Friday 21 August 2015

#Education - सरकार और अफ़सरों की नींद क्यों उड़ी....!!! कोर्ट का हथौड़ा शिक्षा व्यवस्था को झकझोरेगा?... सभी नौकरशाहों और सरकारी कर्मचारियों के बच्चे सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूलों में पढ़ें: इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट

#Education - सरकार और अफ़सरों की नींद क्यों उड़ी....!!!  कोर्ट का हथौड़ा शिक्षा व्यवस्था को झकझोरेगा?... सभी नौकरशाहों और सरकारी कर्मचारियों के बच्चे सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूलों में पढ़ें: इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट

  • 22 अगस्त 2015
इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट का आदेश जारी होते ही अपील की चर्चा शुरू हो गई है. आदेश क्या है, उत्तर प्रदेश की सरकारी मशीनरी में एक सपना फूंकने की कोशिश है.
इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने उत्तर प्रदेश में सभी जनप्रतिनिधियों, नौकरशाहों और सरकारी कर्मचारियों के बच्चों को सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूल में पढ़ने को अनिवार्य बनाने का इसी हफ़्ते आदेश दिया है.
सपना सुंदर और सुखद है मगर जिस नींद में शिक्षा व्यवस्था सोई हुई है, वह ज़्यादा दुखद है. व्यवस्था बंटी हुई है.
प्राइवेट स्कूल लगातार फल फूल रहे हैं, सरकारी स्कूल बेदम हैं. सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत सरकारी स्कूलों की संख्या बढ़ी है, लेकिन सुधारों का सिलसिला रुक सा गया है.
सबसे बड़ी मुश्किल शिक्षकों की तैनाती को लेकर खड़ी हुई है. उनकी कमी पूरे देश में है, पर उत्तर के राज्यों की स्थिति ज़्यादा ख़राब है.
उत्तर प्रदेश की स्थिति को संवारना आसान नहीं है और सरकार की इच्छा शक्ति लंबे समय से कमज़ोर रही है.

पढ़ें विस्तार से

हाई कोर्ट के आदेश से सरकार की इच्छा शक्ति जाग सकती है, पर ज़्यादा संभावना इस बात की है कि प्रतिरोध की इच्छा जागे और अपील के रास्ते आदेश को पलटवाने की कोशिश करे.
इस संभावना की वजह सरकार और समाज दोनों में ढूंढी जा सकती है. प्राइवेट स्कूल बेहतर हैं, यह मान्यता समाज और सरकार दोनों में व्याप्त है.
उत्तर प्रदेश में प्राइवेट स्कूलों का इतिहास सरकारी स्कूलों से ज़्यादा पुराना नहीं है. अंग्रेजों के समय में उत्तर प्रदेश संयुक्त प्रांत कहलाता था.
19वीं सदी के उत्तरार्द्ध में लागू की गई 'ग्रांट इन एड' या प्राइवेट स्कूलों को सरकारी अनुदान से चलाने की नीति जिन दो बड़े राज्यों में सबसे ज़ोर-शोर से चली वो बंगाल और संयुक्त प्रांत ही थे.
लेकिन आज बहुत बड़ी संख्या ऐसे प्राइवेट स्कूलों की है जो सरकार सहायता नहीं लेते. ये स्कूल अपना ख़र्च ऊंची फ़ीस लेकर चलाते हैं.
शहरी मध्य वर्ग अपने बच्चों को इन्हीं स्कूलों में पढ़ाना पसंद करता है. सरकारी अधिकारी और नेताओं के बच्चे इन्हीं स्कूलों में पढ़ते हैं.

प्राइवेट स्कूल

निजी स्कूल
मामला सिर्फ वर्दी और अंग्रेज़ी का नहीं है. इन स्कूलों की साख इस कारण भी है कि वे क़ायदे से यानी नियमित चलते हैं.
इनकी तुलना में सरकारी इस्कूल कमज़ोर दिखते हैं. ये स्कूल लगभग मुफ़्त शिक्षा देते हैं. पर आज उनमें मुख्यतः निर्धन वर्गों और निचली जातियों के बच्चे दिखाई देते हैं.
सर्व शिक्षा अभियान के तहत सरकारी स्कूलों की तादाद बढ़ी है. वैसे सरकारी अनुदान से चलने वाले स्कूल पहले से ही उत्तर प्रदेश में काफी बड़ी संख्या में रहे हैं.
आज छोटे से छोटे गांव में प्राइमरी स्तर का सरकारी स्कूल है. उसके समानांतर गांव-गांव में अंग्रेज़ी माध्यम का दावा करने वाले प्राइवेट स्कूल खुल रहे हैं.
सामाजिक हवा का इशारा है कि पढ़ाई इन्हीं में होती है. सरकारी स्कूल में तो बस खाना मिलता है, वर्दी और वजीफ़ा बंटता है. बच्चों के स्तर पर समाज का बंटवारा हो चुका है.
जो भी थोड़ी बहुत हैसियत रखता है और फ़ीस दे सकता है, अपने बच्चों को सरकारी स्कूल से हटा लेना चाहता है. उत्तर प्रदेश में निर्धन मज़दूर और छोटे किसानों का वर्ग बहुत बड़ा है.

