weak areas and brought good improvement in my studies, thus it has played a very important role during preparation,” he adds.
Piece of advice from my side: “I would like to tell other aspirants that do not take stress about the exam and do not study under pressure”, says Arvind. He further added, “Start preparing for competitive examinations with your intermediate exam”. He added, ‘’Recreational activities plays a vital role in releasing stress and restlessness, so indulge in activities which helps you relax and then start studying with more concentration’’.

Interview Excerpts:

Careers360: Congratulations for remarkable performance in AIIMS MBBS 2014 and in other medical competitive examination.
Arvind Subramanian:  Thank you. I am very happy with results as I have managed to secure decent rank in other medical competitive examinations including JIPMER, KEAM, and AIPMT.  I am eagerly waiting to embark on my journey to pursue the MBBS course.

Careers360: What is your rank in other medical exams this year? Did you target any specific exam to excel among others exams?
Arvind Subramanian:    I secured AIR 6, 17, 32 in KEAM, JIPMER, and AIPMT respectively. Yes, I put extra effort to crack Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research entrance examination. My mind was preoccupied with a desire to achieve good rank in JIPMER this year. There was an emotional equation for the mentioned inclination. My elder brother is pursuing MBBS from JIPMER and I always aspired to join him.
I am very fortunate that my hard work has paid off and I will soon enroll with JIPMER located in Pondicherry.

Careers360: Please share your exam preparation strategy. How did you divide your preparation schedule among the three subjects?
Arvind Subramanian:   Preparation strategy was to work hard and have clarityon basic concepts of Physics, Chemistry and Biology subjects. I started preparing the various medical competitive examinations simultaneously with my intermediate examinations.
During my Intermediate first year, I invested a lot of time to strengthen zoology and botany subjects because these two subjects have vast theory part. Thus, Biology section demanded exam preparation to be started at early.
Then, as I entered Intermediate last year, I also focused on physics. I made a point to attempt and solve at least 20 numerical a day within a set deadline to boost question-solving speed. This really helped me solve questions in time efficient manner during several entrance examinations.

Careers360:  What was preparation strategy a month before AIIMS 2014 exam?
 Arvind Subramanian:   A month before the AIIMS 2014 exam, I was busy in revising notes and solving previous years sample papers after 10-15 days. Revision exercise allowed me to analyze my weak area and brought good improvement in my exam preparation.
I also used to take 4-5 mock tests a week, which helped me to improve my question solving speed.  And a day before the exam I indulged in activities like listening to music and playing video games to bust exam restlessness.

Careers360: It was a quite hectic schedule for you. Could you find time for outdoor activities?
Arvind Subramanian:   I agree it used to be hectic days for me. To break the monotony of regular study schedule, at times I used to play football and basket ball matches with my friends.  I was goalkeeper of my school football team in class X, which I passed out from Alphonsa Senior Secondary School, located in Calicut, Kerala. Playing matches refreshes my mind and increases my ability to focus.

Careers360:  Which subject was the easiest and which was the toughest?
Arvind Subramanian:   Chemistry was the easiest section for me. Physics was the toughest as the questions were time consuming in nature.

Careers360: Reasons to pursue MBBS? And your career plan after pursuing the course?
Arvind Subramanian: I have already mentioned, my elder brother Abhinand Subramanian, an MBBS student at JIPMER, was my role model. My brother scored AIR 5 in AIPMT in the year 2011. He inspired me to enter this noble profession.
I aspire to become neurologist.

Careers360: Are you fond of movies?
Arvind Subramanian:    I am not a big movie buff. Instead I prefer playing video games.But, recently just to accompany my friend I watched Malayalam movie titled “Banglore Days”, written and directed by Anjali Menon. For friends I am always ready to embrace such plans to spend quality time with them.

Careers360: Apart from studies, what falls in your interest zone?
Arvind Subramanian: I love reading science fiction novels. I have read “Prey”, a techno thriller novel by Michael Crichton, and “Inheritance” by Christopher Paolini. I also like collecting stamps of different countries.

Careers360: At which medical college you are planning to seek admission?
Arvind Subramanian:  Undoubtedly, my only choice is JIPMER,Pondicherry.  Yes, same emotional equation. I want to follow the footsteps of my elder brother, who is currently pursuing MBBS from JIPMER. So, I want to seek admission at JIPMER.

AIIMS MBBS 2015 result will be the basis for admission to 672 MBBS seats in 7 AIIMS institutions located at New Delhi, Bhopal, Patna, Jodhpur, Rishikesh, Raipur and Bhubaneswar. Among 672 MBBS seats in AIIMS, 72 are in AIIMS Delhi and reaming 600 seats are in 6 new AIIMS. Each new AIIMS has 100 seats for MBBS programmes.

AIPMT 2015 Important Books
One of the most common questions medical aspirants ask us is whether NCERT books are sufficient for the preparation of AIPMT . According to askIITians experts, while NCERT book preparation for AIPMT is a good start, one also needs to consult other guide books and reference books for AIPMT preparation.
Analysis of past year AIPMT and NEET UG papers reveal that many questions asked in the exam had been directly picked up from NCERT books.

If you have relied on NCERT book preparation for AIPMT, chances are that you already have a good-enough foundation for the exam. NCERT syllabus is quite close to the AIPMT syllabus which will give you an edge over students from other education boards.

List of other AIPMT books you should check out:

AIPMT Physics Books

  • Fundamental of Physics by David more 
  • I E more 
  • Halliday, Resnick and more 
  • A A Pinsky more 
  • Feynman Lectures on more 
  • L A Sena(A Collection of questions & problems in Physics) more 
  • Objective Physics for Medical Entrance Examinations by D.C Pandey (Arihant Publications) more 


AIPMT Chemistry Books

Physical Chemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Organic Chemistry

AIPMT Biology Books

  • Trueman’s Elementary Biology for class 11th … more
  • Objective NCERT –  Biology ….read more
  • Trueman’s Biology Vol 1 more
  • Trueman’s Biology Vol more
  • Genetics by Strickberger or Vir Bala Rastogi
  • Physiology and Biochemistry by Salisbury and Ross or Fritz and Noggle.

AIPMT Complete Guide

  • Complete Guide – more
  • Complete Guide – more
  • Complete Guide – more
  • Pearson Guide to Medical Entrance more

AIPMT Past Year Books

  • Biology with 26 years chapter wise more
  • Chemistry with 26 years chapter wise more
  • Physics with 26 years chapter wise more
  • 26 years topic wise solved papers by Disha more

Check Study Material for AIPMT

However, here are some tips on how to gain deeper insights into particular topics, practice problems and learn tips & tricks to crack AIPMT exam:
  • Examplar, published by NCERT, is concise and has scientifically designed courseware. It is highly recommended for all medical aspirants.
  • For practice problems, one must check out AIPMT past year papers.
  • Start with other books once you have finished with NCERT syllabus or only for reference on topics which you fail to understand from your base book.
  • You can also solve practice problems from other books after each chapter to make sure that you have mastered the concept or topic you have just studied.
  • Refer to askIITians study material  which has been prepared by askIITians experts after a thorough research of all the popular AIPMT preparation books and study material of popular coaching classes.

Best Books for AIPMT Preparation 2015

best books for aipmt

Books recommended by Toppers for AIPMT 2015 Image
All India Pre Medical Test (AIPMT) is all India entrance examination for admission in to government affiliated MBBS and Dental colleges. The total of 6.67 lakh students appeared for AIPMT for approximately 2500 MBBS and 400 dental seats.
Ranks up to 3500 can reasonably hope for selection due to overlap with other entrances. There are several reference guides in the market that would cater to every requirement of the students from different educational boards in India. We compiled a brief list of books for students aspiring to appear for the All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT). The following are a few out of several good ones available on the internet.

Below are the recommended books for AIPMT Books:
AIPMT best books, AIPMT  physics books, AIPMT  chemistry books, AIPMT  objective books, AIPMT  books 2015, AIPMT  objective books, AIPMT  best physics books, AIPMT  books for chemistry, AIPMT  best physics books, list of AIPMT best books.

UPCPMT 2015 Medical Entrance Exam – UP Combined Pre Medical Test

UPCPMT 2015 - Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre-Medical Test UPCPMT 2015 is the Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test. DDU Gorakhpur University is conducting the UPCPMT 2015 for admission to MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS, and BUMS courses. More than 2000 seats in all are offered by the participating medical, dental, and health science colleges in UP through the Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test. The syllabus of this exam is based on the Intermediate curriculum of the Uttar Pradesh Board. Candidates who seek admission in the colleges through this exam can get here complete details of UPCPMT 2015 such as application form, admit card, results, exam pattern, and eligibility.
Date of UPCMT 2015 medical entrance exam is May 25, 2015.

Uttar Pradesh COmbined Pre Medical Test (UPCPMT) 2015

UPCPMT, also known as the Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre Medical test is a state level medical entrance exam. Important dates for the exam are given below.
Important event Dates
Application form available online March 20, 2015
Last date to submit application form of UP Combined Pre Medical Test April 22, 2015
Date of exam May 25, 2015
UPCPMT 2015 result June 15, 2015

Application form of UPCPMT 2015 is now available. apply online for Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test, 2015.

