isis video claims to show beheading of british hostage david haines
ब्रितानी नागरिक के क़त्ल का वीडियो जारी, ISIS ने वीडियो जारी कर किया ब्रिटिश नागरिक डेविड हेंस का सिर कलम करने का दावा
रविवार, 14 सितंबर, 2014
इस्लामिक स्टेट के चरमपंथियों
द्वारा एक ब्रितानी नागरिक के क़त्ल को ब्रितानी प्रधानमंत्री डेविड कैमरन
और अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति ने बर्बर कहा है.
कैमरन ने हत्या की पुष्टि करते हुए कहा, ''यह शैतानी काम है. क़ातिलों को सज़ा दी जाएगी, भले ही इसमें कितना भी वक़्त लगे.''इससे पहले ब्रितानी विदेश मंत्रालय ने कहा था कि वह इस्लामिक स्टेट के कथित वीडियो की आपात स्तर पर जाँच कर रहा है.
अमरीकी राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा ने भी एक बयान जारी कर इस हत्या को 'बर्बर' कृत्य क़रार दिया है.
ओबामा ने कहा, ''इस दुख की घड़ी में अमरीका अपने क़रीबी दोस्त और सहोयगी के साथ कंधे से कंधा मिलाकर खड़ा है. हम इस कृत्य को करने वालों को सज़ा दिलाने के लिए ब्रिटेन और उस क्षेत्र एवं पूरी दुनिया के अन्य देशों के साथ व्यापक गठबंधन बनाने का काम करेंगे.''
ब्रितानी इमाम ने की निंदा
ब्रितानी सरकार डेविड हेंस के क़त्ल के वीडियो की जाँच कर रही है.
लीड्स के मक्का मस्जिद के इमाम डॉ. कारी आसिम ने कहा, ''ब्रितानी नागरिकों पर हमला ब्रिटेन पर हमला है और आईएस आतिंकियों के इस कृत्य की निंदा करते हैं.''
इस्लामिक स्टेट ने अमरीकी पत्रकार स्टीवेन सोटलॉफ़ के क़त्ल के वीडियो में अमरीकी हवाई हमले बंद न होने की स्थिति में हेंस के क़त्ल की धमकी दी थी.
इस्लामिक स्टेट के जेहादियों ने इससे पहले दो अमरीकी पत्रकारों जेम्स फ़ॉली और स्टीवेन सोटलॉफ़ का सिर क़लम करने का वीडियो जारी किया था.
अमरीकी ख़ुफ़िया एजेंसियों ने वीडियो के सही होने की पुष्टि की थी.
ब्रितानी विदेश मंत्रालय का कहना है कि हेंस के परिवार को इसकी सूचना दे दी गई है.
कल ही डेविड हैंस के परिजनों ने विदेश मंत्रालय के जरिए जारी किए गए बयान में इस्लामिक स्टेट से उनकी जान न लेने की अपील की थी.
हेंस के क़त्ल के वीडियो में अग़वा किए गए एक और ब्रितानी नागरिकी की हत्या की धमकी दी गई है.
ISIS ने वीडियो जारी कर किया ब्रिटिश नागरिक डेविड हेंस का सिर कलम करने का दावा
वीडियो से ली गई तस्वीर
इस्लामी स्टेट के आंतकवादियों ने शनिवार को वीडियो जारी कर एक ब्रिटिश
नागरिक का सिर कलम करने का दावा किया है. आतंकियों की ओर से किया
गया यह इस तरह का तीसरा दावा है. इससे पहले ISIS आतंकी दो अमेरिकी
पत्रकारों के बारे में भी ऐसा ही वीडियो जारी कर यह दावा कर चुके हैं.
ब्रिटिश नागरिक का नाम डेविड हेन्स है. यह वीडियो एक आतंकी संगठनों की
हरकतों पर नजर रखने वाले निजी संगठन एसआईटीई की वेबसाइट पर अपलोड
किया गया है. पिछले दोनों वीडियो की तरह इसमें भी आतंकी ने नकाब ओढ़
रखा है. ब्रिटिश प्रधानमंत्री डेविड कैमरन ने इस घटना की कड़ी निंदा की है और
इन हत्यारों को ठिकाने लगाने के लिए हरसंभव कदम उठाने की बात कही है.
आतंकवादियों की इस कायरतापूर्ण हरकत के लिए निंदा के स्वर भारत से भी उठे हैं. कांग्रेस नेता दिग्विजय सिंह ने कहा है कि धार्मिक कट्टरवाद एक अभिशाप है और इससे लड़ना जरूरी है.
बताया जा रहा है कि वीडियो में दिख रहा आतंकी वही हो सकता है जो पिछले वीडियो में दिखा था. उसने धमकी देते हुए कहा है कि इससे 'तुम्हारी तबाही की गति' तेज होगी और अब ब्रिटिश लोग 'एक और खूनी और न जीते जा सकने वाले युद्ध' में घसीट लिए जाएंगे. वीडियो में आतंकी ने एक और ब्रिटिश बंधन को मार डालने की धमकी दी है.