शिक्षकों की कमी

प्राइमरी स्कूल
इसलिए सरकारी स्कूलों में भी बच्चों की संख्या काफ़ी बढ़ी है. शिक्षा का अधिकार क़ानून आने के बाद से इन स्कूलों की इमारत और सुविधाएं भी सुधरी हैं, पर एक समस्या लगातार बनी रही है और इधर के सालों में विकराल रूप ली जा रही है. यह समस्या है शिक्षकों की कमी की.
इस समस्या का दूसरा चेहरा है शिक्षकों में उत्साह के अभाव का. उन पर नौकरशाही का दबदबा लगातार रहता है. जोड़तोड़ के बल पर अनेक शिक्षक अपना तबादला शहरी इलाक़ों में करा लेते हैं.
उत्तर प्रदेश की आम सच्चाई है कि गांव का सरकारी स्कूल एक दो शिक्षकों के सहारे चलता है और शहर के स्कूलों में ज़रूरत से ज़्यादा शिक्षक हैं.
इस व्यवस्था के बीच कई अन्य समस्याएं बुदबुदाती रहती हैं, जैसे अधूरा वेतन पाने वाले पैरा शिक्षकों का असंतोष, स्कूल में साफ़ सफ़ाई की समस्या, मरम्मत के लिए महीनों का इंतज़ार.

कोर्ट का आदेश

इस कठिन परिस्थिति पर इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने अच्छा खासा हथौड़ा चलाया है.
कोर्ट का आदेश है कि सरकारी अधिकारियों, कर्मचारियों और चुने हुए जनप्रतिनिधियों के बच्चे अनिवार्य रूप से सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूलों में पढ़ें.
इस मामले में कोर्ट ने दंड का प्रावधान भी कर दिया है.
इस आदेश पर अमल की योजना प्रस्तुत करने के लिए न्यायालय ने सरकार को छह महीने का समय दिया है. आदेश की व्याख्या और उसका आधार काफ़ी स्पष्ट है.
कोर्ट की राय में सरकारी स्कूल इसलिए बदहाल हैं क्योंकि समाज में हैसियत रखने वालों की संतानें वहां से चली गई हैं.
अगर अफ़सरों और नेताओं के बच्चे वहां पढ़ेंगे तो शिक्षकों की नियुक्ति और टूटी हुई छतों और खिड़कियों की मरम्मत अपने आप हो जाएगी.

स्कूलों की बदहाली

न्यायधीशों की यह समझ और आशा तर्कसंगत है. जब फीस लेकर चलने वाले प्राइवेट स्कूल नहीं थे तो अफ़सरों के बच्चे आम नागरिकों के बच्चों के साथ ही पढ़ते थे.
इतना ज़रूर है कि तब आम नागरिकों में मज़दूर और छोटे किसान शामिल नहीं थे. आज उनके बच्चे भी स्कूल जा रहे हैं.
अफ़सर, नेता और मज़दूर के बच्चे प्राइमरी स्कूल में साथ साथ पढ़ेंगे तो समाज का बंटवारा घटेगा, शिक्षा का स्तर भी सुधरेगा, छुटपन से अंग्रेज़ी थोपे जाने की समस्या भी सुलझेगी.
इतनी बीमारियों का एक साथ इलाज़ सपने जैसे लगता है. फ़िलहाल ऐसा लगता है कि इस सपने ने उत्तर प्रदेश के नेताओं और अधिकारियों को खुशी देने की जगह उनकी नींद उड़ा दी है.

सरकार और अफ़सरों की नींद क्यों उड़ी....

भारत स्कूल
इसी सप्ताह इलाहाबाद हाई कोर्ट ने उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्य सचिव को निर्देश दिया कि वे ये यह अनिवार्य बनाएं कि सभी नौकरशाहों और सरकारी कर्मचारियों के बच्चे सरकारी प्राइमरी स्कूलों में पढ़ें.
आदेश न्यायमूर्ति सुधीर अग्रवाल की अध्यक्षता वाली खंडपीठ ने वकील शिवकुमार पाठक और अन्य की याचिका पर दिया था.
इस आदेश पर अपील की चर्चा शुरू हो गई है.
लेकिन यह मुद्दा अभी भी बना हुआ है जिस पर चर्चा होनी ज़रूरी है, क्या सरकारी कर्मचारियों को अपने बच्चों को सरकारी स्कूलों में नहीं भेजना चाहिए?

सुधार का बेहतरीन उपाय

भारत स्कूल
इस ख़बर पर सोशल मीडिया पर लोग अपनी प्रतिक्रियाएं दे रहे हैं. जानिए क्या कहते हैं पाठक.
अरविंद गुप्ता कहते हैं, ''सरकारी स्कूल का मूल्य तब बढ़ेगा जब सरकारी नौकरीवाले खुद अपने बच्चे को सरकारी स्कूल में पढ़ाएंगें. और इसके चलते ग़रीब के बच्चे को भी फायदा होगा.’’
भारत स्कूल
आंध्र प्रदेश के एक गांव में बारिश से लड़ती स्कूल जा रही एक बच्ची.
अनिल पांडे के अनुसार, ''शिक्षा में सुधार का बेहतरीन उपाय.''
नितिश रौनी, जगदीश पटेल और कई अन्य लोगों का कहना है कि ''काश ऐसा नियम भारत के सभी राज़्यों में लागू हो जाए''. इसे आगे बढ़ाते हुए अनवर आज़मी कहते हैं, ''ऐसा हुआ तो सब बराबर हो जाएगा.''

नींद क्यों उड़ गई

ख़लीफ़ अली बेग़ पूछते हैं, ''कोर्ट की दुहाई देने वाले नेता और दूसरे लोग गाना गाते हैं 'हमको न्यायपालिका में पूरा विश्वास है'. अब न्यायपालिका ने एक ऐतिहासिक फैसला सुनाया है तो सरकार और अफ़सरों की नींद क्यों उड़ गई है?''
अखिलेश यादव
आभा राजपूत कहती हैं, ''सबसे पहले मुख्यमंत्री अखिलेश यादव जी को अपने बच्चों को सरकारी स्कूल में भेजना चाहिए.''