UPCPMT Quick Links

UPCPMT 2015 Application Form

The application form of UPCPMT 2015 can be obtained online at from March 20, 2015. Candidates who fulfill the eligibility conditions for appearing in the exam must fill in the Combined Pre Medical Test 2015 (UP) application form in the prescribed format, within the mentioned dates.
  • Unlike last year, the application process of UPCPMT 2015 shall be online.
  • The application fee (covering costs of brochure, form filling, and counselling) is Rs 1400 for general, and OBC candidates.
  • The application fee is Rs 700 for SC / ST candidates.
  • Candidate must fill in correct and verifiable data in the application form of UPCPMT 2015 to avoid confusion and errors and / or dismissal of candidature at later stages.
  • It is important to note that the filled in form must be submitted within the stipulated dates. Late forms are not accepted by the exam conducting authority.
Candidates may please note that insofar detailed notification, information brochure have been published. Information about UPCPMT eligibility, exam pattern, syllabus, results, admit cards, are given here as per the information brochure. The details given below are as per for reference purpose, so that candidates can get an idea of the exam. The details shall be also checked from the official brochure.

UPCPMT Eligibility Criteria – Age Limit, Domicile, Educational Qualification

In order to be eligible for the Combined Pre Medical Test (UP) 2015, and admissions thereof, candidate must satisfy the following conditions.
  • The domicile criteria of UPCPMT 2015 is that applicant must be a domicile of Uttar Pradesh. If the candidate has qualified high school and intermediate from UP, separate domicile certificate is not required. However if that is not the case, domicile certificate will be required.
  • The age limit for UPCPMT is that candidate must be born on or before December 31, 1998.
  • Educational qualification for the exam is that candidate must have passed the qualifying exam with physics, chemistry, biology, and english.
Other than these, conditions laid down by the Medical Council of India (MCI), and Dental Council of India (DCI) are also applicable. Detailed eligibility conditions are given in the UPCPMT Brochure. One must fill in the application form only after satisfying that they fulfill the age limit, educational qualifications, and domicile criteria.

UPCPMT 2015 Exam Pattern

The UPCPMT question paper is so designed to test a candidate’s aptitude for medical and related fields. The question paper of UPCPMT shall contain questions on Zoology, Botany, Chemistry, and Physics. The pattern, division of questions, and marking scheme of the Combined Pre Medical Test (UP) is as follows.
Subject Number of questions
Physics 50
Chemistry 50
Zoology 50
Botany 50
  • The questions asked are of multiple choice type.
  • Duration of exam is 3 hours.
  • One (1) mark is awarded for correct answer.
  • There is no negative marking.
Syllabus – UPCPMT 2015 exam shall have questions from the subject of botany, chemistry, physics, and zoology. There will be a single question paper in the UP Combined Pre Medical Test. Each subject will have 50 questions each of 1 mark. The maximum marks that can be obtained in the exam will be 200. The duration of exam shall be 3 hours. The syllabus for each subject shall be based upon the syllabus of intermediate.
  • Click here for the UPCPMT 2015 syllabus for Botany,
  • Click here for the UPCPMT 2015 syllabus for Chemistry,
  • Click here for the UPCPMT 2015 syllabus for Physics,
  • Click here for the UPCPMT 2015 syllabus for Zoology.

UPCPMT 2015 Admit Card / Hall Ticket

The candidates who have filled in the application form of UPCPMT 2015 within the given dates, shall be issued admit cards for the exam. Combined Pre Medical Test (UP) 2015 admit card, or the UPCPMT 2015 hall ticket, must be carried by each candidate on the day of exam.

UPCPMT 2015 Result and Merit List

The result of UPCPMT 2015 will be announced a few weeks after the conduct of exam. Candidates will be able to check their results online at as per schedule.
  • The merit list of UPCPMT 2015 is on the basis of marks obtained in the entrance exam, in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry, Botany, and Zoology.
  • Counselling and admission in participating colleges will be merit-preference based. As per merit obtained in the Combined Pre Medical Test (UP) 2015, and preference of colleges entered by the candidate, seat allotment will be done.

UPCPMT 2015 Notification

You can read the official notification of UPCPMT 2015 as announced by DDU Gorakhpur University, below.

UPCPMT notification 2015 (in English).

UPCPMT 2015 Notification (English) Combined Pre Medical Test (UP)

UPCPMT notification 2015 (in Hindi).

UPCPMT 2015 Notification (Hindi) Combined Pre Medical Test (UP)

UPMT 2015 – Uttrakhand Pre Medical Test for MBBS / BDS

UPMT 2015 - Uttrakhand Pre Medical Test for MBBS / BDS 
UPMT 2015 is the Uttarakhand Pre Medical Test for MBBS and BDS. HNB Uttarakhand Medical Education University is conducting UPMT 2015 for medical and dental admission in academic session 2015-2016 in the state quota seats. Eligible and qualified candidates will be allotted seats on the basis of merit obtained in the medical entrance exam, Uttarakhand Pre Medical Test. Around 300 seats in the courses are offered under state quota. Get here complete details of UPMT 2015 such as application form, admit card, results, exam pattern, eligibility, and other information. Detailed information brochure with relevant details has also been published online.

Date of UPMT 2015 medical / dental entrance exam is May 17, 2015.

Uttrakhand Pre Medical Test (UPMT) 2015

Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Uttarakhand Medical Education University is conducting Pre Medical Test 2015 (UPMT 2015) on 17th May, 2015. The important dates of UPMT 2015 are as follows.

Important Event Date
Notification published regarding UPMT 2015 February 28, 2015
Availability of application forms March 23, 2015
Last date to submit online application form of Uttarakhand Pre Medical Test 2015 April 25, 2015
Availability of UPMT 2015 admit card / hall ticket May 5, 2015
Date of exam May 17, 2015
UPMT 2015 results declaration May 31, 2015

Quick Links

UPMT 2015 Application Form

The online application form of Uttarakhand PMT 2015 has been released by the university on March 23, 2015. Candidates who seek admission in medical colleges in the state must obtain the UPMT 2015 application form and submit the same within stipulated dates.
Further, candidates may please note that the processes for UPMT 2015 is online. Application form submission is being done in the online mode only at the official website for entrance exam.
Who can apply – The eligibility conditions for UPMT 2015 are elaborated below.

Eligibility criteria for UPMT 2015

UPMT Eligibility Criteria 2015

UPMT 2015 Admit Card / Hall Ticket

The admit card of UPMT 2015 will be issued on 5th May, 2015.
  • The hall tickets will be issued by the organizing university to the candidates who have submitted their form along with application fee, within the given dates.
  • On the day of exam, candidate must bring the admit card containing details such as name, roll number, and examination venue. This document must be kept safely till the end of admission process.
  • Candidates must check every detail printed on the test admit card as soon as they obtain it.
  • Also, one must know the correct details they had filled in the form, and roll number / application number.
  • To get the admit card, candidate must have submitted the application form within the last dates of form submission.

UPMT Exam Pattern

The examination is so designed as to test the candidate’s aptitude in science related to MBBS / BDS studies. The question paper of Uttarakhand Pre Medical Test shall contain 200 questions on Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. Distribution of questions is as explained below.

Question paper Number of questions
Chemistry 50
Physics 50
Zoology 50
Botany 50

Each question carries one (1) mark each. Maximum marks to be obtained in the exam is 200.

The schedule of examination on 17th May, 2015 will be as follows.

UPMT Exam Schedule

Exam centers – The UPMT 2015 examination shall be conducted at Almora, Dehradun, Haldwani, Shrinagar (Garhwal), Gopeshwar, Uttarkashi, Kotdwar, Pithorgarh.

UPMT 2015 Result – To qualify the examination, candidate must obtain the UPMT cut off marks as decided by the University.

UPMT Cut Off

This page is being updated at regular intervals with information about Uttarakhand PMT 2015.

If you have any queries regarding UPMT, please ask in comments below.
Further information regarding UPMT 2015 shall be updated shortly.

All Medical Entrance Exams

Medical Entrance Exams

Get details of eligibility, dates, application form, prospectus, results and more information on Medical Entrance Exams 2015. A number of Medical Entrance Exams are held each year for admission to UG and PG medical courses. Some of these exams are on national level and some on state level. The bodies conducting these Medical Entrance Exams are responsible for availability of application forms, announcement of notifications and smooth conduct of the examination. Candidates who aspire to pursue medical courses need to appear in one or more of the exams. Here you will find complete details of all Medical Entrance Exams in India.