Video Watch:-
Keyword : ISIS, david haines, video, ISIS video, British, david cameron
The murder of
David Haines is an act of pure evil. My heart goes out to his
family who have shown extraordinary courage and
— David Cameron (@David_Cameron) September 13, 2014
We will do
everything in our power to hunt down these murderers and ensure
they face justice, however long it takes.
— David
Cameron (@David_Cameron) September 13, 2014
2 मिनट 27 सेकेंड के इस वीडियो का टाइटल है, 'अमेरिका के सहयोगियों के
नाम एक संदेश.' वीडियो में आरोप लगाया गया है कि ब्रिटिश प्रधानमंत्री डेविड
कैमरन उस अमेरिका से मिल गए हैं. गौरतलब है कि अमेरिका ने हाल ही में
घोषणा की है कि वह ISIS आतंकियों के खिलाफ 'युद्ध' लड़ेगा और इराक में
उनके खिलाफ बमबारी करेगा.आतंकवादियों की इस कायरतापूर्ण हरकत के लिए निंदा के स्वर भारत से भी उठे हैं. कांग्रेस नेता दिग्विजय सिंह ने कहा है कि धार्मिक कट्टरवाद एक अभिशाप है और इससे लड़ना जरूरी है.
Condemn what ISIS
is doing and congratulate all Indian Muslim who are condemning
it.Religious Fundamentalism is a curse we all have to
— digvijaya singh (@digvijaya_28) S
eptember 14, 2014
वीडियो में आतंकवादी कहता हुआ नजर आ रहा है, 'तुम जान-बूझकर अमेरिका
के साथ और इस्लामी स्टेट के खिलाफ आ गए हो. जैसा पूर्व ब्रिटिश पीएम टोनी
ब्लेयर ने किया था. सारे ब्रिटिश प्रधानमंत्री अमेरिका के पिछलग्गू रहे हैं और उनके पास
अमेरिका को 'न' कहने का साहस नहीं है.'बताया जा रहा है कि वीडियो में दिख रहा आतंकी वही हो सकता है जो पिछले वीडियो में दिखा था. उसने धमकी देते हुए कहा है कि इससे 'तुम्हारी तबाही की गति' तेज होगी और अब ब्रिटिश लोग 'एक और खूनी और न जीते जा सकने वाले युद्ध' में घसीट लिए जाएंगे. वीडियो में आतंकी ने एक और ब्रिटिश बंधन को मार डालने की धमकी दी है.
Video Watch:-
Keyword : ISIS, david haines, video, ISIS video, British, david cameron
'David Cameron, I hold you entirely responsible for my execution': British hostage forced to condemn UK government before beheading by Jihadi John who threatens to kill another Briton next
- Father-of-two from Perth, Scotland, abducted by militants in Syria last year
- Hostage: 'You entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States'
- Militants previously beheaded journalists Steven Sotloff and James Foley
- Video released hours after 44-year-old's family made direct plea to captors
- PM vows to hunt down 'murderers' after what he called 'act of pure evil'
- He returned to No10 after midnight and will chair Cobra committee later
- Obama: 'U.S. stands shoulder to shoulder tonight with our close ally'
Islamic State extremists have released a video showing the beheading of British captive David Haines.
father-of-two, an aid worker, was abducted by militants in Syria last
year and appeared at the end of a video showing the beheading of US
journalist Steven Sotloff earlier this month.
Foreign Office was working urgently tonight to verify the contents of
the latest video, in which the hostage says he holds David Cameron and
Britain's foreign policy responsible for his own execution.
Responding to the video tonight, the Prime Minister said: 'The
murder of David Haines is an act of pure evil. My heart goes out to his
family who have shown extraordinary courage and fortitude.'
Islamic State militants have released a
video which appears to show the beheading of British hostage David
Haines. The Prime Minister said the aid worker had been murdered in an
'act of pure evil' and promised justice
The Prime Minister arrived back into
Downing Street two hours after the video (pictured) was posted online.
The killer and his hostage, who appeared to be reciting a prepared
script, spoke of the PM personally
Hostage: Mr Haines was taken while working for relief agency ACTED in Syria in March 2013
Cameron added: 'We will do everything in our power to hunt down these
murderers and ensure they face justice, however long it takes.'
Prime Minister returned to Downing Street shortly after midnight and is
expected to chair a meeting of the government's Cobra emergency
response committee in the morning.
president Barack Obama said in a statement: 'The United States strongly
condemns the barbaric murder of UK citizen David Haines by the terrorist
group Isil.
hearts go out to the family of Mr Haines and to the people of the
United Kingdom. The United States stands shoulder to shoulder tonight
with our close friend and ally in grief and resolve.
will work with the United Kingdom and a broad coalition of nations from
the region and around the world to bring the perpetrators of this
outrageous act to justice, and to degrade and destroy this threat to the
people of our countries, the region and the world.'