चुनाव आयोग भी ले संज्ञान

भास्कर त्रिपाठी कहते हैं, कि इस फैसले ने ''फिलहाल तो शिक्षकों को ही झकझोर दिया गया है. देखिए शिक्षा व्यवस्था किस तरह सुधरती है.''
ख़ुर्शीद आलम प्रधानमंत्री मोदी से गुज़ारिश करते हैं कि वे इसे पूरे देश में लागू करें.
भारत स्कूल
नागालैंड में बच्चों के स्कूल ले जाती महिला
चंद्रभूषण चौधरी कहते हैं कि चुनाव आयोग को इसका संज्ञान लेते हुए ऐसे प्रत्याशीयों को जिनके बच्चे प्राइवेट स्कूलों में शिक्षा ले रहे हों' रोकना चाहिए.''

'नहीं हो पाएगा'

नवल जोशी का मानना है, 'कभी-कभार अपवाद स्वरूप इस तरह के फैसले अदालतें देती रही हैं इसमें कोई चौंकने वाली बात नहीं है और ना ही इस फैसले से कोई क्रांतिकारी बदलाव की उम्मीद की जानी चाहिए यह केवल तकनीकी पेंच है और उसके लिए तकनीकी बचाव को कोई तर्क सामने आ ही जाएगा.''
भारत स्कूल
नदीम ख़ालिद ने इस विषय पर लिखा है कि उन्हें नहीं लगता कि ऐसा हो पाएगा.
गोपालजी सहाय कहते हैं, ''उत्तर प्रदेश में कभी भी अमल नहीं हो पाएगा.''
यासिर लिखते हैं, ''नेता इस फ़ैसले को कभी लागू नहीं होने देंगे और जनता एक बार फ़िर उन्हीं नेताओं को वोट दे कर पुरस्कार देगी.''

Thursday 20 August 2015

Education Loan and National Scholarships Portal : शिक्षा ऋण को आसान बनाने के लिए पोर्टल

Education Loan and National Scholarships Portal : शिक्षा ऋण को आसान बनाने के लिए पोर्टल

  • 37 मिनट पहले


अगर आप एक छात्र हैं और आगे पढ़ाई करने के लिए आपको लोन की दरकार है तो अब आपके पास शिक्षा लोन लेने का एक आसान तरीका है.
सरकार ने एक नया एडुकेशन लोन पोर्टल लांच किया है.
इसके ज़रिए छात्र कई बैंकों में शिक्षा के लिए कर्ज़ का आवेदन भर सकते हैं, अपने आवेदन पर नज़र रख सकते हैं और इस कर्ज़ पर उपलब्ध तमाम स्कीमों का फ़ायदा भी उठा सकते हैं.
अब छात्रों को इस ऋण के लिए बैंक दर बैंक नहीं भटकना पड़ेगा.
बस पर लॉग ऑन कीजिए और सिर्फ एक फॉर्म भर कर कई बैंकों में ऋण के लिए आवेदन भर दीजिए.

वित्तमंत्री का वादा

अरुण जेटली
वित्तमंत्री अरुण जेटली ने फरवरी में बजट भाषण के दौरान जो घोषणा की थी उसी के तहत इस पोर्टल को शुरू किया गया है.
उन्होंने अपने भाषण में छात्रों को शिक्षा ऋण और छात्रवृत्ति के लिए एक ही इलेक्ट्रॉनिक प्लेटफॉर्म बनाने की बात की थी.
उन्होंने कहा था, "हम ये सुनिश्चित करेंगे कि कोई भी छात्र पैसे की कमी के कारण उच्चशिक्षा से वंचित ना रहे."
इस पोर्टल को नेशनल सिक्योरिटीज़ डिपॉज़िटरी लिमिटेड ने वित्त मंत्रालय के वित्त सेवा विभाग, मानव संसाधन विकास मंत्रालय के उच्च शिक्षा विभाग और इंडियन बैंक्स असोसिएशन की मदद से बनाया है.
स्टेट बैंक ऑफ इंडिया, आईडीबीआई, कैनरा बैंक, पंजाब नेशनल बैंक जैसे 13 बैंक इस पोर्टल में शिक्षा ऋण देने के लिए पंजीकृत हैं.
इनमें से पांच बैंकों ने इस पोर्टल को अपने सिस्टम में एकीकृत कर लिया है ताकि छात्रों को ये जानकारी भी मिल सके कि उनके आवेदन पर क्या कार्यवाही हो रही है और वह किस चरण में है.
छात्र को पहले इस वेबसाइट पर रजिस्टर करना होगा और फिर ऋण के लिए एक सरल फॉर्म को भरना होगा.
अगर उन्हें अपने आवेदन पर हो रही कार्यवाही पर कोई शिकायत है तो वे यहीं उसे दर्ज़ कर सकते हैं.

छात्रवृत्ति का लिंक भी

इस वेबसाइट पर राष्ट्रीय छात्रवृत्ति की वेबसाइट का लिंक भी दिया गया है. यहां पर छात्र को विभिन्न सरकारी विभागों में शिक्षा ऋण पर दी जा रही स्कीमों की जानकारी भी हासिल कर सकता है.
नेशनल सिक्योरिटीज़ डिपॉज़िटरी लिमिटेड के मुख्य कार्यकारी और प्रबंधन निदेशक गगन राय ने बताया कि आने वाले दिनों में इस पोर्टल पर दर्ज बैंकों की संख्या बढ़ाई जाएगी.
उन्होंने बताया कि सभी राज्यों के सरकारी बैंकों को इसमें शामिल किया जाएगा.