Medical & Dental Entrance Exams 2015 and 2016 – UG (MBBS Entrance Exams, BDS and other courses)

Name of Exam Application form available from Last date to submit application form Date of exam
AIIMS MBBS Available – Click here to apply 10-04-2015 01-06-2015
AIPMT Available – Click here to apply 31-12-2014 03-05-2015
Amrita University MBBS Entrance Exam Available – Click here to apply 29-04-2015 17-05-2015
AMU MBBS Form submission over 18-03-2015 26-04-2015
APJEE Available – Click here to apply 17-04-2015 30-05-2015
ASSO CET Available – Click here to apply 30-04-2015 17-05-2015
AUMET Available – Click here to apply 09-05-2015 24-05-2015
BLDEU UGET Available – Click here to apply 16-05-2015 24-05-2015
CMC Vellore MBBS Entrance Exam Form submission over 26-03-2015 23-05-2015
COMEDK UGET Available – Click here to apply 08-05-2015 10-05-2015
Common Pre-Medical Entrance Exam (CPMEE) Available – Click here to apply 18-05-2015 24-05-2015
DY Patil Kolhapur AICET Available – Click here to apply 30-04-2015 14-05-2015
IPU CET MBBS Available – Click here to apply 07-04-2015 26-04-2015 (Stage I), 23-05-2015 (Stage II)
JIPMER MBBS Available – Click here to apply 04-05-2015 07-06-2015
KIITEE Available – Click here to apply 05-04-2015 21-04-2015 to 30-04-2015
KIMS KAIET Available – Click here to apply 15-05-2015 May 21, 2015
KLEU AIET Available – Click here to apply 30-04-2015 09-05-2015
MGIMS PMT Available – Click here to apply 07-03-2015 19-04-2015
MGM UG CET Available – Click here to apply 20-04-2015 11-05-2015
Maharashtra Common Entrance Test (MH CET) Available – Click here to apply 24-03-2015 07-05-2015
MMUCET Available – Click here to apply 30-04-2015 31-05-2015
MU-OET (Manipal University) Available – Click here to apply 30-03-2015 14-04-2015 to 18-05-2015
NITTE University UG Entrance Test (NU UGET) Available – Click here to apply 25-04-2015 11-05-2015
PIMS AICET UG Available – Click here to apply 01-04-2015 02-05-2015
Punjab PMET Form submission over 29-04-2015 17-05-2015
SAAT 2015 Available – Click here to apply 04-04-2015 08-05-2015
SRHU PMEE 2015 Available – Click here to apply 20-04-2015 29-05-2015
Sumandeep Vidyapeeth AICET 2015 Available – Click here to apply 16-05-2015 30-05-2015
St. John’s Medical College Bangalore (SJMC) MBBS Entrance Exam Available – Click here to apply 25-04-2015 24-05-2015
TBJEE 2015 Available – Click here to apply 10-02-2015 22-04-2015, 23-04-2015
UPCAT BDS 2015 Available – Click here to apply 10-05-2015 20-05-2015
UPCMET Available – Click here to apply 11-05-2015 30-05-2015
UPCPMT Available – Click here to apply 22-04-2015 24-05-2015
WBJEE Form submission over 28-02-2015 15-05-2015 & 06-05-2015
YUGET 2015 – Yenepoya University Medical Entrance Exam Available – Click here to apply 15-05-2015 31-05-2015
BHU PMT Form submission over 08-04-2015 16-05-2015 – 05-06-2015
Chhastisgarh Pre Medical Test (CG PMT) Form Submission Over 8-05-2015 11-06-2015
CMC Ludhiana MBBS Entrance Exam Form submission over  06-05-2015 26-05-2015
MP DMAT In Process  20-06-2015 21-06-2015
NEIGRIHMS MBBS Entrance Exam | B.Sc. Nursing Form submission over  04-05-2015 30-05-2015
PC PMT Rajasthan In Process  18-05-2015 31-05-2015
SBVDUMCET – Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth University Medical Entrance Exam In Process  06-06-2015 14-06-2015
TMC MBBS Entrance Exam In Process  20-06-2015 24-05-2015
Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test (UPCPMT) Form submission over  22-04-2015 25-05-2015
Uttrakhand Pre Medical Test (UPMT) Form submission over  25-04-2015 17-05-2015

More UG medical entrance exams are given below.


Medical & Dental Entrance Exams – PG

Name of Exam Application form available from Last date to submit application form Date of exam
AIPGMEE 29-08-2014 18-10-2014 01-12-2014 to 06-12-2014
AIPGDEE 25-11-2014 22-12-2014 24-01-2015
AIIMS PG 18-09-2014 16-10-2014 9-11-2014
Asso PG CET 05-01-2015 25-01-2015 08-02-2015
BCECEB PGMAT for PG Medical, PG Dental and PG Ayurvedic Admission February 11-02-2015 01-03-2015
BLDEU PGET February 08-02-2015 22-02-2015
November 10-01-2015 18-01-2015
CEE Kerala PG Medical to be announced to be announced 8-2-2015
CMC Vellore PG 20-09-2014 7-11-2014 24-01-2015
COMEDK PGET December 22-12-2014 01-02-2015
DMIMS Nagpur AIPGMCET | AIPGDCET 7-11-2014 15-01-2015 25-06-2015
DNB CET 09-09-2014 18-10-2014 27-11-2014 to 29-11-2014
DPU AIPGMET 11-11-2014 3-1-2015 11-1-2015
GPAT 13-11-2014 12-01-2015 23-02-2015, 24-02-2015
JIPMER PG 1-10-2014 31-10-2014 23-11-2014
KIMS PGM AIET | PGD AIET Available 02-01-2015 07-02-2015
KLEU PGAIET 7-11-2014 20-01-2015 31-01-2015
MH PGM CET | PGD CET 1-12-2014 15-12-2014 04-01-2015
MGMUHS PGCET 20-11-2014 20-12-2014 30-01-2015
MP Pre PG DMAT Available – Apply Now 28-03-2015 29-03-2015
NU PGET 11-11-2014 17-01-2015 2-2-2015
PGIMER 10-9-2014 14-10-2015 16-11-2014
SRHU PGMEE 2015 Forms over Forms over 08-02-2015
SRM MD MS 19-11-2014 19-12-2014 18-01-2015
St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences PG Medical 19-12-2014 06-02-2015 01-03-2015
UPPGMET 20-10-2014 24-12-2014 10-1-2015
WBPGMAT to be announced to be announced 18-01-2015
YU PGET 15-11-2014 10-1-2015 24-01-2015

More PG medical entrance exams, whose dates and forms are yet to be published are given below.

Veterinary Entrance Exams – PG


MBBS, PG Medical

Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, or in Latin: Medicinae Baccalaureus, Baccalaureus Chirurgiae (abbreviated as MBBS), are the two first professional undergraduate degrees awarded upon graduation from medical school in medicine and surgery by universities in various countries.
Medical colleges in India, accredited by the Medical Council of India, all title the degrees as MBBS. The students complete a course of four and a half years followed by one year of a compulsory rotatory internship before applying for the degree. The course is divided into four parts with only the second part lasting one and a half years.
Following MBBS they can apply for post graduate (specialty) coarses which will be for 2 to 3 years they will receive a degree as MD, MS, DNB depending on the subjects. Following this they can also further do super specialty courses in cardiology, neurology, oncology, nephrology, gastroenterology, endocrinology, immunology, etc.


In India, training in dentistry is through a 5-year BDS (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) course, which includes 4 years of study followed by one year of internship.
Post graduate training is for three years in the concerned speciality of Master of Dental Surgery (MDS).
If you have any queries, please ask in comments below. Also you can mention name of any Medical Entrance Exams that you want us to update here.

List of Medical Entrance Exams 2015-2016 | India

Medical Entrance Exams in India 2015-2016 are directed on an All India Basis as well as at the State Level to provide admissions to many Medical Colleges in India. Some national level institutions also conduct their own entrance exams. The Medical Council of India, Delhi is responsible for medical education in India. Most of the Govt. Medical Colleges make available admissions only to Indian Nationals on the basis of All India Medical Entrance exams. However, there are NRI/ Overseas student quotas in few Government Medical Colleges to make available admissions to NRIs and overseas students.