In the video, titled A Message to the Allies of America, a second British hostage is paraded before the camera
Response: Prime Minister David Cameron tweeted that the murder of David Haines was 'an act of pure evil'
'Sickened': Ed Miliband said the aid worker 'was somebody whose only purpose was to help innocent people'
the video, titled A Message to the Allies of America, the extremists
also threatened to execute another Briton who is paraded before the
video began with recent news footage of Prime Minister David Cameron
discussing Britain's foreign policy towards Islamic State.
then cut to the man kneeling in an orange jumpsuit in the desert.
Reciting what appeared to be a prepared script, he said: 'My name is
David Cawthorne Haines. I would like to declare that I hold you David
Cameron entirely responsible for my execution.
entered voluntarily into a coalition with the United States against the
Islamic State, just as your predecessor Tony Blair did, following a
trend amongst our British Prime Minsters who can't find the courage to
say no to the Americans.
'Unfortunately it is we the British public that in the end will pay the price for our Parliament's selfish decisions.'
Islamic State militant, who has a British accent, then said: 'This
British man has to the pay the price for your promise, Cameron, to arm
the Peshmerga against the Islamic State.
he has spent a decade of his life serving under the same Royal Air
Force that is responsible for delivering those arms.
evil alliance with America which continues to strike the Muslims of
Iraq and most recently bombed the Haditha Dam will only accelerate your
destruction, and playing the role of the obedient lapdog, Cameron, will
only drag you and your people into another bloody and unwinnable war.'
The footage then showed what is believed to be the body of Mr Haines.
Family man: The 44-year-old has a teenage daughter in Scotland and a four-year-old daughter in Croatia
The video was released hours after Mr
Haines' family made a direct plea to his captors to contact them. His
second wife, Dragana Prodanovic Haines (pictured with him), previously
said she cried for her husband daily
Another hostage, named in the video as a second Brit, is then paraded.
militant adds: 'If you, Cameron, persist in fighting the Islamic State
then you like your master Obama, will have the blood of your people on
your hands.'
Mr Cameron's apparent confirmation of the murder, the Foreign Office
said it was 'working urgently to verify' the video, which was removed
from Youtube within minutes.
spokesman said: 'If true this is another disgusting murder. We are
offering the family every support possible. They ask to be left alone at
this time.'
A statement on Youtube said the video had been removed 'as a violation of YouTube's policy on shocking and disgusting content.'
Labour leader Ed Miliband said: 'I am sickened at the disgusting, barbaric killing of David Haines.
'He was somebody whose only purpose was to help innocent people, themselves victims of conflict.'
'That Isil (IS) would choose to kill him says everything about their warped logic and murderous ways.
like this will not weaken but strengthen the resolve of Britain and the
international community to defeat Isil and their ideology.
deepest condolences and thoughts are with his family as they cope with
this terrible crime. And the hearts of the British people will go out to
Mr Haines' family were unaware of the beheading claims until the terrorists' video was posted at around 10.15pm.
from IS have beheaded two American journalists, James Foley and Steven
Sotloff, posting the evidence online in gruesome videos featuring a
masked jihadist with a British accent.
The Prime Minister said tonight the
killing of David Haines 'is an act of pure evil', adding: 'We will do
everything in our power to hunt down these murderers'. No 10 has not
ruled out airstikes on Islamic State militants
Secretary Philip Hammond (left) previously said the Foreign and
Commonwealth Office was doing everything it could to protect Mr Haines.
Barack Obama (right) has authorised U.S. air strikes in Syria
the video showing Mr Foley's killing, Mr Sotloff was paraded before the
camera. Then, in the video which showed the murder of Mr Sotloff, Mr
Haines was paraded in the same way.
Foley's mother Diane told The Mail on Sunday: 'I am so, so sorry. My
thoughts and prayers go out to the Haines family. I was horrified when I
heard the news and so very sad for them.'
The latest video was released hours after Mr Haines' family made a direct plea to his captors to contact them.
Foreign and Commonwealth Office released the statement late on Friday
night after saying the extremists had not responded to any such attempts
so far.
The statement on behalf of the family released by the FCO said: 'We are the family of David Haines.
have sent messages to you to which we have not received a reply. We are
asking those holding David to make contact with us.'
David Cameron has also refused to rule out air strikes against Islamic State militants.
A spokesman said on Thursday: 'In terms of air power, the prime minister has not ruled anything out and that is the position'.
statement came a day after Barack Obama said he had authorised U.S.
airstrikes for the first time in Syria, along with further attacks in
a widely-anticipated 13-minute White House speech, the U.S. President
said he would hunt down Islamic State militants 'wherever they are' in a
drive to degrade and ultimately destroy the group, which has seized
broad stretches of Iraq and Syria.
means I will not hesitate to take action against ISIL in Syria, as well
as Iraq. This is a core principle of my presidency: if you threaten
America, you will find no safe haven.'
Obama asked Congress for £300million to train and arm 'moderate' Syrian
rebels. The training would take place in Saudi Arabia.
Videos: Officials
believe an Islamic State terrorist known as 'Jihadi John' was
responsible for the executions of two U.S. journalists, James Foley
(pictured) and Steven Sotloff, before threatening that Mr Haines would
be next
Killed: Also beheaded by Islamic State militants was the U.S. journalist Steven Sotloff, pictured
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