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नौकरी नहीं रहने पर भी नहीं निकाल सकेंगे पीएफ का पूरा पैसा

नौकरी नहीं रहने पर भी नहीं निकाल सकेंगे पीएफ का पूरा पैसा

  |21 Aug , 2015
नौकरी नहीं रहने पर भी नहीं निकाल सकेंगे पीएफ का पूरा पैसा

नई दिल्ली। नौकरी नहीं रहने पर भी आप पीएफ के पूरे पैसे नहीं निकाल सकेंगे। सरकार इसके लिए नियम बदलने जा रही है। नए प्रस्ताव के मुताबिक 58 साल की उम्र तक आप अधिक से अधिक 75 फीसदी पैसे निकाल सकेंगे। मौजूदा नियम के मुताबिक अगर खाताधारक दो महीने तक बेरोजगार रहता है तो वह पीएफ के पूरे पैसे निकाल सकता है। श्रम सचिव शंकर अग्रवाल ने बताया कि इस आशय का प्रस्ताव मंजूरी के लिए मंत्रालय के पास है। इस पर 10-15 दिनों में फैसला ले लिया जाएगा।
सेंट्रल पीएफ कमिश्नर केके जालान ने भी कहा कि प्रस्तावित बदलाव 10-15 दिनों में नोटिफाई कर दिए जाएंगे। जालान के मुताबिक इस प्रस्ताव पर कर्मचारी संगठनों की भी सहमति है। जालान ने बताया कि 75 फीसदी पैसे निकालने की सीमा घर बनाने, शादी, बच्चों की शिक्षा जैसे मामलों पर भी लागू होगी। धीरे-धीरे यह सीमा घटाकर 50 फीसदी पर लाई जाएगी। कोई खाताधारक कितनी बार पैसे निकाल सकता है, इसकी भी सीमा तय होगी। जालान के मुताबिक अभी साल में पैसे निकालने के करीब 1.3 करोड़ आवेदन आते हैं। इनमें 65 लाख पूरे पैसे निकालने के होते हैं।

#KoreanWar:North Korea orders troops on war footing after exchanging fire with South.South Korea evacuation after shelling on western border.North Korea warns of war after exchange of fire with South

#KoreanWar:North Korea orders troops on war footing after exchanging fire with South.South Korea evacuation after shelling on western border.North Korea warns of war after exchange of fire with South

  • 42 minutes ago,

North Korea orders troops on war footing after exchanging fire with South

South Korean army soldiers walk on the way to returning to their base after a patrol, in Paju, south of the demilitarized zone that divides the two Koreas, South Korea, Friday, Aug. 21, 2015
The two Koreas remain technically at war, because the 1950-1953 war ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has ordered his frontline troops to be on a war footing, state media says, after an exchange of fire with the South across their heavily fortified border.
Report said Mr Kim declared a "semi-state of war" at an emergency meeting late Thursday.
It threatened action unless Seoul ends its anti-Pyongyang border broadcasts.
The North often uses fierce rhetoric when tensions rise and it has made similar declarations before.
New 's South Korea correspondent Steve Evans says that although this ritual of aggression often sees such language escalate to the firing of ammunition, this time the rhetoric is fiercer and and artillery shells are now in use.

Reported that Mr Kim had ordered that troops be "fully ready for any military operations at any time" from 17:00 Friday local time (01:30 GMT), at the emergency meeting of the central military commission.

Residents evacuated

Earlier, the North warned that it would take strong military action if the South does not end border propaganda broadcasts and dismantles the broadcast facilities "within 48 hours".
However, in a separate letter Pyongyang said it was willing to resolve the issue even though it considers the broadcasts a declaration of war, South Korea Unification Ministry said.
The tensions were ratcheted up after North Korea on Thursday shelled across the border reportedly to protest the propaganda broadcasts which restarted after a hiatus of 11 years.
The South responded with artillery fire. There were no reported casualties.
South Korea ordered the evacuation of residents from an area of its western border.
The two Koreas remain technically at war, because the 1950-1953 war ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty.

South Korea evacuation after shelling on western border

File photo: South Korean soldiers engaging in a drill to fire 155mm shells
North and South Korea have exchanged cross-border fire several times in recent years
South Korea has ordered the evacuation of residents from an area of its western border after an exchange of fire with North Korea, reports say.
North Korea fired a shell at a South Korean military unit on Thursday, prompting the south to retaliate with several artillery rounds, the South's defence ministry said.
South Korea's National Security Council is due to hold an emergency session.
The western sea border has long been a flashpoint between the two Koreas.
North Korea fired a projectile towards Yeoncheon, a town north-west of Seoul, at 15:52 local time (06:52 GMT), the defence ministry said.
Reports suggest the target could have been a loudspeaker broadcasting anti-Pyongyang messages.
The South then fired "dozens of rounds of 155mm shells" towards where they thought the rocket was launched from, the ministry added in a statement.
There were no immediate reports of any injuries or damage on either side.
A South Korean man pulls down a shutter of his shop at the Imjingak Peace Park near the Demilitarized zone dividing the two Koreas in Paju on 20 August 2015, as residents of several border villages are ordered to evacuate their homes for nearby shelters
Residents have been ordered to leave their shops and homes and evacuate to bunkers and shelters
The two Koreas remain technically at war, because the 1950-1953 war ended in an armistice, not a peace treaty.
The two sides have exchanged cross-border fire several times in recent years.
A local official told news agency that about 80 residents in Yeoncheon had been evacuated, with other residents in the area also urged to take shelter.
The latest incident comes amid heightened tensions between the North and South.
Seoul has blamed the North for planting a landmine that injured two South Korea soldiers earlier this month.
Since then, the sides have begun blasting propaganda broadcasts from loudspeakers along the border - restarting a practice both had suspended back in 2004.
South Korea and the US also began annual joint military exercises on Monday - they describe the drills as defensive, but North Korea calls them a rehearsal for invasion.