Medical Entrance Exam 2015-2016 in India

Popular NameFull Form
AIIMS NursingAll India Institute of Medical Sciences Nursing Entrance Examination
BVP CET MBBSBhartiya Vidyapeeth Deemed University Undergraduate Medical Entrance Examination
AIPMTAll India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Examination
AFMC PMTArmed Forces Medical College Pre Medical Test
AIIMS MBBSAll India Institute of Medical Sciences MBBS Entrance Examination
KIMS UG MedicalKalinga Institute of Medical Science Undergraduate Medical Entrance Exam
KLEU AIETKLE University All India Entrance Test
MGIMS Wardha MedicalMahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences Undergraduate Medical Exam
MU OET MedicalManipal University Online Entrance Test Medical
NEET UGNational Eligibility cum Entrance Test Undergraduate
Rajasthan PC PMTFederation of Private Medical and Dental Colleges Rajasthan Pre Medical Test
AFMS PG MedicalArmed Force Medical Services PG Medical Admission
AIIMS PGAll India Institute of Medical Sciences Post Graduate Entrance Examination
AIPGDEEAll India PG Dental Entrance Exam
AIPGMEEAll India Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination
AIPSSCETAll India PG Super Speciality Common Entrance Test
DNB CETDiplomate National Board Centralized Entrance Test
FMGEForeign Medical Graduate Screening Exam
KLEU PGAIETKLE University Post Graduate All India Entrance Test
MGMPGCETMGM Institute of Health Sciences Post Graduate Common Entrance Test
MU OET PG MedicalManipal University Online Entrance Test PG Medical
PIMS AICET PGPravara Institute of Medical Sciences All India Common Entrance Test PG Medical
ASSAM CEE MBBSAssam Combined Entrance Examination
ASSO-CETThe Association Of Managements Of Unaided Private Medical And Dental Colleges Association Combined Entrance Test
BCECEBihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination
CETPPMCCommon Entrance Test For Pondicherry Private Medical Colleges
Chhattisgarh MedicalChhattisgarh Medical Admission
COMEDK UGET MedicalConsortium Of Medical Engineering And Dental Colleges Of Karnataka Under Graduate Entrance Test
DCECEDiploma Certificate Entrance Competitive Examination
MP DMATDental And Medical Admission Test
EAMCET MedicalEngineering, Agriculture and Medical Common Entrance Test
GCET MedicalGoa Common Entrance Test Medical
GUJCET MedicalGujarat Common Entrance Test
Haryana MedicalHaryana Medical Admissions
HP MedicalHimachal Pradesh Medical Admissions
Jharkhand MedicalJharkhand Medical Admission
JKCET MedicalJ&K Medical Common Entrance Test
KARNATAKA CETKarnataka Common Entrance Test
KEAM MedicalKerala Engineering Agriculture Medical Common Entrance Exam
KRLMPCA CET MBBSKarnataka Religious & Linguistic Minority Professional Colleges Association
MHT CET MedicalMaharshtra Common Entrance Test Medical
JCECEJharkhand Medical Exam
MP MedicalMadhya Pradesh Medical Admission
ODISHA JEE MedicalOdisha Joint Entrance Medical Exam
PUNJAB CETPunjab Technical University,Jalandhar
PAM CATPunjab Admission to MCA Common Aptitude Test
RPMTRajasthan Pre Medical Test
Haryana PMTHaryana Pre Medical Test
Tamil Nadu MedicalTamil Nadu Medical Admissions
TJEE MedicalTripura Medical Joint Entrance Examination
UPCPMTUttar Pradesh Combined Pre-Medical Test
UPCAT DENTALUttar Pradesh Common Admission Test Dental
UPMCATUttar Pradesh Management Common Aptitude Test
UPCMETUP Combined Medical Entrance Test
UPSEEUttar Pradesh State Entrance Exam
MP METMadhya Pradesh Management Entrance Test
UPMTUttarakhand Pre Medical Test
Uttarakhand CPMEEUttarakhand Common Pre-Medical Entrance Examination
WBJEE MedicalWest Bengal Joint Entrance Examination Medical
AP PG METAndhra Pradesh Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test
Assam PG MedicalAssam Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam
ASSO-CET PG MedicalAssociation of Managements of Unaided Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Maharashtra Post Graduate Common Entrance Test
BCECE PG MedicalBihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Post Graduate Medical
COMEDK PGETConsortium Of Medical Engineering And Dental Colleges Of Karnataka Post Graduate Entrance Test
Goa PG MedicalGoa PG Medical Admission
Gujarat PG Medical ExamGujarat Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam
Haryana PG MedicalHaryana PG Medical Admission
HP PG MedicalHimachal Pradesh PG Medical Admission
Jharkhand State PGETJharkhand State Post Graduate Entrance Test
Karnataka PG MedicalKarnataka PG Medical Admission
Karnataka PGET DentalKarnataka Post Graduate Dental Entrance Test
Kerala PG MedicalKerala PG Medical Entrance Exam
KRLMPCA PGCETKarnataka Religious and Linguistic Mionority Colleges Association Post Graduate Common Entrance Test
Manipur PG Medical ExamManipur Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam
MH PGMPGDCETMaharashtra Post Graduate Medical, Postgraduate Dental Entrance Exam
MP PG MedicalMadhya Pradesh PG Medical Admission
Odisha PG MedicalOdisha PG Medical Admission
PGMET J&KPG Medical Entrance Test, Jammu & Kashmir
Punjab PG MedicalPunjab PG Medical Admission
Rajasthan PG MedicalRajasthan PG Medical Admission
Sikkim PG MedicalSikkim PG Medical Admission
Tamil Nadu PG MedicalTamil Nadu Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examinations
Tripura PG MATTripura Post Graduate Medical Admission Test
UKPGMEEUttarakhand Post Graduate Medical and Dental Entrance Examination
UP PGMEEUttar Pradesh Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam
UPPGMETUttar Pradesh Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test
WB PG MATWest Bengal Post Graduate Medical Admission Test
Amrita MBBSAmrita Medical Entrance Exam
AMU MBBSAligarh Muslim University MBBS Exam
AU AIMEEAnnamalai University All India Medical Entrance Exam
BHU PMTBanaras Hindu University Pre Medical Test
BLDE UGETBLDE Under Graduate Entrance Test
CMC LUDHIANAChristian Medical College Ludhiana
CMC VELLORECMC Vellore Entrance Exam
DR. D. Y. PATIL AICETDr. D.Y.Patil All India Common Entrance Test (AICET)
DU MedicalDelhi University Medical Exam
HIHT PMEEHIHT Pre Medical Entrance Exam
IPUCET MBBSGuru Gobind Singh Inderprastha University Common Entrance Test MBBS
IPUCET NursingGuru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test Nursing
Jamia Hamdard MBBSJamia Hamdard MBBS Admission
JIPMER MEDICALJawaharlal Institute Of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research
MAHERMeenakshi Academy Of Higher Education And Research Medical Exam
MGDCH JETMahatma Gandhi Dental College And Hospital - Joint Entrance Test
MGM CETMahatma Gandhi Mission Institute Of Health Sciences Combined Entrance Test
MMU CETMaharishi Markandeshwar University Common Entrance Test
NUUGETNitte University All India Pre Medical Entrance Test
PIMSPravara Institute Of Medical Sciences All India Common Entrance Examination
PU-CETPanjab University Common Entrance Test, Chandigarh
SAAT MedicalSiksha ‘O’ Anusandhan University Admission Test
St John's MBBSSt. John's Medical Entrance Test
Yenepoya University MedicalYenepoya University Undergraduate Medical Entrance Examination
BHU PG MedicalBanaras Hindu University PG Medical Admission
BVP PG MedicalBhartiya Vidyapeeth Deemed University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Examination
CMC Ludhiana PGCMC Ludhiana PG Entrance Exam
CMC Vellore PGCMC Vellore PG Entrance Exam
D. Y. Patil AIPGMETD. Y. Patil All India PG Medical Entrance Test
DU METDelhi University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Test
HIHT PGMEEHIHT University PG Medical Entrance Exam
IPU CET PGMCGuru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Post Graduate Medical Course Exam
MMU PG CETMaharishi Markandeshwar University PG Common Entrance Test
NIMSETNizam's Institute of Medical Sciences Entrance Test
NU PGETNITTE University Post-Graduate Entrance Test, Mangalore
PGIMER Entrance ExamPost Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research Entrance Exam
RIMS PG MedicalRegional Institute of Medical Sciences PG Medical Admission
YU PGET MedicalYenepoya University Post Graduate Medical Entrance Exam
YU UGET MedicalYenepoya University Under Graduate Medical Entrance Exam

List of Medical Courses in India

In this post we have provide list of medical courses in India along with their respective course durations. Medical field is one of the most reputed and professional element of Indian educational system. Their are number of medical courses despite of M.B.B.S. in Medical field. This list will give you an idea about different types of medical courses in India.

Medical Courses in India

Course NameDuration of Course
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M. B. B. S.)5.5 years
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B. D. S.)4 years
Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery (B. H. M. S.) 5.5 years
Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B. A. M. S.)5.5 years
Doctor of Medicine (M.D.)3 years
Master of Surgery (M.S.)3 years
Doctorate in Medicine (D.M)2 to 3 years
Bachelor of Pharmacy (B.Pharm)4 years
B.Sc Nursing4 years
Physiotherapy (B.P.T.)4.5 years
Occupational Therapy (B.O.T.)3 years
Unani Medicine (B.U.M.S.)5.5 years
Ayurvedic, Siddha Medicine (D.Pharm)2 years
Bachelor of Medical Lab Technicians (B.M.L.T.)3 year
Diploma of Medical Lab Technicians (D.M.L.T.)1 year

Medical Courses in India

Top Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh 2015 - 2016

Exacthub welcome you to our webpage where you will find details on top medical colleges in Uttar Pradesh such as their respective contact details, admission procedure of the subsequent years and other facts.

Top Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh 2014-2015

College NameDetails
GSVM Medical College, KanpurAddress: Mall Rd, Hallet Campus, Hallet Campus Hospital, Sarvodaya Nagar, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208012
Phone: 0512 253 5483
Founded: April 24, 1956
BRD Medical College, Gorakhpur

Address: Medical College Rd, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh 273013
Phone: 0551 250 1736
Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College, JhansiAddress: Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh 284128
Founded: 1968
Institute of Mental Health and Hospital, AgraAddress: Bilochpuri Road, Mathura Rd, Billochpura, Lohamandi, Agra, Uttar Pradesh 282002
Phone: 0562 296 7811
Subharti Medical College, MeerutAddress: Subharati Puram , Delhi-Hardwar Bypass Road, Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, India - 250 002
Founded: 2001
Contact No: 0121 - 2526783
Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, LucknowAddress: Rae Bareli Rd,Sector 4, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh 226014
Phone: 0522 266 8700
Founded: 1983
Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University, Kanpur

Address: Kalyanpur, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India - 208017
Founded: 1966
Contact No: 0512 - 2572553
Era Lucknow Medical College, LucknowAddress: Sarfarazganj , Hardoi Road, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India - 226003
Contact No: 3226777
Moti Lal Nehru Medical College, AllahabadAddress: George Town, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh
Phone: 0532 225 6507
Institute of Medical Sciences, VaranasiAddress: Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh 221005

 Top Medical Colleges in Uttar Pradesh 2014-2015

To get admission in an Medical college it is necessary to have exact information on Medical entrance exams in India such as AIIMS, AIPMT and many more.

