Monday 16 March 2015

#Hacking:How to use google for hacking(hack cameras,access secret documents)

#Hacking:How to use google for hacking(hack cameras,access secret documents)

we all use GOOGLE daily almost and GOOGLE is famous search engine in the we can use Google search engine for hacking,its strange but its true.Today we will show how to use Google search engine for hacking.if you want to hack personal details(like NAME,ADDRESS,EMAIL AND MORE) ,secret documents,banks accounts,and credit cards numbers just simply open the Google search engine and type following keywords:
intitle:”curriculum vitae” “phone * * *” “address *” “e-mail”
filetype:xls inurl:”email.xls”
intitle:index.of finances.xls
if you want hack into security cameras or cctv which are fixed at  car parking plots,schools and in offices,watch the images which are captured by camera,for that type

intitle:”Live View / – AXIS”

if you want download free stuff ,you can also do with the help of Google,just type

“?intitle:index.of?mp3 artist name“( for downloading free music type this keyword)
“?intitle:index.of?pdf book name“ ( for downloading free ebook)

Labels: google, Google hacking code, hacking cctv, hacking into google, hacking with google, how to hack., how to learn hacking, learn, learn hacking


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