North Korea warns of war after exchange of fire with South

Wednesday 19 August 2015

Mobile Calling & Data: What is the difference between CDMA vs GSM vs LTE Technology?...Go link for more

CDMA vs GSM vs LTE, What is the difference?

CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) is a "spread spectrum" for cellular networks enabling many more wireless users to share airwaves than alternative technologies.

GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) is a wireless technology to describe protocols for cellular networks used by mobile phones with over 80% market share globally.

LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a wireless broadband technology for communication of high speed data for mobile phones.

The main difference between the technologies is that both CDMA & GSM can support cellular and data, whereas LTE can only support data.

So what does this mean? It means that if the phone does not have CDMA/GSM technology then the cellular (voice) services would NOT work, only data.

Prior to the entrance of LTE Technology, it was very easy to determine a CDMA phone from a GSM phone. The GSM phone featured a SIM Card Slot, the CDMA phone did not. Now it is quite more complicated with the LTE Technology, both CDMA & GSM adopted this spectrum in which functions with the use of a SIM Card. Therefore, a CDMA/LTE Verizon Wireless phone now has a SIM Card but does work on GSM Networks such as AT&T.

There is two main reasons why CDMA/LTE and GSM/LTE are currently NOT compatible;

1) Phone (voice) runs on the 2G & 3G spectrum. CDMA and GSM run on different 2G/3G frequencies, thus voice is not compatible between the two.

2) LTE (Data) the common denominator, runs on the 4G spectrum. CDMA currently runs on Class 13 and GSM Class 17 LTE, thus data is not compatible between the two.

What LTE phones can be unlocked for GSM usage? In order for an LTE device to be able to be unlocked, it must have GSM technology so cellular and data will function.

In the below LTE phone examples, the AT&T Atrix HD can be unlocked because it has GSM capabilities, but the Sprint Evo and Verizon Thunderbolt can not as it only has CDMA technology.

AT&T Motorola Atrix HD (MB886) - (2G) GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 - (3G) HSDPA 850 / 1700 / 1900 / 2100 - (4G) LTE 700 MHz Class 17 / 2100

Sprint HTC Evo 4G - (2G) CDMA 800 / 1900 - (3G) CDMA2000 1xEV-DO - (4G) LTE 800 / 1900

Verizon HTC Thunderbolt - (2G) CDMA 850 / 1900 - (3G) CDMA2000 1xEV-DO - (4G) LTE 700 MHz Class 13

To complicate things a little more, the below example supports CDMA/GSM/LTE. If this phone were unlocked, it would only run GSM on the 2G spectrum without 4G LTE. (Verizon uses a separate 4G spectrum than other GSM networks.)

Verizon Samsung Galaxy S4 - (2G) GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900 (2G) CDMA 850 / 1900 - (3G) CDMA2000 1xEV-DO - (4G) LTE 700 MHz Class 13

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Monday 17 August 2015

OROP Demand: 10 ex-chiefs write to PM, say nation can’t afford ‘imbroglio’

OROP Demand: 10 ex-chiefs write to PM, say nation can’t afford ‘imbroglio’

As seven retired Army chiefs, two Air Force chiefs and a Navy chief sent their letter to the PM, two ex servicemen began a fast unto death at Jantar Mantar to push for OROP.

one rank one pension, orop, armyman, ex servicemen, pension, orop protest, protest on orop, latest news 
The ten former Service Chiefs have written an open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi saying the issue should be resolved expeditiously within a time frame.
Days after four retired service chiefs raised the One Rank One Pension (OROP) issue with the President, ten retired chiefs have written to PM Narendra Modi condemning the manhandling of protesting veterans at Jantar Mantar by the Delhi Police.
As seven retired Army chiefs, two Air Force chiefs and a Navy chief sent their letter to the PM, two ex servicemen — Col Pushpender Singh and Havaldar Major Singh — began a fast unto death at Jantar Mantar to push for OROP.
Arguing that “the nation can ill afford such an imbroglio”, the two page letter subtly warned the government about the consequences of the delay in implementing OROP.

“We are deeply perturbed and distressed by the highhanded treatment of our veterans on August 14, 2015 at Jantar Mantar. These veterans have been on a peaceful demonstration at this venue and have been trying to make the government hear their voice since June 12, 2015. We unequivocally condemn the action by the police and urge the government to investigate and take immediate action,” the letter by General V N Sharma, General Shakar Roy Choudhary, General N C Vij, Genral J J singh, General Deepak Kapoor, General Bikram Singh, Admiral Madhvendra Singh, Air Chief Marshals N C Suri and S P Tyagi said.

Adding that the “indiscretion on the part of the police has seriously impacted the pride and morale of all ranks of the three services and the veterans”, the letter claimed the “dignity and pride” of the soldier “ was scarred.
Explaining the decision to approach PM, the letter said: “We were also hopeful that the announcement of the implementation of the OROP would be made on Independence Day. Regrettably this has not happened. Also, the highhanded attitude of the police on August 14 has prompted us to raise this issue to your esteemed office.”