AIPMT 2016 Exam Dates | Application Form | Pattern

AIPMT 2016 is popularly known as All India Pre-Medical / Pre-Dental Entrance Exam is a national level medical entrance exam. AIPMT is conducted by Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). It is conducted to offer admission to aspirants in MBBS and BDS in various medical colleges across India. The admission of 15% of the total seats for medical/ dental courses in medical college is run by university of India, municipal, state government and other local authorities of India except Jammu& Kashmir is made on the basis of AIPMT exam. Applicants shall fill the AIPMT 2016 application form in the month of December, 2015. AIPMT 2016 exam shall be around 1st week of May, 2016.

AIPMT 2016 Exam Summary
Exam NameAll India Pre Medical/Dental Test
Commonly known asAIPMT
Exam levelNational Level
Conducting AuthorityCentral Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)
Exam StreamMedical Entrance Exam

AIPMT 2016 Eligibility Criteria

Applicants are eligible for AIPMT 2016 examination only if they satisfy following condition:
  • Applicants must complete 17 years on or before 31st December, 2016 at the time of admission.

  • The upper age limit for applicants looking for admission under 15% all India Quota Seats is 25 years as on 31st December of the year of the entrance examination. A relaxation of 5 years in upper age limit of applicants belonging from SC/ ST/ Other Backward Classes is provided to them.
  • Applicant should score a minimum of 50% aggregate marks in case of general category and 40% in case of SC/ ST category applicants with PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and English as subjects from a recognized university to apply for the examination.

AIPMT 2016 Application Form

Candidates who are interested must fill and submit AIPMT 2016 application form.

Steps for applying for AIPMT form are mentioned below:

Step 1: Applicants need to visit and download the application form.

Step 2: Applicants are required to fill their necessary detail like name, mobile number, email ID and note down registration number.

Step 3: Applicants have to fill in their personal, qualification and other details as required in the form.

Step 4: Applicants need to upload their latest passport size photograph (JPG format between 10kb and 100kb), signature (JPG format between 3kb and 20kb) and thumb impression (JPG format between 3kb and 20kb) and submit it.

Step 5: After completion of filling form applicant need to pay application fees through Debit/ Credit card or e-challan.

Step 6: Applicant is required to print their application form for further situation.
For any information about application process visit website mentioned above.

Application Fees: To complete the application successfully applicants need to make payment of their AIPMT form of Rs 1200/- for general /OBC category and Rs 650/- for SC/ ST/ PH category applicants. Applicants will be charged late payment of total Rs 2400/- for general /OBC category and Rs 1850/- for SC/ ST/ PH category applicants.

AIPMT 2016 Syllabus

AIPMT 2016 Physics Syllabus:

Class XIClass XII
Physical world and measurementElectrostatics
KinematicsCurrent Electricity
Laws of MotionMagnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Work, Energy and PowerElectromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Motion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyElectromagnetic Waves
Properties of Bulk MatterDual Nature of Matter and Radiation
ThermodynamicsAtoms and Nuclei
Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic TheoryElectronic Devices
Oscillations and Waves

AIPMT 2016 Chemistry Syllabus:

Class XIClass XII
Some Basic Concepts of ChemistrySolid State
Structure of AtomSolutions
Classification of Elements and Periodicity in PropertiesElectrochemistry
Chemical Bonding and Molecular StructureChemical Kinetics
States of Matter: Gases and LiquidsSurface Chemistry
ThermodynamicsGeneral Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
Equilibriump- Block Elements
Redox Reactionsd and f Block Elements
HydrogenCoordination Compounds
s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
Some p-Block ElementsAlcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and TechniquesAldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
HydrocarbonsOrganic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
Environmental ChemistryBiomolecules


Chemistry in Everyday Life

AIPMT 2016 Biology Syllabus:

Class XIClass XII
Diversity in Living WorldReproduction
Structural Organization in Animals and PlantsGenetics and Evolution
Cell Structure and FunctionBiology and Human Welfare
Plant PhysiologyBiotechnology and Its Applications
Human physiologyEcology and environment

AIPMT 2016 Syllabus

  • The paper shall consist of 180 multiple choice objective type questions of 720 marks.
  • The time for the paper will be 3 hours.
  • Applicants will get the option of selecting the paper either in Hindi or English.
  • Applicants 1 mark will be reduced for each wrong answer and 4 marks will be added for each correct answer given.
  • The distribution of subjects and their marks and question is as follows:

  • SubjectNo of questionMarks
    Biology 90360

AIPMT 2016 Exam Dates

AIPMT Exam EventsImportant Dates
Application Form will be available online fromDecember, 2016

Last date for submitting Application FormDecember 31, 2015 without late fee and January 31, 2016 with late fee
AIPMT 2015 Admit CardApril, 2016
Date of Examination AIPMT 2016May, 2016
Declaration of AIPMT 2015 ResultsJune, 2016

AIPMT 2016 Logo

AFMC 2015 Exam Dates | Application Form

Welcome guys, here you will find official details on AFMC 2015 Entrance Exam along with its necessary information such as eligibility criteria, application form distribution and latest notification on AFMC Exam. AFMC MBBS Entrance Exam is known as Armed Force Medical College MBBS Exam. It is a national level medical entrance exam which is conducted by Armed Force Medical College, Pune. The date for online form submission shall be start from 3rd week of April 2015. Stay connected to our website to get latest notifications.

Important Notice:

AFMC 2015 Exam Summary
Exam NameArmed Force Medical College MBBS Exam
Commonly Known asAFMC MBSS Entrance Exam
Exam CategoryUG
Exam LevelNational
Conducting AuthorityArmed Force Medical Colleg, Pune
StreamMedical Entrance Exam

AFMC 2015 Eligibility Criteria

General Requirement

  • All those candidates are interested in pursuing their MBBS programs from AFMC Pune must have following eligibility criteria as mentioned below.
  • Candidate should be an Indian citizen.
  • Candidate should pass 10 + 2 exam or equivalent examination with English, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.

  • Candidate be medically fit as per prescribed standards by the Government of India, Ministry of Defence.
  • Candidate must be unmarried, and are not permitted if marrying during the AFMC MBBS course.

Age Criteria

There are two categories for age criteria depending on academic qualifications:-
  • 10 + 2 or equivalent -  Candidate should attain the age of 17 years on December 31, 2014 but must not have attained the age of 22 years on that date i.e. must have been born not earlier than January 01, 1993 and not later than  December 31, 1997.
  • Passed B.Sc. examination or appearing in Final B.Sc. examination - Candidate must not have attained the age of 24 years i.e. must have been born not earlier than January 01, 1991.

AFMC 2015 Syllabus below

AFMC 2015 Biology Syllabus

AFMC 2015 Chemistry Syllabus

AFMC 2015 English and Logical Syllabus

AFMC 2015 Physics Syllabus

Get AFMC 2015 Biology Syllabus | Exam News

Following are the topics covered in AFMC 2014 Biology Syllabus

Get AFMC 2015 Chemistry Syllabus | Exam News

Following are the topics covered in AFMC 2014 Chemistry Syllabus

AFMC 2015 English and Logical Reasoning Syllabus | Exam News

Following are the topics covered in English and Logical Reasoning 2014 Biology Syllabus

Get AFMC 2015 Physics Syllabus | Exam News

Following are the topics covered in AFMC 2014 Physics Syllabus

AFMC 2015 Exam Pattern

Physics453 Hours

  • AFMC will not conduct any separate entrance test for AFMC MBBS 2015.
  • The admission in AFMC MBBS 2015 Course will be done on the basis AIPMT 2015 score.
  • The key highlights of AIPMT Exam Pattern, number of questions, and duration is given above:

AFMC 2015 Application Form

  • AFMC MBBS 2015 admission form will be available soon from the official admin.
  • The last date registering for online AFMC MBBS 2015 application form shall be 2nd week of May, 2015 (Recommend to wait for official announcement).
  • Candidates who wish to apply for AFMC MBBS 2015 must register themselves online in the suggested format from the below link before the last date.
  • The last date of filling online AFMC MBBS 2014 application shall be 3rd week of May, 2015 (Recommend to wait for official announcement).
  • The fee of AFMC MBBS 2014 application form is Rs. 250 approx. which can be paid through SBI Bank Challan.