About the government’s argument of technical difficulties in OROP implementation, the letter added: “The often quoted technical difficulties without ever being specified and discussed are thus bewildering. This is simple arithmetic based on the Standard Pension Tables of the government…These delays are construed to be only with a view to bring in changes in the parameters and dilute the entitlements, which will be grossly unjust and unacceptable.”

The signatories to the letter claimed that while they had full faith in the political leadership, they were dismayed by the delay. “We stand steadfastly by the side of our colleagues and fully support their just cause. Our silence so far was due to the need to observe propriety… We would strongly urge the government to settle this issue expeditiously and in an urgent time frame. Any further delays, in our considered view, will be at the cost of damaging the pride of the veterans and lowering the morale of the armed forces. The nation can ill afford such an imbroglio,” the letter warned.

President Pranab Mukherjee’s wife Smt. Suvra Mukherjee passes away

President Pranab Mukherjee’s wife Smt. Suvra Mukherjee passes away

Suvra Mukherjee, who had been unwell, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Army Research and Referral Hospital last week.

New Delhi | Updated: August 18, 2015
President Pranab Mukherjee with Suvra in this file photo. 
President Pranab Mukherjee’s wife Suvra Mukherjee passed away at around 10 am this morning in a Delhi hospital. She was 74.

“It is informed with deep sorrow that First Lady, Mrs Suvra Mukherjee, passed away this morning at 10.51 am,” the President’s Twitter handle announced this morning.

Mrs Mukherjee, who had been unwell and was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the Army Research and Referral Hospital last week, following a respiratory ailment.
President Pranab Mukherjee had earlier this month cut short his visit to Odisha, where he was to preside over a function at the National Law University, Cuttack.

Bangkok blast: Thai authorities launch hunt for male ‘suspect’

Bangkok blast: Thai authorities launch hunt for male ‘suspect’

Thai Army chief Gen Udomdej Seetabutr told local media that security officials had obtained video footages at the bomb explosion scene which clearly showed a suspect carrying a bag into the scene before it went off.

Bangkok | Published:August 18, 2015 
Police use a magnetic tool as they examine debris in front of the Erawan Shrine at Rajprasong intersection in Bangkok, Thailand, Tuesday, Aug. 18, 2015, as investigations continue the morning after an explosion. Police combed through shattered glass and other debris Tuesday from a bomb blast in central Bangkok, trying to determine who set off the most devastating single attack in the capital’s recent history.
Thai authorities on Tuesday launched a hunt for a male “suspect” who may have left a bomb inside the hugely popular Lord Brahma temple in a crowded area in central Bangkok that killed at least 20 people and injured 123 others. Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-O-Cha said there is a male suspect who appeared on CCTV near the scene of the blast.

“We are looking for this guy,” he said. He called an urgent war room meeting with Cabinet members and security agencies at Government House. Deputy Prime Minister Prawit Wongsuwan said that the perpetrators had used few people to commit the incident. He said the motive behind the blast has yet to be concluded. Thai Army chief Gen Udomdej Seetabutr told local media that security officials had obtained video footages at the bomb explosion scene which clearly showed a suspect carrying a bag into the scene before it went off.

He did not elaborate the nationality of the suspect but said the bomb attack might be a retaliation to the recent operation of the Thai government. He said security officials are following the case closely.

He had earlier said the tactics used in the blast did not match the Muslim separatist rebels in the country’s south. However, Nation newspaper said police were looking for a suspect with an “Arab” look who was seen leaving a bag at the shrine shortly before the blast occurred at 7 pm last evening.

The man was seen on a security camera sitting on a bench in the compound of the shrine after leaving his bag behind the bench, the paper said. After a while, he was seen standing and making a call from his phone and walking fast from the area, it said. Thailand’s baht currency slumped to a more than six-year low and shares fell in Bangkok after the blast.
The blast, which the government believed was aimed at damaging economy and tourism, occurred inside Erawan Shrine dedicated to Lord Brahma in the downtown Chidlom district. The temple is located on a main road through Bangkok’s commercial hub and is surrounded by three major shopping malls and big hotels of international chains. It is among Bangkok’s most popular tourist attractions visited by East Asian tourists and local Buddhists.

Authorities today put the death toll at 20, revising an earlier toll of 27. The dead includes two Malaysians, two Taiwanese, two Singaporeans, a Hongkongnese, and the rest Thais. Most of the injured foreigners are Chinese. However, there were no reports of any Indian casualties or injury in the blast, the first such attack in the Thai capital.

Sri Lanka polls: Mahinda Rajapaksa concedes defeat in parliamentary elections.Rajapaksa said that his UPFA has won eight districts and Wickremesinghe's UNP has 11 out of a total of 22.

Sri Lanka polls: Mahinda Rajapaksa concedes defeat in parliamentary elections.Rajapaksa said that his UPFA has won eight districts and Wickremesinghe's UNP has 11 out of a total of 22.

Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka polls, Sri Lanka parliamentary elections, Mahinda Rajapaksa, Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa, Mahinda Rajapaksa polls, World latest news 
Former Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa
Sri Lanka’s former president Mahinda Rajapaksa on Tuesday accepted defeat in the parliamentary elections even before the announcement of the final results. Rajapaksa, 69, said his United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) had lost after a close battle with the United National Party (UNP) of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

The former two-time president was quoted in the media reports as saying that he conceded defeat “after a good fight”. Rajapaksa said that his UPFA has won eight districts and Wickremesinghe’s UNP has 11 out of a total of 22. It appears that neither the UNP or the UPFA would gain simple majority of 113 in the 225-member assembly. The UNP has gained votes in most polling divisions while the UPFA lost votes in comparison with the presidential election held in January. The UPFA’s big victory margins in January presidential elections, however, have not been affected by the UNP’s gains or the votes that have gone to the Marxist JVP or the People’s Liberation Front.

The final outcome would depend now on the number of districts won by the each major party. In the north’s Tamil districts, the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) appears to have made a clean sweep. Early results have shown that TNA would win the Jaffna district with a near 60 per cent of the vote. President Maithripala Sirisena had vowed not to make Rajapaksa premier even if his UPFA wins a majority.

Sirisena was Rajapaksa’s health minister until he came forward as the opposition unity candidate to challenge the then president last year. He then handed Rajapaksa a shock defeat in the polls. Election Commissioner Deshapriya said he hope the final party positions would be released by this afternoon.
196 members will be elected for a five-year term while 29 will be appointed based on the national proportion of votes polled by each party.

#Technology: How to #Disable #Notifications in #Google Chrome #browser... #mobile #leptop #smartphone #computer #pc #Chromebrowser

Technology: How to Disable Notifications in Google Chrome browser

18 August 2015
Desktop notifications are one of the best features of modern browsers. They show previews of email, football scores or even instant messages, letting you to take a quick glance at updates without leaving the work you're doing. But this can get a little overwhelming, particularly when it includes spam and advertisements. If too many sites have begun to send notifications, or if you need to shut out all the noise, you should disable Google Chrome notifications. Doing so is pretty simple:
  1. Open the Google Chrome Settings page. You can either type chrome://settings in the address bar and hit Enter or click the hamburger icon at the top right > Settings.
  2. Scroll to the bottom and click Show advanced settings.
  3. Under Privacy, click Content settings....
  4. Scroll down to Notifications.
  5. Select Do not allow any site to show desktop notifications.
  6. If you want to allow some websites to show notifications, you can click Ask when a site wants to show desktop notifications. Now sites will show notifications only if you permit them to.
  7. Click Manage exceptions... to see the list of sites that you've granted permission for notifications. Click the X to the right of any of these URLs to stop the site from sending notifications.

This method gets rid of desktop notifications from websites. But an app or extension can still send notifications. To disable notifications from individual Chrome apps or extensions, follow these steps.
Windows 7 and 8
  1. Tap Windows key + D or go to the desktop.
  2. Left-click the bell shaped Chrome Notifications icon in the notifications bar in the bottom-right of the screen. If it isn't there, then click the up arrow icon at the start of the notifications bar. Once you see the bell, left-click on it.
  3. Click the gear icon.
  4. Uncheck apps or extensions that you don't want notifications from.
  1. In the system menu bar, click the bell icon.
  2. Click the gear icon.
  3. Uncheck apps or extensions that you don't want notifications from.
If you want to disable all Chrome notifications, there is an easy way to do so. In case you're working and just want a temporary break, then you can instead right click on the bell-shaped Chrome notifications icon, and click on Do not disturb. This turns off all notifications. You can also click on Do not disturb for one hour or Do not disturb for one day if you just want a short break from notifications.
This next method will permanently stop all notifications, including email and messages. If you need those, then do not do this. If you're certain that you need to get rid of all Chrome notifications, then read on.
Windows 7 or 8
  1. Tap Windows key + D or go to the desktop.
  2. Click the up arrow icon at the start of the notifications bar in the bottom-right of the screen.
  3. Click Customise....
  4. Scroll down to Google Chrome.
  5. In the drop-down menu, select Hide icon and notifications.
  6. Click OK.
  1. Click Chrome from the top menu bar.
  2. Click Hide notifications Icon from the drop-down menu.
Once you've done this, Chrome will no longer be able to send any notification or alerts at all. Which annoying websites or extensions were spamming notifications on your computer? Let us know via the comments.

Question : what are your suggestions on customer centricity, cost reduction, innovation? Answer: My suggestions for customer centricity, cost reduction, innovation are given below:

Question : what are your suggestions on customer centricity, cost reduction, innovation?

Answer: My suggestions for customer centricity, cost reduction, innovation are given below:

1-  ***Suggestions on customer centricity***:

1. Monitor feedback from your customers and prospects through social media channels
Recognising the value of social media is hugely important and by monitoring the conversations of your customers you can begin to better understand your market. Don’t simply look at common complaints or usual key words but search your customer’s discussion to better understand their current business challenges – consider if there is a way to extend your organisation’s solution or even consider new product streams.

Crucially, it is essential to see social media not solely as a platform for your content but as a two-way conversation. Customers now expect responses via your social channels so ensure that the right colleagues have training on and access to your social media accounts. Everyone from customer services to technical support should be contributing to the conversation.
JetBlue Airways is a great example of how a customer-focused approach to social media can pay off. Solving customer issues, offering flight info and receiving passenger feedback – the business now has over 1.88m followers, all of whom offer data for JetBlue that is a crucial component in better understanding its customer base.

2. Offer clients a collaborative community
Give your clients the opportunity to interact with one another through the creation of a community forum. Using tools such as social media, webinars or even just a hub within your company website, organisations can allow their users to share best practice advice, discuss common difficulties or suggest new uses of their service or product.
The return is manifold: the initial investment will help build trust within your user base while through peer-to-peer interactions within the community you can create new advocates for your brand. Additionally, observing the interactions between customers can help businesses gain an objective view of their offering, ensuring that all sides of the market are being catered for.