AFMC 2015 Exam Dates

EventsImportant Dates
Start of AFMC MBBS 2015 Registration and Application process21st April, 2015
Last date of AFMC MBBS 2015 Registration2nd week of May, 2015
Last date for filling AFMC MBBS 2015 Application3rd week of May, 2015
Last date of acceptance of Challan forms in SBI Bank3rd week of May, 2015

AFMC 2015 Entrance Exam Logo

AIIMS 2016 MBBS Exam Dates | Application Form

AIIMS MBBS 2016 popularly known as All India Institute of Medical Sciences is a national level undergraduate medical entrance exam conducted to offer admission in MBBS programme. AIIMS entrance exam is conducted by All India Institute of Medical Sciences (New Delhi). Those applicants who have an interest shall fill the application form from the month of March, 2016. AIIMS MBBS 2016 result shall be on the basis for admission to 672 MBBS seats in 7 AIIMS institutions located across India. Among 672 MBBS seats in AIIMS, 72 seats are in AIIMS-Delhi and the remaining 600 seats are in 6 new AIIMS institutions. This exam shall be conducted in 154 cities across the nation. AIIMS 2016 MBBS entrance exam shall be held in the 1st week of June, 2016. In this post we have given all important details on AIIMS exam such as its exam dates, online application form, syllabus, paper pattern and other latest news.

AIIMS 2016 Exam Summary
Exam NameAIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam
Commonly known asAIIMS
Exam levelNational Level
Conducting AuthorityAll India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi
Exam StreamMedical Entrance Exam

AIIMS 2016 MBBS Eligibility Criteria

Applicants are eligible for AIIMS 2016 MBBS exam only if they satisfy following condition:

  • Age Criteria - Applicants must complete 17 years on or before 31st December, 2016 at the time of admission.
  • Education Qualification - Applicants must completed 10 + 2 examination or its equivalent exam from a recognized university with English and PCB (Physics, Chemistry and Biology) as subjects to apply for the examination.

  • Applicants must have scored at least 60% aggregate in case of general and OBC category applicants in PCB subjects taken together (50% in case of SC/ ST category applicants)
  • Applicants overseas citizen of India are eligible to write AIIMS MBBS 2016 only if they produce the document of Registration under section 7A of citizenship act 1955. Applicant age and education requirement for these remains the same as above.

AIIMS 2016 MBBS Application Form

Candidates who are interested must fill and submit AIIMS 2016 application form.

Steps for applying for AIIMS form are mentioned below:

Step 1: Applicants need to visit website to register for the examination.

Step 2: Applicants need to provide their necessary details like Name, Mobile number and Email ID and register it.

Step 3: Applicants have to login at site and fill their personal, qualification, internship details as mentioned in the form.

Step 4: After filling up the necessary details applicant is required to upload their recent passport size photograph and signature in JPEG format and as per the requirement in the form and submit it.

Step 5: Applicants have to pay the application fees to complete the process online or offline.

Step 6: Applicants are required to keep a copy of receipt for further reference.

For further detail applicants can visit website as mentioned above. 

Applications Fees:
Applicants are required to pay the application fees of Rs 1000/- for general and OBC category applicants and Rs 800/- for SC/ ST category applicants.

AIIMS 2016 MBBS Exam Pattern

AIIMS 2016 MBBS Exam Dates

AIIMS Exam EventsImportant Dates
Application Form will be available online fromMarch, 2016

Last date for submitting Application FormApril, 2016
Status of Registration, like including errors and rejection in the form will be shown on the website fromApril, 2016
Last date to submit the deficiencies in the application formMay, 2016
Admit Cards will be available formMay, 2016
AIIMS MBBS Entrance Exam will be held onJune, 2016
Expected Date of DeclarationResult isJune, 2016
Schedule for First round of counselingJuly, 2016
Second round of counseling will be held onAugust, 2016
Third round of counseling will be held onSeptember, 2016
Open counseling will be held onSeptember, 2016
Admission at AIIMS, New Delhi
Medical Examination of selected candidates will be held onJuly, 2016
General Orientation of new batch will be onJuly, 2016
Session will begin fromAugust, 2016
Admission to Six Other AIIMS
Admission details will be available on the website of the respective instituteAugust, 2016

The above dates are tentative. No official dates have been declared yet. Keep visiting our website in order to get any updates.

AIIMS Exam Centers in following Cities:

AIIMS 2016 MBBS Logo

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 Exam Dates | Application Form

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 (Uttarakhand Common Pre-Medical Entrance Examination) is an entrance test which is conducted every year by the Association of Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Uttarakhand in order to grant aspiring applicants admission in diverse medical institutions and universities which provide courses like MD/ MS/ MDS in private and government colleges as well. CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 is a state level exam.

Exam Summary
Exam nameUttarakhand Common Pre-Medical Entrance Examination
Commonly known asUttarakhand CPMEE
Exam levelState level
Conducting authorityAssociation of Private Medical and Dental Colleges of Uttarakhand
Stream Medical Entrance Exam

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 Eligibility Criteria

The following conditions need to be fulfilled in order to be eligible for CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 exam:

  • The applicant can apply for this course, only if his/ her nationality is Indian.

  • The applicants should pass the 12th (HSC) class examination with at least 50% marks in the subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Biology, 40% for reserved category.

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 Syllabus & Pattern

The syllabus for CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 entrance exam will be that of HSC level. The syllabus includes:

Paper Pattern:

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 Application Form

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 Exam Dates

Exam EventsImportant Dates
Last date of Admission Forms SalesMay, 2015
Last date of Submitting Application FormsMay, 2015
Date of Common Pre-Medical Entrance ExaminationMay, 2015
Declaration of ResultJune, 2015

CPMEE Uttarakhand 2015 Logo

BHU PMT 2015 – Pre Medical Test

BHU PMT 2015

BHU will be using All India Pre-Medical Test (AIPMT) 2015 Socre for MBBS, BDS Courses Admission this year. Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University is the premier medical institution of this country. Over the last decade, it has been consistently ranked amongst the top 20 Medical Colleges of the country and in 2012 was rated as the 6th best Medical Colleges. The Institute is a unique amalgamation of Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Ayurveda, Faculty of Dental Sciences and the College of Nursing all under one roof.

According to the notification published by CBSE, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (UP) will be using the AIPMT 2015 score and rank for MBBS/BDS admission instead of conducting BHU PMT 2015.
Excerpt from the CBSE AIPMT 2015 notification is given below.

BHU PMT 2015

Thus, candidates who are looking forward to take admission in BHU for MBBS / BDS course, must apply for AIPMT 2015. Detailed notification from BHU regarding PMT 2015 and MBBS admissions was announced in the third week of February. You can check this page again for updates from Banaras Hindu University.

BHU PMT Quick Links

BHU PMT Resources

BHU has announced that admission will be on the basis of AIPMT 2015 score. However candidates will have to apply separately for admissions. Details regarding BHU PMT 2015 or BHU MBBS admissions 2015-2016 can be checked here.
BHU IMS offers MBBS, MD/MS and DM/MCh courses in the Faculty of Medicine and BDS and MDS courses in the Faculty of Dental Sciences. The 1200 bedded attached Sir Sunderlal Hospital is a tertiary care referral hospital providing clinical services to a huge 20 crore population residing in 5 adjoining States and Nepal. A new State of the art 324 bedded Trauma Centre is also likely to be commissioned in the near future augmenting the patient care facilities. The Institute fraternity is striving hard to get AIIMS like status based on its clinical, teaching and research output. The Institute now invites applications for admission to various courses.

BHU PMT 2015 application form

Candidates seeking admission to MBBS/BDS course in the Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU have to register themselves by applying directly to the Director, Institute of Medical Sciences in the prescribed application form made available by BHU & IMS website ( / along with the prescribed fee. However, the admission will be done strictly on the basis of their merit in the AIPMT examination.
The fee for registration for UG Courses was as follows.

Category Fees
General and OBC Rs 1000
SC & ST candidates Rs 600

Application form of BHU PMT 2015 for admission registration (not entrance exam) will be available from April, 2015.
Important points regarding admissions are given here.
  • All candidates eligible for AIPMT are eligible for registering themselves irrespective of their State of domicile.
  • The online application form along with the requisite fee must be submitted by the stipulated dates.
  • The candidates who have registered for admission to MBBS/BDS course must submit their score card of AIPMT within 15 days after declaration of their results to the Director, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
  • Those students who have not registered with the Director, IMS, BHU will not be considered for admission to MBBS/BDS courses through IMS, BHU, counseling. However, mere registration does not guarantee admission to MBBS/BDS courses.

BHU MBBS Admission 2015

BHU MBBS / BDS Admission 2015

Institute of Medical Sciences (IMS), Banaras Hindu University. Varanasi. which is in 55th year of its existence, is the premier medical institution of India. Over the last decade, IMS has been consistently ranked amongst the top 20 Medical Colleges of the country and in 2012, IMS was rated as the 6th best Medical College. The IMS is a unique amalgamation of Faculty of Medicine. Faculty of Dental Sciences,Faculty of Ayurveda. and the College of Nursing all under one roof. The attached 1200-bedded Sir Sunderial Hospital is a tertiary care referral hospital providing clinical services to a huge 20 crore population residing in five adjoining states of our countryas well as Nepal. A new state of the art 334-bedded Trauma Centre is also likely to be inaugurated in the near future, augmenting the patient care facilities. The Institute fraternity is striving hard to get AllMS-Iike status based on clinical, teaching and research output. The IMS now invites applications for the admission to various courses for the session 2015.
Candidates who are eligible for AIPMT are also eligible to fill and submit the BHU MBBS application form 2015, which is now available.