3. Would your customers recommend you?
If your customers are no longer reaching out to you then you’re going to have to reach out to them! At regular periods offer the opportunity to participate in customer satisfaction surveys – allowing your client base to give honest feedback – this could be online or in a face-to-face setting to your business’ senior managers. This will provide a distinct interface to reflect on how both customer and provider are performing together. It needs to be structured in a way where both parties can benefit – with clients being given the chance to change areas of the service to better suit their organisation’s needs while businesses can use the interaction to better understand the current and future needs of their customer base.

4. Develop a culture of ‘partnership’ – move the relationship away from being purely contractual
Trust is a vital component in building and maintaining strong customer relationships. Focusing on this trust can help shift your relationship away from being a purely contractual association of necessity and create real partnership which can develop over time.

Demonstrate commitment to your customer’s business objectives and show that your organisation can provide long-term support that will really benefit the client’s business. This can be done through innovation workshops – where both supplier and client work collaboratively together – aimed at specific business challenges such as improving efficiency, reducing costs or setting the foundations for new solutions.

It can also be achieved through ‘Critical to Quality’ workshops in which both parties work to improve the current efficiency of their daily activities. This will be mutually beneficial – with customer and provider alike investing time to enhance the customer’s operations, processes and future solutions. Working together in this collaborative style will serve to deepen the relationship on both sides.

2-  ***Suggestions on cost reduction***:

Understand where you spend your money-Buy Only What You Need:

Determine what goods you need and services you require.  There is no need for gold - plated service if standard services are adequate.  Buying unnecessary extras or add-on services such as maintenance agreements will prevent you getting value for money.  Also, avoid loyalty programs that offer freebies such as bottles of wine or tickets to sporting events to lure you away from more competitive offerings.

Consolidate your purchasing-Rationalise Suppliers:

Quite often, we see different divisions or departments within the one company buying from a variety of suppliers, losing any opportunity to consolidate purchasing and negotiate better pricing.

Bench mark your procurement-Always Compare:

Your suppliers will always know the market better than you will, so never assume that they're providing you the best deal possible.  For instance, are your competitors buying better than you for the same products?  How does your cost-management performance compare to others?  Talk to consultants or benchmarking services, but make sure you understand the information correctly; otherwise you're paying for useless information.

Build strong supplier relationships-Build Relationships, Not Just Another Debtor:

Building a good relationship with suppliers will enhance opportunities for cost reductions.  Engage your suppliers for suggestions on how to improve the way in which you purchase their goods and services.  Ordering online, or less frequently, may allow them to reduce their own administration costs and enable them to pass the savings on linking your stock levels to their ordering platform and provide monitoring of your PAR levels (protection against run-out), avoiding any loss of sales.

Maintain controls on your purchasing-Empower the Right People:

Ensure you have separate staff responsible for negotiating terms to those involved in day to day operations.  Staff empowered to order product need to establish good relationships with suppliers and so may not be the best negotiators come tender time.  Use the good cop/bad cop approach, calling in someone else, so that emotion is not involved in the process.

Continually test your suppliers-Know the Market:

Companies that buy the same product and quantities year in, year out can become very complacent and are probably paying way too much.  Suppliers will price their offerings according to what the market will bear.  Compare prices across suppliers and, having done your research, tell suppliers that you are reviewing your costs, which have to be reduced.  Then prepare to negotiate and to comparison shop.

Ensure you have open book pricing-Demand Transparency:

Negotiate open book pricing so you have full transparency.  Every supplier is entitled to a margin; however you want to be confident it is not inflated.  Don't accept price increases without proof that the increase is a result of supply-chain cost increases beyond their control and not just a blow-out in costs that they are trying to pass on.

Be Consistent-Measure Result:

Create a culture of ongoing cost management, not just a "flavour of the month" approach.  Establish benchmarks that allow for ongoing comparison, to ensure you are always on top of costs.  Measure them as a percentage of sales, thereby ensuring that if sales drop, you can see costs drop accordingly.

Stay Alert-Keep Going Forward:

Maintaining strong cost management is critical to the success of any business.  Ensure staff doesn't revert to old habits, watch your suppliers, and monitor your benchmarks.  You need to watch that staff members don't slip back into old habits.  Of all cost reduction programs approximately 84% of projects slip back to previous pricing within 2 years.  Engage an expert or appoint a dedicated staff member to this, and they will soon pay their way.

3- ***Suggestions on innovation***:

1-    Innovation only comes by invitation. Invite people to bring forth their new ideas. True innovation takes place when people are free to raise ideas, take ownership of them, and then implement them. If people are required to ask permission for every step they take, they will stop asking permission.

Recommended by Forbes

2-     Innovation is not a solo sport, it requires a group of players with skills specific to the effort. Many companies appoint an innovation department or hire a chief innovation officer, which can make innovation just another stovepipe in the organization. The message this sends to your organization is that innovation is “their job” and “not mine” – siloed off. While an idea may come from one individual, it’s the cross-functional creativity, trust, and collaboration that bring innovation to life.

3-    Encourage everyone to put their ideas to test fast, fail fast, and then reiterate. If people wait for perfection before they put the idea to work, the effort will lose steam before it ever gets off the ground.

4-    Value the lessons taken from failure as much as your successes, and apply those lessons toward each new attempt. This makes it safe for everyone to innovate. The idea is not to encourage failure but to foster innovation that leads to winning success as rapidly as possible.

5-    Ensure this behavior gets modeled at every level, from the very top to individual contributor. That means the senior leaders must be actively involved, not just mandating the change.

6-    Resist the desire to project manage your way to innovation. It cannot be generated by focusing solely on budgets, resources, and timelines. If you try, you can guarantee your innovation investment will be wasted.