Quick Links

  • Application Form
  • Advertisement for admission 2015
  • First Counselling
Event Date
Application form available April 4, 2015
Last date to apply online May 2, 2015
Date of AIPMT 2015 exam May 3, 2015
BHU MBBS counselling July, 2015 (first week)

Admission to Undergraduate (MBBS/BDS) Courses 2015
The candidates seeking admission to MBBS/BDS Course 2015 in the Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU must register themselves online in the prescribed application form available  along with the processing fee. However, the admission will be done on the basis of their merit in the AIPMT 2015 examination.

Number of MBBS Seats
15% of total 84 MBBS seats i.e. 13 seats. will be filled up through All India Quota (for central counselling). The remaining 85% i.e. 71 seats of MBBS will be available for registrants of BHU MBBS/BDS Course-2015 and filled up’ through IMS, BHU counselling. The distribution of 71 MBBS seats amongst the different categories is as follows.
Category Number of MBBS Seats
General 36
OBC 19
SC 11
ST 05
Total 71

3% reservation (2 seats) of Physically Challenged candidates will be given horizontally as per Government of India norms.

Number of BDS Seats
15% of total 50 BDS seats i.e. 8 seats, will be filled up through All India Quote (for central counselling). The remaining 85% i.e. 42 seats of BDS will be available for registrants of BHU MBBS/BDS Course-2015 and filled up through IMS, BHU counselling. The distribution of 42 BDS seats amongst the different categories is as follows.

Number of BDS Seats
General 23
OBC 11
SC 06
ST 02
Total 42

3% reservation (1 seat) of Physically Challenged candidates will be given horizontally as per Government of India norms.

Note: Those candidates who will NOT get registered on or before the last date i.e. 02.05.2015 with the Director, IMS, BHU at website along with the registration fee will not be considered for admission to BHU MBBS/BDS Course-2015 through IMS, BHU Counselling. However, mere registration does not guarantee admission to BHU MBBS/BDS Course 2015.


Best Books for DNB CET Exam Preparation

DNB-CET (Diplomate National Board – Centralized Entrance Test) is conducted twice a year by National Board of Examinations(NBE) as a qualifying-cum-ranking examination for entry to various Medical Post Graduate courses including Direct 6 years course in the specialty of Plastic Surgery, Neuro-Surgery, Cardio-thoracic Surgery and Pediatric Surgery. Main aim of this examination conducted by NBE is to provide a common standard and mechanism of evaluation of minimum level of attainment of the knowledge and competencies of medical specialties. The holders of Board’s qualification awarded after an DNB examination are eligible to be considered for specialist’s post/faculty in any Hospital including a training/teaching institution on a teaching post/ as faculty member.

Educational Qualification Required for DNB CET are as below:- Candidates who are in possession of MBBS degree/Provisional Pass Certificate recognized as per the provisions of the Indian Medical Council Act and possess permanent / provisional registration certificate of MBBS qualification issued by the Medical Council of India and have completed one year of internship/likely to complete can apply for DNB CET exam.
– Registration with M.C.I./State Medical Council/ is necessary and its documentary proof has to be furnished at the time of counseling.

DNB CET Exam Pattern: The examination shall be a multiple choice questions test delivered using computer network as per scheme prescribed. The test comprises 200 multiple choice, single correct response questions in English language only.



Note : There shall be no negative marking.

Duration of exam will be 3 hours 15 minutes which will include test duration of 3 hours and additional 15-minute tutorial prior to the start of the test.

Criteria for passing the Exam:Candidates must secure minimum 50% score in the exam.
Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for Diplomate National Board – Centralized Entrance Test (DNB CET) or DNB CET Exam are suggested as below.

Above stated books consists of all the related topics as mentioned above at one place.
Syllabus for DNB CET Exam: Exam will consist of the subjects covered in MBBS. Candidates can download the Syllabus of DNB CET from here.

We wish our candidates All The Best for the Upcoming Exams and wish them great future ahead!!

Leave a comment below if you can suggest some other good books for this course. Also, if you have used the above books, please do provide a feedback.
: Medical: Books for DNB-CET Exam, Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test (DNB-CET) Books, DNB-CET Exam Books, Exam Pattern for Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test (DNB-CET), Exam Pattern for DNB-CET Exam, How to Prepare for DNB-CET Exam, Syllabus for Diplomate of National Board Centralized Entrance Test (DNB-CET), Syllabus for DNB-CET Exam, Tips to Prepare for DNB-CET Exam4

Best Books For NEET PG Preparation

NEET-PG is a mandatory test for gaining entry to MD/MS/PG Diploma Courses at all medical colleges under ambit of PGME Regulation of MCI. One hve to clear this exam to enter PG course.
The test time of 195 minutes includes – 15 minutes of test tutorial time and 180 minutes for attempting the test.
Neet PG 2013 question pattern will consist 240 multiple choice questions which will be divided subjectwise. There shall be no negative marking.

Subject with number of Questions:-

1 Anatomy – 20 Questions
2 Physiology – 20 Questions
3 Biochemistry – 20 Questions
4 Pathology – 15 Questions
5 Microbiology – 15 Questions
6 Pharmocology – 15 Questions
7 Forensic Medicine – 9 Questions
8 Ophthalmology – 9 Questions
9 ENT – 9 Questions
10 SPM, Statistics and Biomedical Research – 20 Questions
11 General Medicine – 21 Questions
12 Psychiatry – 4 Questions
13 Dermatology & STD – 4 Questions
14 General Surgery – 21 Questions
15 Orthopedics – 3 Questions
16 Anaesthesiology – 3 Questions
17 Radiology – 3 Questions
18 Obstetrics & Gynaecology – 20 Questions
19 Paediatrics – 9 Questions

Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for NEET PG exams are suggested as below-

These books consists of all the related topics at one place.
We wish our candidates All The Best for the Upcoming Exams and wish them great future ahead!!
Leave a comment below for any futher queries or suggestions.

: Medical: Best Books For Medical Entrance Exam, Best Books for NEET PG, entrance exams, Medical Entrance Exam, NEET PG 2013 Question Pattern, NEET PG Exam Pattern, NEET PG Preparation Books63
National Eligibility and Entrance Test or NEET (now called AIPMT) is the National Level Common Entrance Examination held in India, conducted by the Medical Council of India for students of Medical Science, who wish to qualify for admission to MBBS.Students of class XII who wishes to sit in a single entrance examination to get admission to almost all government as well as private medical colleges in India.
NEET for Under Graduate exam is conducted by the CBSE, but now NEET exam is called AIPMT Exam. No Negative marking will be their according to present status.So many students who are struggling for admissions can start preparing from now as they have very short time and have to cover plenty of syllabus.

Examination Time will be of 3 hours(180 minutes) in which 3 sections need to be completed.
1)Biology- 90 questions.
2)Physics- 45 questions.
3)Chemistry- 45 questions.

Some of the books which can help candidates to prepare for their exams are suggested as below-

1) For Biology Section Preparation

2) For Physics Section Preparation

3) For Chemistry Section Preparation

Apart from these books which can help the candidate to get success in NEET Exam is to do practice papers. You can also refer solved papers of all previous years topic wise from these books.


UPCPMT 2015 Answer key – CPMT 25 May Exam Solutions pdf

May 2015 CPMT 2015/UPCPMT 2015 Written Test Questions and Answers SET A,B,C,D,P,Q,R,S – UPCPMT 2015 Exam Questions and Answer Key pdf file 25 May
upcpmt MAY 2015 answer key solutions

UPCPMT may 2015 exam was conducted on 25th may 2015 in morning and evening shifts. Applicants will be able to download the solutions of the exam i.e. for SET A,B,C,D,P,Q,R,S With over 1000 seats for the MBBS course and 51 seats in the BDS program the UPCPMT 2015 or the more commonly called CPMT 2015 is a paper that hardly any student would want to miss. The UP CPMT 2015 is a state level entrance exam for medical students of Uttar Pradesh with the promise of seats in top universities and colleges offering the medical degree in the state. The courses range in every medical field including Medical/Dental/Homeopathic/Ayurvedic/Unani Colleges of the state.

UPCPMT 2015 Written Test 25 May Analysis

The Uttar pradesh Combined Pre-medical Test 2015 will be organized by the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Gorakhpur University on the 25th may,2015. The organizing University is one of the top ranking universities of India which offer the student body unparalleled opportunities in fields of art, science, medicine, commerce, law and management courses. After the exam is conducted the organizing body and the counsel of the UPCPMT 2015 will release a answer key for the students to check their own score card.

CPMT 2015 25 May Exam Answer Key

Once the students are through with the examination the answer keys corresponding to the questions asked in the paper will be made available to the students with a maximum delay of 3-4 days on the web portal of the exam. Read carefully to know where and how to get your answer key with ease.

Download Uttar Pradesh CPMT Answer Key May 2015

For all candidates appearing in the UP CPMT 2015, the solution key to all the questions of the exam to be held on 25th may, 2015 will be made available within a few days gap on the official web site for the comfort of the appearing applicants. They can easily download and review their performance in the exam to evaluate themselves and get a basic idea of their chances in making it to the merit list.
  1. Go to the official website
  2. Now that you are on the web page of the exam click on the link to the ‘Answer Key for UPCPMT 2015’.
  3. Choose your paper set that was provided to you when you appeared in the exam.
  4. Your answer key is ready for your self-evaluation.
  5. Save this key in case you need it in the future.
  6. We hope you made a great score. Good Luck.
Visit the Official Portal now to download the solutions in pdf file

Breaking News:

AIPMT 2015 will be conducted again withing 4 weeks :::: AIPMT की परीक्षा रद्द, 4 हफ्तों में दोबारा कराने के निर्देश, अंडरगारमेंट में चिप लगाकर की गई थी नकल

Supreme Court of India have asked Central board of Secondary Education to conduct AIPMT 2015 exam again. Supreme Court decision for AIPMT 2015 retest came on 15th June and Supreme court has ordered that CBSE will have to conducted AIPMT retest withing 4 weeks deadline.

AIPMT 2015 Retest: AIPMT will be conducted again

AIPMT retest , AIPMT 2015 retest, Supreme court decision, Supreme court cancelled AIPMT, AIPMT cancelled by Supreme court, AIPMt 2015 scraped, AIPMT exam cancelled, AIPMT exam new date, AIPMT 2015 retest date, AIPMT 2015 new date
AIPMT 2015 result was to be announced in first week of June 2015 but Supreme court did not allowed CBSE to declare the result and now as Haryana police presented evidence for leak of AIPMT question paper and demanded for AIPMT retest. Now CBSE will have to announce AIPMT 2015 retest Date and result for the same will be announced then after.
Police has arrested 12 persons for leaking AIPMT answer key and more than 6.5 lakh MBBS aspirants will be appearing in the AIPMT Retest 2015. Now we are waiting for CBSE to announce AIPMT 2015 retest date again.
AIPMT retest , AIPMT 2015 retest, Supreme court decision, Supreme court cancelled AIPMT, AIPMT cancelled by Supreme court, AIPMt 2015 scraped, AIPMT exam cancelled, AIPMT exam new date, AIPMT 2015 retest date, AIPMT 2015 new date
We will update AIPMT retest dates as soon as possible, till then keep visiting this website for more information.
AIPMT की परीक्षा रद्द, 4 हफ्तों में दोबारा कराने के निर्देश, अंडरगारमेंट में चिप लगाकर की गई थी नकल

एआईपीएमटी की परीक्षा रद्द हो गई है। सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने परीक्षा को रद्द करने का आदेश सुनाते हुए सीबीएसई को निर्देश दिया कि चार हफ्तों में परीक्षा दोबारा कराई जाए।
तीन मई को एआईपीएमटी की परीक्षा हुई थी और इसमें करीब साढ़े 6 लाख छात्रों ने भाग लिया था। विवाद तब हुआ जब रोहतक में पुलिस ने कुछ लोगों को आंसर शीट के साथ गिरफ्तार किया।

इसके बाद कुछ छात्रों ने सुप्रीम कोर्ट में अपील दायर कर परीक्षा दोबारा कराए जाने की मांग की थी।

छात्रों की याचिकाओं पर सुनवाई करते हुए सुप्रीम कोर्ट ने 5 जून को घोषित होने वाले परीक्षा के नतीजों पर रोक लगा दी थी।

UPCPMT Result 2015 declared,Click to check you result
Last Updated : 08 Jun 2015 11 AM IST
UPCPMT Result 2015 declared,Check your
Deen Dayal University, Gorakhpur declared UPCPMT (Uttar Pradesh Combined Pre Medical Test) state level entrance exam 2015 result.

Click to check you result

The  exam was conducted for the admission to the medical courses like MBBS, BDS, BAMS, BHMS and BUMS courses.
This year exam was conducted by the DDU ' title=' DDU '>DDU (Deen Dayal University), Gorakhpur.
The University conducted the exam for the year 2015 on 25th May.
The exam was conducted at 233 centres and 121997 aspirants given the exams.
Raunak of Agra comes first among boys and Vaishali Singh of Lucknow comes first among girls she 170 marks.
Now the students will have to go for counseling session.

 UP CPMT 2015 का रिजल्ट घोषित, आगरा के रौनक जैन टॉपर

उत्तर प्रदेश कंबाइंड प्री मेडिकल टेस्ट (यूपीसीपीएमटी) 2015 का रिजल्ट रविवार को जारी कर दिया गया है. आगरा के रौनक जैन ने इस एग्जाम में टॉप किया है.

जिन स्टूडेंट्स ने एग्जाम दिया था वो यूपीसीपीएमटी की ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर जाकर रिजल्ट चेक कर सकते हैं. इस एग्जाम में लड़कियों में लखनऊ की वैशाली सिंह ने बाजी मारी है. रौनक जैन को जहां 200 में से 171 अंक मिले हैं, वहीं वैशाली सिंह ने 170 अंक हासिल किए हैं.

आपको बता दें यह एग्जाम 25 मई को 15 शहरों के 233 केंद्रों पर आयोजित किया गया था. स्टूडेंट्स अपना वेबसाइट पर भी देख सकते हैं.

यूपीएमटी में मानसी व दीपक बने टॉपर

May 28, 2015
upmt-uttarakhand-pmtदेहरादून: उत्तराखंड प्री मेडिकल-प्री डेंटल टेस्ट (यूपीएमटी)-2015 में जसपुर ऊधमसिंह नगर की मानसी सिंह और दीनदयाल नगर, मुरादाबाद के दीपक चौधरी 183 अंक हासिल कर संयुक्त रूप से पहले स्थान पर रहे। हालांकि विवि ने आधिकारिक रूप से मानसी को पहली और दीपक को दूसरी रैंक दी है। बलूनी क्लासेस की वैशाली यादव ने प्रदेश में तीसरा अंक हासिल किया।
रविवार 17 मई को प्रदेश के आठ शहरों के 23 केंद्रों पर यूपीएमटी का आयोजन किया गया। कुल पंजीकृत 12,106 में से 11747 अभ्यर्थी परीक्षा में शामिल हुए। बुधवार को विवि के कुलसचिव व परीक्षा नियंत्रक प्रो. विजय जुयाल ने परिणामों की घोषणा की। उन्होंने बताया कि कुल 1468 छात्र व 2473 छात्राओं ने परीक्षा क्वाफिलाई करने में सफलता हासिल की है। सफल छात्र-छात्राओं में 2456 सामान्य, 853 ओबीसी, 476 एससी और 156 एसटी कैटेगरी के हैं। टॉप सौ अभ्यर्थियों में 53 छात्राएं और 47 छात्र शामिल हैं। उन्होंने बताया कि परीक्षा परिणाम विवि की वेबसाइट डब्ल्यूडब्ल्यूडब्ल्यू डॉट एचएनयूएमयू डॉट एसी डॉट इन पर अपलोड कर दिया गया।
प्रो. जुयाल ने बताया कि जसपुर, ऊधमसिंह नगर की मानसी सिंह को 183 अंकों के साथ पहली, मुरादाबाद के दीपक चौधरी को 183 अंकों के साथ दूसरी, कोटद्वार की वैशाली यादव को 182 अंकों के साथ तीसरी, हल्द्वानी, नैनीताल की रितु भंडारी को 182 अंकों के साथ चौथी और कालीबरी मार्ग, नई दिल्ली निवासी स्वाति गोयल को 181 अंकों के साथ पांचवी रैंक मिली है।

यूपीएमटी के टॉपर
1. मानसी सिंह, ऊधम सिंह नगर। (183 अंक)
2. दीपक चौधरी, मुरादाबाद। (183 अंक)
3. वैशाली यादव, कोटद्वार। (182 अंक)
4. रितु भंडारी, नैनीताल। (182 अंक)
5. स्वाति गोयल, नई दिल्ली। (181 अंक)
6. भावना खेतवाल, हल्द्वानी। (181 अंक)
7. कुशाग्र वत्सल, ऊधम सिंह नगर। (181 अंक)
8. अर्जुन लोशाली, हल्द्वानी। (180 अंक)
9. दिशु अग्रवाल, विकासनगर। (179 अंक)
10. दिग्विजय सिंह, चमोली। (179 अंक)
11. आकाश कुमार, ऊधम सिंह नगर। (179 अंक)
12. पारस तिवारी, गुजरात। (178 अंक)
13. ऋषभ त्रिपाठी, देहरादून। (178 अंक)
14. पारूल शर्मा, नैनीताल। (178 अंक)
15. मिशिका गहलोत, गुजरात। (178 अंक)
16. शिवानी सिंह, देहरादून। (178 अंक)
17. अरूण बरगली, नैनीताल। (178 अंक)
18. आशीष रावत, पौड़ी गढ़वाल। (178 अंक)
19. सौम्या नेगी, टिहरी गढ़वाल। (177 अंक)
20. विकास मोहन शर्मा, मथुरा। (176 अंक)


We wish our candidates All The Best for the Upcoming Exams and wish them great future ahead!!
Leave a comment below for any further queries or suggestions.


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